Approve Invoice

Purpose: Use this window to confirm approval of an out-of-balance invoice.

How to display: Click Approve at the Invoice screen when you are reviewing an invoice that is in Held status because it is out-of-balance.


Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Invoice Inquiry and Invoice Maintenance authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Completing this window:

  • Enter the reason for approving the invoice. This information is displayed to the vendor under invoice history in the Vendor Portal.

  • Click Save to approve the invoice; otherwise, click Cancel to leave the invoice in Held status.

Updates: When you approve a held invoice:

  • The invoice status changes to Approved, and then changes to Posted as soon as Order Broker receives the getDSInvoices request message from the originating system and includes the invoice in the getDSInvoices response message. This activity is tracked in invoice history; see the History tab of the Invoice screen.

  • If indicated by your Invoice Balance Notification settings for the vendor at the Email folder of the Preferences tab on the New Vendor or Edit Vendor screen, Order Broker sends an email notification to the vendor that the invoice was approved. See the Out-of-balance invoices approved or rejected notification email to vendor for a sample.

Fields at this window

Field Description
Invoice Number

The number or code assigned by the vendor to identify the invoice.

# of PO lines

The total number of shipments included in the invoice. An invoice can include multiple shipments for the same purchase order line, and can include lines from multiple purchase orders.


The reason for approving the invoice. This information is displayed to the vendor under invoice history in the Vendor Portal. Required.