New Attribute Definition

Purpose: Use the New Attribute Definition screen to complete creation of a new attribute you can assign to products or locations to control order routing.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

For more information: See Using Attribute Rules for Delivery and Pickup Orders and Using Attribute Rules for Ship-for-Pickup Orders for background.

How to display this screen: Begin creation of a new attribute at the Attribute Definitions screen.

  • If you click Cancel after advancing to the New Attribute Definition screen, the new attribute is not created.
  • Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Attribute Definitions authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • If the New Attribute Definition screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the New button, you advance to this screen with the previous new attribute information displayed.

Creating a new attribute

Complete all required fields and, optionally, select the Allow Multiple flag if the Data Type is not Boolean; then click Save. Otherwise, click Cancel. See the field descriptions below for more information.

Fields at this screen

Update any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to return to the Attribute Definitions screen without saving the attribute.

Field Description

See organization. Defaults from the Attribute Definitions screen. Required.

Attribute Code

The Code identifying an attribute you can apply to locations, products, or both. Defaults from the Attribute Definitions screen. Attribute codes can be 1 to 40 positions in length and must be unique within the organization. The code can include special characters, but cannot include any spaces. Any lowercase letters entered are automatically converted to uppercase. Required.


The description of the attribute. Defaults from the Attribute Definitions screen. Can be up to 100 positions. Required.

Attribute Type
  • Location: The attribute can be applied to locations to filter eligible locations when routing orders. For example, if an order originates in a location associated with a particular brand, the eligible sourcing or pickup locations can be restricted to that brand.
  • Product: The attribute can be applied to products. Not used in routing orders.
  • Location and Product: The attribute can be applied to products and locations to filter eligible locations when routing orders. For example, if a product requires engraving, the eligible sourcing and pickup locations can be restricted to those that support engraving.


If an existing attribute definition has an Attribute Type of Location, and Order Broker receives a ProductUpdate JSON request message specifying the attribute, the Attribute Type changes to Product and Location so that the attribute can be applied to a product as well. Similarly, if an existing attribute definition has an Attribute Type of Product, and Order Broker receives a LocationUpdate request message specifying the attribute, the Attribute Type changes to Product and Location so that the attribute can be applied to a location as well.
Ship For Pickup Matching Type

Indicates whether to filter a location based on its role in fulfilling a ship-for-pickup order:

  • Sourcing: Locations must match the attribute in order to qualify to source the order. For example, if a product requires engraving, the sourcing location must support engraving, based on a matching location attribute with a Location Use of Sourcing.
  • Pickup: Locations must match the attribute in order to qualify as pickup locations for the order. For example, if the order was submitted under a particular brand, the pickup location must support that brand, based on a matching location attribute with a Location Use of Pickup.
  • Both: Both the sourcing and the pickup location for an order must match the attribute. For example, if a product is flagged as oversized, both the sourcing and the pickup location must support oversized products, based on both a matching location attribute with a Location Use of Sourcing and a matching location attribute with a Location Use of Pickup.


This setting does not control routing of delivery or pickup orders, and is used only if ship-for-pickup orders are enabled.
Allow Multiple

Select if multiple values for the attribute can be assigned to the same product, or to the same location and location use; otherwise, leave blank. For example, select this flag if locations can support pickup of orders with two different brands; in this case, the attribute is assigned to the location for both brands, with a Location Use of Pickup.

Boolean attributes do not support allowing multiples. Also, regardless of this setting, multiple values for the attribute cannot be applied to a location with a Location Use of Originating Location.

Data Type

Indicates the type of data that can be defined through the attribute. Defaults from the Attribute Definitions screen. Available data types are:

  • Boolean: Indicates whether a condition is true for the product or location; for example, use a Boolean attribute to identify each location that supports oversized items.
  • List: Used to define a list of valid values that can be assigned to a product or location; for example, this might be a list of brands. Each value can be up to 50 positions.
  • Number: Indicates that the value defined through the attribute must be numeric. Numbers can be up to 25 positions, including commas, decimal points, or minus signs.
  • Text: Indicates that the value defined through the attribute is text. Values can be up to 50 positions.


The following fields are included only when the Data Type is List.

Use this field to enter each supported value that can be applied for a list attribute. For example, if the attribute is for brand, the values might be the name of each supported brand. Each value can be up to 50 positions. At least one value is required.

Click Add Value after entering each new value.

Duplicates? If you enter the same value more than once, no error is displayed, and the duplicate value is added to the Current Values area; however, when you save the attribute definition, any duplicates are deleted.

Values are case-sensitive. If you enter ABC and abc, both values are saved.

Current Values (unlabeled field between the Add Value and Remove Value option)

The current existing values for the list. You can delete an existing value by highlighting it and then clicking Remove Value.