
Purpose: Use the Invoice screen to review an invoice, and to approve or reject a Held invoice.

When is an invoice held? Order Broker holds an invoice if the invoice unit cost on one or more invoice detail lines exceeds or falls below the PO unit cost by more than the Unit Cost Threshold you have specified for the vendor. For example, if you set the Unit Cost Threshold to 10%, Order Broker holds the invoice if any invoice detail line’s cost is more than 10% higher or lower than the original PO unit cost. These lines are considered out-of-balance.

Approve or reject an invoice:

  • Click Approve to open the Approve Invoice window if you do not require the vendor to edit the invoice before it is eligible to post to your system.

  • Click Reject to open the Reject Invoice window if the vendor needs to edit the invoice before it is eligible to post to your system.


    Only users with Invoice Inquiry and Invoice Maintenance authority can advance to these windows. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Email notification: When a vendor submits an invoice that includes an out-of-balance line, Order Broker generates a notification to the Invoice Balance Notification email address specified at the Email tab of the Drop Ship Preferences screen if the Invoice Balance Notification flag is selected. See the Out-of-balance invoice notification email to retailer for a sample.

How to display: Select Display for an invoice at the Invoice Inquiry screen.


  • Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Invoice Inquiry authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

  • If the Invoice screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit icon, you advance to this screen with the previous invoice information displayed.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
Invoice Information

Unlabeled area at the top of the screen.

Invoice Number

The invoice number specified by the vendor when creating the invoice.


The name or description of the organization associated with the invoice. See organization.


The current extended price of all invoice lines.


A currency of USD is displayed regardless of the currency on the purchase orders included on the invoice.

Invoice Status

Possible statuses are:

  • Approved = The invoice was approved, either automatically or by you, but has not yet posted to the originating system.

  • Held = The vendor has submitted the invoice, and the invoice includes at least one line that is out-of-balance because the vendor changed the unit price by more than the Unit Cost Threshold: for example, you set a threshold of 10%, and the vendor changed the unit price by 15%. The invoice remains in Held status until the you either approve or reject it.

  • New = The vendor selected the Update and Save for Changes option when creating the invoice, and has not yet submitted the invoice to you for posting.

  • Posted = The invoice has been posted to the originating system for payment processing.

  • Rejected = The vendor submitted an invoice that includes an out-of-balance line, and you rejected it. The vendor can change the invoice so that it no longer contains an out-of-balance line, or can delete the invoice.


The name or description of the vendor assigned to fulfill the purchase order. Up to 40 positions. The vendor code follows in parentheses. Up to 10 positions. From the vendor_cd in the CreateDSOrder message.


The total amount on the invoice, including:

  • the current extended price on all invoice lines

  • the freight, handling, and other charges at the invoice header level

  • the freight, handling, and other charges for all invoice lines

Header tab: Invoice summary fields
Invoice Date

The date the vendor specified for the invoice. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen.

Invoice Description

The description the vendor entered for the invoice. Informational only.

Other Description

A description of the additional charges on the invoice. Informational only.


The total freight amount at the header level of the invoice.


The total handling charge amount at the header level of the invoice.

Other Charge

The total “other” charge amount at the header level of the invoice.

Detail Freight

The total freight charges on all invoice detail lines. You can review the freight charges for an invoice detail line at the Browse Invoice Detail window, available by clicking the Display icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) at the Detail tab.

Detail Handling

The total handling charges on all invoice detail lines. You can review the handling charges for an invoice detail line at the Browse Invoice Detail window, available by clicking the Display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) at the Detail tab.

Detail Other Charge

The total “other” charges on all invoice detail lines. You can review the “other” charges for an invoice detail line at the Browse Invoice Detail window, available by clicking the Display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) at the Detail tab.

Header tab: Payment Terms fields

Use these fields to review the payment terms, if any, the vendor has specified for the invoice.


The Vendor Portal does not validate the payment terms fields. For example, it does not confirm that the vendor enters a Discount Percent if specifying a Discount Days Due.
Discount Percent

The percentage discount to apply when paying the invoice within the Discount Days Due. Can include a 2-position decimal.

Discount Days Due

The maximum number of days in which to pay the invoice in order to qualify for the Discount Percent. Up to 3 positions.

Gross Days

The number of days in which payment is due for the invoice. Up to 3 positions.

Detail tab

This tab displays information about the line(s) the vendor is billing on the invoice, and includes options to display additional information about the line(s).

Separate shipments? Each shipment included in the invoice is listed separately, even if the shipments are for the same item on a purchase order. For example, if the vendor ships 3 units of item ABC123 separately for purchase order 456, all 3 shipments can be included on the invoice, and each unit is listed separately at the Detail tab, even if each of the fields described below (PO Number, PO Line #, Order Number, Item #, etc.) is the same.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Case: If the originating system includes any lowercase letters in the purchase order number, Order Broker converts them to uppercase when creating the purchase order.

PO Line #

The original purchase order line number for the shipment.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Item #

Your item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display a description of the item.

Shipped Date

The date when the shipment occurred. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen.

Invoice Qty

The total quantity included in the shipment and being billed on this invoice. Each shipment creates a separate invoice detail line, even if it is for the same purchase order detail line.

PO Unit Cost

The original unit cost from the purchase order.

Invoice Unit Cost

The unit cost the vendor is billing for the shipment. Multiplied by the Invoice Qty.

If the cost entered by the vendor exceeds or falls short of the original PO Unit Cost by more than the Unit Cost Threshold, the invoice detail line is out-of-balance: for example, you set a threshold of 10%, and the vendor changed the unit price by 15%. The invoice remains in Held status until you either approve or reject it.


The out-of-balance icon (Illustrates the out-of-balance icon.) indicates if the invoice detail line is currently out-of-balance because the current Invoice Unit Cost> differs from the original PO Unit Cost by the Unit Cost Threshold.


Click the Display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) to advance to the Browse Invoice Detail window to review additional information about the invoice line.

PO Inquiry

Click the PO Inquiry icon (Illustrates the inquiry icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can review the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.

History tab

This tab displays an entry for each activity that occurs related to the invoice.

Action Type

Possible action types:

  • Created = The vendor created the invoice.

  • Maintained = The vendor maintained the invoice.

  • Submitted = The vendor submitted the invoice.

  • Approved = You approved an out-of-balance invoice, or it was approved automatically because it was not out-of-balance.

  • Rejected = You rejected an out-of-balance invoice.

  • Posted = The invoice posted to the originating system through the getDSInvoices messages. In this case, the User is Admin and the Source is WS.


The status of the invoice as a result of the action. See the Invoice Status, above, for a listing of possible statuses.

Date / Time

The date and time when the action occurred. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen.

The date and time can be the same for a series of actions when some of the actions take place automatically. For example, if you create an invoice that is not out-of-balance and it is submitted immediately, the Created, Submitted, and Posted actions can all have the same date and time.


The user ID of the person who performed the action. A user of Admin indicates that the action takes place automatically without user intervention.


Possible sources are:

  • UI = The action took place at a screen.

  • WS = The action took place through a message sent automatically between two systems (the vendor posting the invoice to the retailer’s system).

Transaction Notes

Possible notes include:

  • Invoice created (Action Type = Created)

  • Ready to Post (Action Type = Submitted)

  • Invoice Posted (Action Type = Posted)

  • Updated by Vendor (Action Type = Maintained)

  • Out of Balance. Submitted to Retailer for Approval (Action Type = Submitted)

  • Retailer Rejected - explanation, where explanation is your note when rejecting the invoice (Action Type = Rejected)

  • Retailer Approved - explanation, where explanation is your note when approving the invoice at the Approve Invoice window (Action Type = Approved)