Invoice Upload - Errors

Purpose: Use the Invoice Upload - Errors window to review errors that occurred when you uploaded one or more invoices in a comma-separated value file.


If the last record in the file is not followed by a carriage return/newline character, the last record is not uploaded.

How to display this screen: Select the error icon (Illustrates the error icon.) at the Invoice Upload screen.

The following table describes possible invoice upload errors.


You might not be able to review errors if you upload multiple files at one time.
Error Description Explanation

invalid discount days. Value must be a number between 0 and 999

The discount days field is not set to a number from 0 and 999.

invalid gross days. Value must be a number between 0 and 999

The gross days field is not set to a number from 0 and 999.

invalid discount percentage. Value must be a number between 0.00 and 100.00

The discount percent field is not set to a number from 0 and 100.00.

invalid freight charges

The header-level or detail-level freight charges field is blank. The field should be set to 0 if there are no header-level or detail-level freight charges.

invalid handling charges

The header-level or detail-level handling charges field is blank. The field should be set to 0 if there are no header-level or detail-level handling charges.

invalid invoice date

No invoice date is specified.

invalid invoice number

The invoice number specified is already used, no invoice number is specified, or the invoice number exceeds the maximum length specified by the retailer.

invalid invoice type

The invoice type is not set to DR.

invalid invoice unit cost

The unit cost is blank for a detail line or includes a non-numeric character. When this error occurs, no invoices from the file are created.

invalid number of columns

The last column of the HEADER record (gross due days) is blank.

invalid other charges

The header-level or detail-level “other” charges field is blank. The field should be set to 0 if there are no header-level or detail-level “other” charges.

Invalid PO line number

No line number is specified, or the line number specified is not valid for the purchase order.

Invalid PO Number

No purchase order number was specified, or the purchase order number specified was invalid.

Invalid PO Status

The purchase order line has not been shipped.

invalid record type

The record type was not set to HEADER or DETAIL, or the file included one or more blank rows.

Invalid # of data columns

Can occur if the number of columns for the header or detail are not the same as those described above.

Invoice quantity exceeds available to invoice quantity

The invoice quantity specified exceeds the uninvoiced quantity on the purchase order detail line.

Maximum number of purchase orders per invoice exceeded for invoice

The number of purchase orders specified for an invoice is greater than the maximum specified by the retailer.

PO has already been invoiced

All items for the purchase order number specified are already included on an invoice.

?Miscellaneous error java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 4

The date specified is zero (0) or non-numeric.