Browse Detail Customizations

Purpose: Use the Browse Detail Customizations window to review the special handling instructions for an item on a purchase order. The special handling instructions also print on the pack slip.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Custom column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen if you have the required authority.

Field Description
Line #

The purchase order line number identifying the item to receive the special handling.


The code or number identifying the item receiving the special handling. The description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Retailer Item

The retailer’s item number or code. The retailer’s description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).


The retailer’s code identifying the type of special handling instructions, such as monogramming or hemming.


The instructions related to the type of special handling. If the customization message is too wide based on the number of characters and their widths (a W being wider than an i), the message may be truncated on the window.

The customization label and instructions also print on the pack slip. The pack slip can print a wider customization than the Browse Detail Customizations window can display; however, if the message is too wide it is truncated on the pack slip as well.

Scroll up or down: Click the next arrow (Illustrates the next arrow.) to display the special handling instructions for the next line on the purchase order. Similarly, click the previous arrow (Illustrates the previous arrow.) to display the special handling instructions for the previous line on the purchase order.

If there are no special handling instructions for the next or previous line, the Label and Value fields displayed are blank.