
Purpose: Use this screen to work with carriers for order shipments. A carrier is required for all sales orders and purchase orders.

Order Management System integration: Carriers in Order Broker that correspond to Order Management System ship vias must have codes identical to the Order Management System ship via codes. The ship via code in Order Management System is a 2-position numeric field.

How to display this screen: Select Carriers from the Modern View home screen. See the Modern View Overview for background.


Only users with Carriers authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Carrier creation and vendor assignment

Assign to vendors: When you create a new carrier with the Active flag selected, or when you select the Active flag for an existing carrier, the carrier is assigned as a valid shipper for all vendors in your organization. The carrier is displayed at the Carriers tab of the New Vendor and Edit Vendor screen, and the Assigned flag is selected.

Otherwise, if the carrier is not flagged as active, the carrier is not displayed at the Carriers tab of the New Vendor and Edit Vendor screen.


Flagging a carrier as inactive does not prevent you from assigning the carrier to a purchase order through the CreateDSOrder message, and will not prevent the vendor from generating a pack slip using an inactive carrier; however, the vendor will not be able to confirm shipment with an inactive carrier when using the Purchase Order Shipping screen. The vendor can confirm a shipment using an inactive carrier through the shipment upload.

You can use the Carriers tab at the Edit Vendor screen to change the carrier assignments for a vendor. Also, if you change the carrier’s Active setting:

  • if the carrier was previously inactive and you activate the vendor, the carrier becomes eligible to ship packages for vendors it is assigned to.
  • if the carrier was previously active and you change the carrier to inactive, the carrier is no longer eligible to ship packages for vendors it is assigned to.

Creating a carrier through rate shopping with ADSI: If your vendors use the Integrated Shipping screen to confirm shipments, and the shipment specifies a rate shopping service code (carrier code), it is possible that ADSI might return a service code that is not currently a valid carrier in Order Broker. In this situation, Order Broker automatically creates the carrier code, but does not assign the new carrier to the vendor. See Integrated Shipping Setup, Troubleshooting, and Mapping: Supplier Direct Fulfillment for background.

Carrier creation and sales order assignment

Creating a carrier through the SubmitOrder message: If the carrier specified in the submit order message for a delivery order does not already exist, it is assigned to the order and created automatically using the ship_via as the carrier Code and the ship_via_description as the carrier Description. The new carrier is flagged as Active, but no other settings are selected. The new carrier is not automatically assigned to any existing vendors, but is eligible to be automatically assigned when you create new vendors.

Default carriers:

  • Delivery orders: A Default Carrier is required at the Preferences screen for your organization. This is the carrier that Order Broker assigns to orders that do not have a ship via specified in the submit order message.
  • Pickup orders: The default PICKUP carrier is created automatically for your organization, and assigned to all pickup orders, when a SubmitOrder request is received. The default PICKUP carrier:

    • has a Code of PICKUP

    • has a default Description of In Store Pick Up, but you can change it

    • is automatically assigned to all pickup orders

Order Broker does not assign these default carriers to vendors.

If the carrier in the submit order message exists but is not currently flagged as active, Order Broker changes the setting back to active.

Using a carrier for a delivery order in Store Connect: The carrier on a delivery order is displayed on Store Connect screens and prints on the pick list pull sheet and packing slip; however, the store associate cannot confirm a shipment using a carrier unless both the Display in Store Connect and Active flags are currently selected.

Specifying a carrier to prevent splitting an order: If the Do Not Split Order For Carrier field at the Preferences screen specifies a carrier, the Routing Engine does not attempt to place a delivery order or line by splitting it across locations. See that setting for more information.

Option Procedure
create a new carrier
  1. Optionally, select a different organization. See the Modern View Overview for background.


    You must complete the Preferences screen for an organization before you can select it.
  2. Select Add from the Actions menu or select the Add icon (Illustrates the Add icon.) to open the Create Carriers window.
  3. Complete each of the required fields. See Fields at the Create Carriers, Edit Carriers, and View Carriers Windows, below, for details on fields.
  4. Select OK to create the carrier, or select Save and Create Another to continue creating carriers.

search for a carrier

The existing carriers defined for your current organization are displayed below the selected type. Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen and tab through the search fields to restrict the search results to matching carriers:

  1. Optionally, enter a full or partial carrier description. When you tab through this field, the displayed carriers are limited to those whose descriptions start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely. For example, if your entry is Ex, the carriers with descriptions of Express Overnight or Express Two-Day or displayed.
  2. Optionally, enter a full or partial carrier code in the Carrier Code field. When you tab through this field, the displayed carriers are limited to those whose codes start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely. For example, if your entry is 2, the carrier codes starting with 2 are displayed.
  3. Optionally, select Yes or No in the Express, Available in Store Connect, or Active fields to display matching carriers.

Sort displayed carriers: You can also sort the displayed reason codes by clicking the up arrow (^) or down arrow next to each field title.

Clear filters: Select Clear Filters to remove the criteria entered in the filter fields.

edit a carrier definition
  1. Highlight a displayed carrier.

  2. Select Edit from the Actions menu or click the Edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to open the Edit Carriers window. You can edit the Carrier Description or change any of the flag settings for the carrier. See Fields at the Create Carriers, Edit Carriers, and View Carriers Windows, below, for details on fields.

Note that changes you made to an existing carrier do not update the orders where the carrier was used. For example, if you change the description or the Express flag for an existing carrier, this information is not reflected on the Order Status report for an existing order.

view a carrier definition
  1. Highlight a displayed carrier.

  2. Select View from the Actions menu or click the View icon (Illustrates the view icon.) to open the View Carriers window. See Fields at the Create Carriers, Edit Carriers, and View Carriers Windows, below, for details on fields.


The option to delete a carrier is not available at this time. Contact your Oracle representative if you need to remove a carrier.
Fields at the Carriers screen
Field Description
Search fields:
Carrier Description

The description of the carrier. Your entry can be up to 35 positions.

Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of e matches a description of Express Delivery.

Carrier Code

The code identifying a carrier. Your entry can be up to 10 positions. Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of e matches a code of Express.


Indicates if this is an express shipper. Express shippers are indicated in Store Connect with an icon: Illustrates the express shipper icon.

Used for Store Connect. Not used in Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

Available in Store Connect

If both this flag and the Active flag are selected, the carrier is eligible to ship orders in Store Connect.

Not used in Supplier Direct Fulfillment.


See Active, below, for a discussion.

Results fields:
Carrier Description

The description of the carrier. A description such as Auto Created 15, where 15 is the carrier code, indicates that the carrier was created automatically through the CreateDSOrder or Submit Order message.

Carrier Code

The code identifying a carrier.


Indicates if this is an express shipper. Express shippers are indicated in Store Connect with an icon: Illustrates the express shipper icon.

Used for Store Connect. Not used in Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

Available in Store Connect

If both this flag and the Active flag are selected, the carrier is eligible to ship orders in Store Connect.

Not used in Supplier Direct Fulfillment.


Indicates whether:

  • the carrier is visible at the Carrier tab of the New Vendor or Edit Vendor screens
  • the vendor can confirm shipment of purchase orders using this carrier in the Vendor Portal
  • the store associate can confirm shipment of a delivery order using this carrier in Store Connect if the Display in Store Connect flag is also selected
  • Purchase orders: Flagging a carrier as inactive does not prevent you from assigning the carrier to a purchase order through the CreateDSOrder message, and will not prevent the vendor from generating a pack slip using an inactive vendor; however, the vendor will not be able to confirm shipment with an inactive vendor when using the Purchase Order Shipping screen.The vendor can confirm a shipment using an inactive carrier through the shipment upload.
  • Reset to Active when used on a new order: When Order Broker creates a new sales order using an existing carrier that is not currently flagged as active, it resets this flag to active for the carrier.
  • Store Connect: Flagging a carrier as inactive does not prevent the carrier from being displayed in Store Connect, but the associate cannot confirm shipment of a delivery order using the carrier. Both the Active and Display in Store Connect flags must currently be selected for the carrier to be eligible for shipment through Store Connect.

Fields at the Create Carriers, Edit Carriers, and View Carriers windows

All fields are enterable at the Create Carriers window. All fields except the Carrier Code are enterable at the Edit Carriers window. All fields are display-only at the View Carriers window.

Field Description
Carrier Description

The description of the carrier. Your entry can be up to 35 positions.

Carrier Code

The code identifying a carrier. Your entry can be up to 10 positions. Must not be the same as an existing carrier code in the current organization. Required when creating a new code; otherwise, display-only.


Indicates if this is an express shipper. Express shippers are indicated in Store Connect with an icon: Illustrates the express shipper icon.

Used for Store Connect. Not used in Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

Weight Required

Select this flag if the vendor must provide the shipping weight for each manual shipment using this carrier; otherwise, the shipping weight is optional in manual shipment.

This flag does not affect Store Connect.

Available in Store Connect

If both this flag and the Active flag are selected, the carrier is eligible to ship orders in Store Connect.

Not used in Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

Rate Required

Select this flag if the vendor must provide the shipping rate for each manual shipment using this carrier; otherwise, the shipping rate is optional.

This flag does not affect Store Connect.

Tracking Number Required

Select this flag if:

  • the vendor must provide a tracking number for each manual shipment using this carrier; otherwise, the tracking number is optional.
  • the store associate in Store Connect must provide a tracking number for each shipment using this carrier through the manual shipment process; otherwise, the tracking number is optional in manual shipment.

Indicates whether:

  • the carrier is visible at the Carrier tab of the New Vendor or Edit Vendor screens
  • the vendor can confirm shipment of purchase orders using this carrier in the Vendor Portal
  • the store associate can confirm shipment of a delivery order using this carrier in Store Connect if the Display in Store Connect flag is also selected
  • Purchase orders: Flagging a carrier as inactive does not prevent you from assigning the carrier to a purchase order through the CreateDSOrder message, and will not prevent the vendor from generating a pack slip using an inactive vendor; however, the vendor will not be able to confirm shipment with an inactive vendor when using the Purchase Order Shipping screen.The vendor can confirm a shipment using an inactive carrier through the shipment upload.
  • Reset to Active when used on a new order: When Order Broker creates a new sales order using an existing carrier that is not currently flagged as active, it resets this flag to active for the carrier.
  • Store Connect: Flagging a carrier as inactive does not prevent the carrier from being displayed in Store Connect, but the associate cannot confirm shipment of a delivery order using the carrier. Both the Active and Display in Store Connect flags must currently be selected for the carrier to be eligible for shipment through Store Connect.
  • Default PICKUP carrier: You cannot flag the default PICKUP carrier for Store Connect as inactive.
  • SHIP2STORE carrier:

    If this carrier was created in a prior release of Order Broker, you can flag it as inactive.