Void / Reprint Pack Slip

Purpose: Use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint pack slips when needed, for example if:

  • the original pack slip is damaged or missing
  • the retailer has submitted an address change since you printed the original pack slip
  • the retailer has submitted a cancellation request since you printed the original pack slip
  • you do not have the full ordered quantity of all purchase order lines available for shipping, so you need a new pack slip with just the available lines and quantities

You can also use this screen to void an entire pack slip if you cannot ship it. Voiding the entire pack slip acts as an automatic acceptance of any pending cancellation requests or pending address change.

Dependent on configuration: The Vendor Configuration settings specify whether to generate a PDF pack slip, a PDF pullsheet, and a CSV file when you generate pack slips. Also, the configuration settings whether to generate the graphical or non-graphical version of the pack slip.

Pending change requests? If the retailer has submitted any pending address change or cancellation requests, the screen displays a message: Change Requests waiting approval exist. To prevent unexpected results, you need to use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline any pending address change or cancellation requests for the purchase order before voiding and reprinting the pack slip. For example, if there is a pending address change, you need to accept the address change before reprinting the pack slip so that the new pack slip lists the correct mailing address.

How to display this screen: Select Void / Reprint Pack Slip from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

Option Procedure
select a purchase order and display information about the pack slip to void and reprint

Enter the purchase order number in the PO Number field and click Search or press Enter. If the number you enter:

  • identifies an existing purchase order with:

one or more In Process lines on a single pack slip, the screen displays the purchase order information.

one or more In Process lines on multiple pack slips, the Select Batch window opens. If you are not sure of the batch ID for the pack slip, select a batch at the window and click Save to return to the screen with the item(s) from that pack slip displayed. If the selected batch does not include the correct item(s), click Search to open the Select Batch window again so you can select a different batch.

  • does not identify an existing purchase order with at least one In Process line, the screen indicates that there is no match to your entry.

Case: The purchase order number is not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Pending change requests? If the retailer has submitted any pending address change or cancellation requests, the screen displays a message: Change Requests waiting approval exist. To prevent unexpected results, you need to either use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline any pending address change or cancellation requests for the purchase order before reprinting the pack slip, or fully void the pack slip and then reprint. If you simple reprint the pack slip, the address change or cancellation does not apply.

reprint a packing slip with one or more lines omitted
  • After specifying the purchase order, use the New Print Qty field to change the quantity on the pack slip to 0.


If the New Print Qty field for a line displays the word Held, then the line is automatically omitted from the reprinted pack slip.

You advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, which indicates the batch number assigned to the reprinted pack slip. When pack slip generation is complete, you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The Pack Slip, Pack Slip CSV File, and Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet each include just the purchase order lines whose New Print Qty was not 0 and which are not held. See each of the above documents for more details.

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty to 0 for any lines whose New Print Qty was set to 0, and changes the status of these lines to New Order unless a pending cancellation request applied automatically. If a line was held, the Printed Qty changes to 0 but the status remains Held. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen. Lines omitted from the pack slip because their New Print Qty is set to 0 no longer have a batch assigned.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line on the original pack slip, indicating whether the pack slip was reprinted (if the New Print Qty was not 0) or voided (if the New Print Qty was 0 or the line was held). See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

reprint a packing slip with the quantity of one or more lines reduced

You advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, which indicates the batch number assigned to the reprinted pack slip. When pack slip generation is complete, you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The Pack Slip, Pack Slip CSV File, and Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet each include the current printed quantity of each purchase order line based on the New Print Qty. See each of the above documents for more details.

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty for any lines whose New Print Qty was reduced; however, the status of these lines remains In Process. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line indicating that the pack slip was reprinted. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.


If a partial quantity of a line is printed, you cannot generate another pack slip for the remaining, unprinted quantity until you confirm shipment of the printed quantity, or void the pack slip.

Held line? If you have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen or the Edit Purchase Order Item window to put a purchase order line on hold, then you cannot enter a new print quantity; instead, this field lists the word Held. If you reprint the pack slip, the held line is omitted from the pack slip and the Printed Qty for the line is set to 0.

void an entire pack slip

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty to 0 for all lines on the pack slip, and changes the status of these lines to New Order unless a pending cancellation request applied automatically or the line was already held. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The batch is cleared from the lines on the pack slip, and no new batch number is assigned.

Any pending address changes or cancellation requests are applied.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line on the original pack slip, indicating that the line was voided. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

generate a new pack slip without changing the quantities for any purchase order lines

Pending change requests? If the retailer has submitted any pending address change or cancellation requests, the screen displays a message: Change Requests waiting approval exist. To prevent unexpected results, you need to use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline any pending address change or cancellation requests for the purchase order before voiding and reprinting the pack slip. For example, if there is a pending address change, you need to accept the address change before reprinting the pack slip so that the new pack slip lists the correct mailing address.

You advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, which indicates the batch number assigned to the reprinted pack slip. When pack slip generation is complete, you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line indicating that the pack slip was reprinted. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

Held line? If you have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen or the Edit Purchase Order Item window to put a purchase order line on hold, then you cannot enter a new print quantity; instead, this field lists the word Held. If you reprint the pack slip, the held line is omitted from the pack slip and the Printed Qty for the line is set to 0.

Fields Description
Search fields
PO #

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system. Enter a purchase order number with at least one In Process pack slip and click Search or press Enter to:

  • display the information from the pack slip, if there is a single In Process pack slip for the purchase order
  • open the Select Batch window if there is more than one In Process pack slip for the purchase order

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

PO HEADER fields

All PO Header fields are display-only.

Ship To

The current shipping address for the pack slip. Can include:

  • name: prefix, first name, middle initial or name, last name, suffix
  • company name
  • first street address line
  • apartment or suite, prefixed by Apt / Unit #
  • second through fourth address lines
  • city, state, zip or postal code, country code
PO Number

The purchase order number you entered in the PO # field. This is the number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Date Created

The PO entered date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.


Possible statuses are:

  • In Process: You have generated pack slips for the entire purchase order.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.

The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales orders originating the purchase order.

Batch ID

The number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.

Search Results fields

All fields except the New Print Qty are display-only.

Line #

The line number identifying the item on the purchase order.

Item #

Your item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display the retailer’s item number or code and description.

Item Description

A description of the item. Hold the pointer over the Item Description to display the retailer’s item number or code and description of the item.

Order Qty

The total quantity of the item ordered by the customer.

Printed Qty

The total quantity of the item that you currently have on a generated pack slip or extracted to your system, but not yet confirmed as shipped.

New Print Qty

The printed quantity to list on the reprinted pack slip. Defaults to the current printed quantity on the pack slip. Optionally, you can enter a lower number to reduce the quantity for the reprinted pack slip, or change the quantity to 0 to omit the item from the pack slip and reset the printed quantity on the line to 0.

Held: If you have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen or the Edit Purchase Order Item window to put a purchase order line on hold, then you cannot enter a new print quantity; instead, this field lists the word Held. If you reprint the pack slip, the held line is omitted from the pack slip and the Printed Qty for the line is set to 0.