Purchase Order History Detail

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order History Detail window to review:

  • an address change applied automatically to a line because the retailer submitted the change when the line was in New Order status
  • an address change requested by the retailer when a line is in In Process or Held status; these address changes do not apply until you accept them at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen

Automatically rejected? Address change requests are not available for review in this window if they arrive when the line is already in Cancelled or Shipped status. These address change requests are automatically rejected.

How to accept or reject: Use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen.

Address changes for different lines on the purchase order: Even though the address change request is related to the purchase order header, the Vendor Portal evaluates the status of the individual lines on the purchase order when determining whether to apply the change, reject it automatically, or submit it to you for review.

Example: A purchase order is in Open status, with one line in In Process status and one line in Shipped status. You need to approve or reject the address change for the line in In Process status. The address change is automatically rejected for the line in Shipped status.

What if the retailer submits multiple address changes for the same line? If the retailer submits a second or third address change for the same In Process or Held line before you have accepted or rejected the previously rejected change, the Vendor Portal automatically rejects the previous address change. In this situation, when you display the Purchase Order History Detail window, only the name and address information for the most recent address change is displayed.

If the retailer submits multiple address changes for a New Order line before you generate the pack slip, each address change is automatically applied, and is displayed at the Purchase Order History Detail window.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Details column at the History tab of the Purchase Order screen if you have the required authority. This icon is displayed only if there is an address change request that was received when the line was in New Order, In Process, or Held status.

Window displayed for multiple history records? If the address change was:

  • accepted = The window is available next to the history record marking both when the address change was requested and when you approved the address change. The status indicated in both windows is Address Change Approved.
  • rejected = The window is available only next to the history record marking when the address change was requested. The status indicated is Address Change Rejected.
Field Description
Action Type

Always set to Address Change.

Date / Time

The date and time when the address change request was received.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.


The current status of the address change (not the status at the time the history record was created). Possible statuses are:

  • Address Change Requested = The retailer has submitted an address change, the line is in Held or In Process status, and you have not yet accepted or rejected the change.
  • Address Change Automatically Applied = The Vendor Portal applied the address change automatically because the purchase order was in New Order status and you had not yet generated a pack slip.
  • Address Change Approved = You have accepted the address change for a Held or In Process line at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen. This status is displayed in this window for both the original history record created when the retailer requested the change, and the history record created when you accepted the change.
  • Address Change Rejected = You have rejected the address change for a Held or In Process line at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen. This status is displayed in this window for both the original history record created when the retailer requested the change, and the history record created when you rejected the change.

The user ID of the person who performed the activity:

  • Admin: indicated when:

the retailer requests an address change

an address change is automatically applied to a New Order line

an address change is automatically rejected when you confirm shipment

Sold To Change

Indicates whether the sold-to address for the purchase order is the same as the shipping address, so the retailer is requesting that both addresses be changed. Possible settings:

  • Yes = update both the sold-to address and the ship-to address
  • No = update the ship-to address only

Indicates where the activity originated. Possible settings:

  • WS (web service) = the retailer submitted the request through a message from the retailer’s system to the Vendor Portal, or the change is automatically applied or rejected
  • UI (user interface) = you accepted or rejected the change at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen
Old Ship To

The ship-to name and address before applying the change. Includes:

  • name: prefix (such as Mr. or Dr.), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (such as Jr. or Esq.)
  • company name
  • first address line
  • apartment, unit, or suite number (prefixed by the label Apt / Unit #:)
  • address line 2
  • address line 3
  • address line 4
  • city, state, postal or zip code, country code
  • daytime phone number (prefixed by the label Day:)
  • evening phone number (prefixed by the label Eve:)
  • email address


Not all of the information above might be available for each customer.
New Ship To

The ship-to name and address with the changes indicated in red. Includes the same name and address fields as the Old Ship To.