Reprint Pack Slip

Purpose: Use this window to confirm the voiding and reprinting of a printed pack slip.

For more information: See the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Purchase Order screen.

How to display this screen: Click Reprint Pack Slip at the Purchase Order screen. This option is available to generate a new pack slip if there are any generated, unshipped pack slips for the purchase order (lines in In Process status). You might use this option if the original pack slip is damaged or lost.


If there are multiple generated pack slips for the purchase order, each in a different batch, then the Select Batch window opens when you select the Reprint Pack Slip option from the Purchase Order screen.

Completing this window: When you click Accept at this window, the Vendor Portal generates a new pack slip with the same information as the original pack slip.

Pack slip icon: The Vendor Portal displays the pack slip icon Illustrates the pack slip icon. at the top of the screen when it has finished regenerating the pack slip. Click that icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, where you can review and print the regenerated pack slip.