Edit Location Attribute

Purpose: Use the Edit Location Attribute window to change the value for a location attribute.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

For more information: See Using Attribute Rules for Delivery and Pickup Orders and Using Attribute Rules for Ship-for-Pickup Orders for background.

How to open this window: Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) at the Location Attributes screen.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen.

Fields at this window:


Boolean location attributes cannot be edited. You can delete a Boolean attribute if it should not apply to the location.
Field Description

See location. The location you selected at the Locations screen. The location code is separated from the location name by a hyphen (-). Display-only.

Location Use

Indicates whether the attribute applies to the location when it is the Originating, Pickup, or Sourcing location for an order. Display-only.

In the case of a ship-for-pickup order, the Ship For Pickup Matching Type selected for the attribute definition must also indicate to use this attribute when filtering locations; for example, the Ship For Pickup Match Type must be set to Sourcing or Both in order to use a location attribute whose Location Use is set to Sourcing to filter orders. However, this restriction does not apply to delivery or pickup orders.

Attribute Code

The Code identifying the attribute applied to a location. Display-only.


The description of the selected attribute. Display-only.

Data Type

Indicates the type of data that can be defined through the selected attribute. Possible data types are:

  • Boolean: Indicates whether a condition is true for the location; for example, set to true if the location supports engraving.
  • List: Used to define a list of valid values that can be assigned to a location; for example, this might be a list of brands that the location can support for sourcing or pickup. Each value can be up to 50 positions.
  • Number: Indicates that the value defined through the attribute must be numeric. Numbers can be up to 25 positions, including commas, decimal points, or minus signs.
  • Text: Indicates that the value defined through the attribute is text. Values can be up to 50 positions.



Use this field to enter or select the value for the location attribute. If the Data Type is:

  • Boolean: Automatically selected and cannot be changed.
  • List: Select the Value from the displayed options defined for the attribute. Only Values for the attribute that are not already assigned to the location are available for selection.
  • Number: Enter a numeric value. Numbers can be up to 25 positions, including commas, decimal points, or minus signs.
  • Text: Enter a numeric or text value. Can be up to 50 positions.

Required, except that a Boolean defaults to selected and is display-only.