Purchase Order Maintenance

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Maintenance screen to:

  • put the line on hold by selecting the Hold flag. When you put a line on hold, you also need to specify a Reason Description. When you release a line from hold, you can enter a different reason description or leave the field blank.


You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • clear the Hold flag to return the line to its previous status. If the line returns to New Order status, any pending cancellation request or address change applies automatically. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for background.
  • revise the due date for a line by entering a Revised Due Date in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen), or selecting a date from the calendar control next to the Revised Due Date entry field. When you revise the due date for a line, you also need to specify a Reason Description.
  • enter or delete a Reason Description as an informational note about the line, even if you are not changing the line’s hold status or revising the due date.

After entering your changes, click Update to update one or more lines on a purchase order, or click Cancel to cancel your updates.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you hold or release a line, change a due date, or enter or change a Reason Description.

All other fields at this screen are display-only.

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Maintenance from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

Fields Description
Search fields

Searching for lines to maintain: When you first advance to this screen, no lines on purchase orders are displayed. Use any combination of the following fields and click Search to restrict the lines displayed to those matching your search criteria. Up to 500 purchase order lines are displayed in ascending order (oldest to newest) based on the date and time when they were sent to the Vendor Portal.

Line Status

Select a status from the drop-down list and click Search to restrict displayed lines to those in the selected status. Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line, or the line has been sent to (and, if necessary, acknowledged by) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated a pack slip for the line, or sent the purchase order to (and, if necessary, received acknowledgement from) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.


Shipped or canceled lines are not eligible for maintenance.
PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system to display purchase orders that start with or match your entry. Can include numbers, letters, spaces, or special characters. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display purchase orders whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Item #

Your item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display purchase orders or lines if the items start with or match your entry. For example, if you sell items ABC111 and ABC123, entering ABC1 matches both of these items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display purchase orders or lines if the retailer’s item codes start with or match your entry. For example, if the retailer has item codes XYZ222 and XYZ234, entering XYZ2 matches both of these retailer items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a retailer item number of A12345.

Due Date

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control or enter it in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen) to display lines whose revised due dates, if any, match your entry; otherwise, to display lines whose original due dates match your entry.


If a line has a revised due date, searching based on the original due date does not display the line. To display the line, you need to search based on the revised date.
Result fields

Up to 500 purchase order lines are displayed in ascending order (oldest to newest) based on the date and time when they were sent to the Vendor Portal.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Item #

Your item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display a description of the item.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Retailer Item # to display the retailer’s description of the item.

Original Due Date

The due date that was specified by the retailer for the line.

Maintaining a line on a purchase order: Optionally, use the following three fields and click Update to update one or more lines on a purchase order, or click Cancel to cancel your updates.


Optionally, select this flag to change the line’s status to Held, or clear the flag to release the line from hold and change the status back to the previous setting.

You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.

When you put a line on hold, you need to enter a Reason Description.

If you release the line from hold and it returns to New Order status, any pending cancellation request or address change applies automatically. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for background.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you hold or release a line.

Revised Due Date

Optionally, enter a different due date in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen), or select a date from the calendar control. When you revise the due date, you also need to enter a Reason Description.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you change a due date.

Reason Description

Enter a reason description:

  • when you enter or change a Revised Due Date (required), or
  • when you change the setting of the Hold flag (required), or
  • to enter an informational note for the line (optional)

When the line’s status is Held and you clear the Hold flag, the Reason Description is also cleared. Optionally, you can enter a different Reason Description when you release the line.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you enter or change a Reason Description.

Line Status

Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line, or the line has been sent to (and, if necessary, acknowledged by) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated a pack slip for the line, or sent the purchase order to (and, if necessary, received acknowledgement from) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.


Shipped or canceled lines are not displayed at this screen.
PO Inquiry

Click the PO Inquiry icon (Illustrates the icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can review the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.