Select Purchase Orders

Purpose: Use this screen to generate pack slips for purchase orders assigned to you for fulfillment.

Generation options: The configuration options set by the retailer control whether this screen generates the PDF Pack Slip, the PDF Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet, a Pack Slip CSV File (comma-separated value) of the purchase orders for extract to your system, or all of these.

How to display this screen: Select Select Purchase Orders from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

If integrated: If you use the vendor integration, this screen is not available; the Get Purchase Orders screen is available instead.

Which purchase orders are eligible? Only purchase orders or purchase order lines in New Order status are eligible for pack slip generation.

About CSV files: You can open a CSV file in your default spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel. You can also extract the contents of the CSV file into your database if your system supports it.

Selection options: When generating pack slips, you can select:

  • All POs: Generates pack slips without the requirement to select individual purchase orders; however, you can:

    • specify a maximum number of purchase orders to select

    • restrict pack slip generation to:

    • single-line purchase orders

    • a particular brand

    • shipping addresses in a particular country and, optionally, state/province or territory

    • purchase orders that include lines whose due date is on or before a specified date

  • Select POs: Generates the pack slips for the purchase orders you select at the screen. You can restrict the displayed purchase orders available for selection based on:

    • single-line purchase orders only

    • brand

    • earliest due date for lines on the purchase order being on or before a specified date

    • date created being on or before a specified date

    • purchase order number

    • sales order number

    • country and, optionally, state/province or territory for shipping address

    After searching for purchase orders that match your criteria, you can select any or all displayed purchase orders and generate pack slips.

  • Select Item: Optionally, you can restrict pack slip generation to purchase orders that include a particular item. You can also limit the pack slips to generate based on the quantity of the selected item. Once you have specified the item and maximum quantity, you can specify whether to generate pack slips for single-line purchase orders only, or only purchase orders for a specific brand.

Multi-line purchase orders: A purchase order can include more than one line. When you generate a pack slip for a multi-line purchase order, the pack slip includes all lines on the purchase order, provided they are in New Order status, even if you use the Select Item option.

Lines in different statuses? Only lines in New Order status are eligible for pack slip generation. If a purchase order includes a line in New Order status and another line in Held or Canceled status, the generated pack slip includes only the line in New Order status.

There is no option to force a purchase order to ship complete or to prevent splitting a purchase order across more than one pack slip.

Limiting the total number of pack slips: If you specify a Max POs number to generate when using the All POs option, or specify a Max Units number to generate when using the Select Item option, pack slips are generated in chronological order based on when the Vendor Portal received the purchase orders, starting with the oldest eligible purchase orders.

Confirmation window? If you generate pack slips by item, the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window opens. You need to click Accept at this window to generate pack slips. See that window for more information.

What happens when you generate pack slips? When you generate a pack slip:

  • The Vendor Portal assigns a batch ID to the group of generated pack slips, and creates:

    • a PDF version of the Pack Slip, if specified under Vendor Configuration. If you generate multiple pack slips for the same brand, the Vendor Portal generates a single PDF file containing all the pack slips you have just generated for the brand. The PDF file includes pack slips in chronological order based on when the purchase orders were received by the vendor portal (oldest first).

    • a Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet listing the items to pick, if specified under Vendor Configuration.

    • a Pack Slip CSV File that includes a row for every purchase order line, if specified under Vendor Configuration. If there are multiple purchase orders for the same brand, the Vendor Portal generates a single CSV file containing all the items on pack slips you have just generated for the brand.


    If the batch of pack slips includes multiple brands, there is a separate PDF file, pullsheet, and CSV file for each brand.
  • The status of the purchase order line changes to In Process. If this is the only line on the purchase order, or if you generate a pack slip for the entire purchase order, the status of the purchase order itself also changes to In Process. See Order Status for a discussion of possible purchase order statuses.
  • The Vendor Portal tracks the date and time when the pack slip was generated, the user ID of the person who generated the pack slip, and the batch ID. The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location. You can review this history at the History tab of the Purchase Order screen.
  • A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.

Address changes or cancellations? Occasionally the customer updates the shipping address for a purchase order or requests a cancellation. If a shipping address change or cancellation request occurs:

  • before you generate the pack slip, while the purchase order or line is still in New Order status: the Vendor Portal updates the purchase order automatically.
  • after you have generated a pack slip for a purchase order, changing the status of the line(s) to In Process: you need to use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept these changes, or reject them if it is too late to change or cancel the purchase order.

If the customer requests a change or cancellation after the purchase order is shipped, the Vendor Portal automatically rejects the request.

See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for more information.

Option Procedure
generate pack slips for all eligible purchase orders
  • The All POs option is selected by default when you advance to the Select Purchase Orders screen. Optionally, use the Search fields if All POs is selected to restrict the purchase orders selected for pack slip generation.
  • Click Generate.
  • A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.
generate pack slips for selected purchase orders
  • Click Select POs.
  • Optionally, use the Search fields if Select POs is selected and click Search to restrict the displayed purchase orders to those that match your criteria.
  • Select individual purchase orders for pack slip generation by clicking the selection box next to the purchase order, or select all displayed purchase orders by clicking the selection box at the top of the search results.
  • Click Generate.
  • A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.
generate pack slips for a selected item
  • Click Select Item.
  • Optionally, use the Search fields if Select Item is selected and click Search to restrict the displayed items to those that match your criteria.
  • Select each item you want to include by clicking the selection box next to the item.
  • Use the Max Units field to specify the total number of units of that item to include on generated pack slips.

Not exceeding the maximum: If you enter a maximum that is lower than the total number of eligible units, the Vendor Portal enforces this maximum or generates pack slips for a smaller quantity.

Example: The total number of eligible units for dining room chairs is 12, and you enter a maximum of 10. There are 3 existing purchase orders for the item, each for a quantity of 4. The vendor portal generates pack slips for 2 purchase orders, for a total printed quantity of 8.

Additional items on the purchase order: This maximum applies to the selected item only. If there are additional items on the purchase order and you do not select the Single Line POs only option at the confirmation window when you generate pack slips, then these items are also included on the pack slip.

You specify Max Units of 4 chairs. The next eligible purchase order includes 4 chairs, plus a table and a sideboard. The pack slip includes the chairs, the table, and the sideboard.

  • Click Generate.
  • At the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window, you have the option to select:

    • a Brand from the dropdown list to generate pack slips for this brand only

    • the Single Line POs Only option to generate pack slips only for purchase orders that consist of a single line of the item in New Order status.

  • Click Accept at the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window to generate the pack slips for all lines in New Order status that meet your selected criteria, or click Reject at that window to cancel.


The screen displays an error message if you select either or both of the options above and click Accept, and there are no purchase orders that meet the selected criteria.

A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.

advance to purchase order inquiry

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) labeled PO Inquiry to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can review additional information about the purchase order. This option is available only when the Select POs option is selected.

refresh the summary table

Ways to update the information currently displayed in the Summary table:

  • Switch between the current selection option (All POs, Select POs, or Select Item) and another selection option.
  • If the Select POs or Select Item option is selected: Click Search.
  • If the All POs option is selected (default): Close the Select Purchase Orders screen and reopen it.
  • Click Generate to produce a batch of pack slips.
work with generated pack slips

A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.

Fields Description
Summary table

(unlabeled table at the upper right of the screen)

To update the information in this summary table:

  • Switch between the current selection option (All POs, Select POs, or Select Item) and another selection option.
  • If the Select POs or Select Item option is selected: Click Search.
  • If the All POs option is selected (default): Close the Select Purchase Orders screen and reopen it.
  • Click Generate to produce a batch of pack slips.


  • New = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in New Order status
  • In Process = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in In Process status
  • Held = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in Held status

A purchase order can be included in more than one column if, for example, it includes one line in New Order status and one line in Held status.

Single Line POs


  • New = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in New Order status
  • In Process = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in In Process status
  • Held = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in Held status

A single-line purchase order can be included in only one of these columns.



  • New = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in New Order status
  • In Process = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in In Process status and included on generated pack slips (“printed quantity”)
  • Held = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in Held status and not on generated pack slips
# Distinct Items


  • New = The total number of different items are in New Order status
  • In Process = The total number of different items that are in In Process status
  • Held = The total number of different items that are in Held status

For example, you have 8 new purchase orders for a total of 20 units of item AB123, and you also have 12 new purchase orders for a total of 12 units of item CD234. The total number of distinct items in New Order status is 2 (AB123 and CD234).

Search fields if All POs is selected

Optionally, use the fields described below and then click Generate to generate pack slips for all purchase orders meeting your criteria.

You can also click Generate without selecting any criteria to generate all eligible pack slips.

There are no results fields displayed when you use the All POs option.


When All POs is selected, the screen does not display any search results; however, you can use the Summary table to review the total numbers of purchase orders and purchase order lines eligible for pack slip generation.
Single Line POs Only

Select this option to generate pack slips for all purchase orders that consist of a single line in New Order status. Eligibility:

  • A single-line purchase order can include a single line with a quantity greater than one: for example, an order for four matching chairs.
  • A purchase order is not a single-line order if it includes more than one line even if, for example, it includes a single line in New Order status and another line in Held, Shipped, or Canceled status.

Leave this option unselected to generate pack slips for purchase orders regardless of the number of lines.


Optionally, select a brand from the dropdown list to generate pack slips for this brand only.

Max POs

Optionally, enter the maximum number of pack slips to generate. You should not enter a number larger than the number of new POs indicated in the Summary table. When you limit the number of pack slips, pack slips are generated in chronological order based on when the Vendor Portal received the purchase orders, starting with the oldest eligible purchase orders.

If you do not enter a maximum number, the Vendor Portal generates pack slips for up to 500 purchase orders at a time; however, you can enter a maximum that exceeds this number.

Due Date

Optionally, select a due date from the calendar control to generate pack slips for purchase orders that include any lines with this due date or earlier, including revised due dates.


Optionally, select a country from the dropdown list to generate pack slips only for purchase orders whose shipping addresses are in this country.


Optionally, select a state, province, or territory from the dropdown list to generate pack slips only for purchase orders whose shipping addresses are in this state, province, or territory.


You can select a state, province, or territory only after you first select a country, and only if there is a defined list of states, provinces, or territories for the country.
Search fields if Select POs is selected

Searching for purchase orders: You can use any combination of the fields below and click Search to display purchase orders matching your search criteria. All search fields are optional.

Which purchase orders are eligible? Only purchase orders with at least one line in New Order status are eligible for pack slip generation.

For more information: See generate pack slips for selected purchase orders, above, for information on generating pack slips using the Select POs option.

Single Line POs Only

Optionally, select this option to display pack slips only for purchase orders that consist of a single line in New Order status. Eligibility:

  • A single-line purchase order can include a single line with a quantity greater than 1: for example, an order for four matching chairs.
  • A purchase order is not a single-line order if, it includes more than one line even if, for example, it includes a single line in New Order status and another line in Held, Shipped, or Canceled status.

Leave this option unselected to generate pack slips for purchase orders regardless of the number of lines.


Optionally, select a brand from the dropdown list to display purchase orders for this brand only.

Due Date

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control to display purchase orders whose earliest original due date from any eligible line is on or before your entry.

Date Created

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control to display purchase orders created on that date or earlier. This is the created date provided by the retailer, and may be different from the date when the Vendor Portal received the purchase order.

PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system to display purchase orders that start with or match your entry. Can include numbers, letters, spaces, or special characters. Up to 50 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display purchase orders whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.


Optionally, select a country from the dropdown list to display purchase orders shipping to the selected country.


Optionally, select a state, province, or territory from the dropdown list to display purchase orders shipping to the selected state, province, or territory. You can use this option only if you first select a country that has a defined list of states, provinces, or territories.

Result fields if Select POs is selected

Use the selection checkbox next to a purchase order and click Generate to include that purchase order when generating pack slips, or use the selection box at the top of the search results to include all displayed purchase orders for generation.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.


The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales order.

Due Date

The earliest original due date for a line on the purchase order. A red asterisk (*) indicates that at least one line on the purchase order has a revised due date. You can revise the due date for a line at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen.

Date Created

The PO entered date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Past Due

The number of days that the line with the earliest current (original or revised) due date is past due. For example, a purchase order includes a line with a due date of June 28, and another line with a due date of June 30. If today is July 1, the number of days past due is 3.

Blank if none of the items on the purchase order are past due.


The code identifying the state where the purchase order is shipping. Two positions.


The code identifying the country where the purchase order is shipping. Two or three positions.


A check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that this is a single-line purchase order.

PO Inquiry

Click the PO Inquiry icon (Illustrates the icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can reveal the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.

Search fields if Select Item is selected

Searching for items: Optionally, you can use either of the fields below and click Search to display matching items on eligible purchase orders.

Which items are eligible? Items are listed only if there is at least one line for the item in New Order status on a purchase order.


Your item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display items that start with or match your entry. For example, if you sell items ABC111 and ABC123, entering ABC1 matches both of these items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display items that start with or match your entry. For example, if the retailer has item codes XYZ222 and XYZ234, entering XYZ2 matches both of these retailer items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a retailer item number of A12345.

Result fields if Select Item is selected

See generate pack slips for a selected item, above, for information on generating pack slips using the Select Item option.

Item #

Your item number or code.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code.

Hold the pointer over the Retailer Item # to display the retailer’s description of the item.

Item Description

The description of the item.

New POs

Purchase order totals include:

  • All = The total number of purchase orders that include a line for the item in New Order status
  • S/L (single-line) = The total number of single-line purchase orders for the item in New Order status
  • M/L (multi-line) = The total number of multi-line purchase orders that include a line for the item in New Order status
New PO Units

Unit totals include:

  • All = The total number of units of the item on purchase order lines in New Order status
  • S/L (single-line) = The total number of units of the item on single-line purchase orders in New Order status
  • M/L (multi-line) = The total number of units of the item multi-line purchase orders on lines in New Order status
Max Units

Enter the maximum number of units of the selected item to include on generated pack slips and press Enter (not Tab). You should not enter a number larger than the total unit quantity in New Order status. Required.

Not exceeding the maximum: If you enter a maximum that is lower than the total number of eligible units, the Vendor Portal enforces this maximum or generates pack slips for a smaller quantity.

Example: The total number of eligible units for dining room chairs is 12, and you enter a maximum of 10. There are 3 existing purchase orders for the item, each for a quantity of 4. The vendor portal generates pack slips for 2 purchase orders, for a total printed quantity of 8.

Additional items on the purchase order: This maximum applies to the selected item only. If there are additional items on the purchase order and you do not select the Single Line POs only option at the confirmation window when you generate pack slips, then these items are also included on the pack slip.

Example: You specify Max Units of 4 chairs. The next eligible purchase order includes 4 chairs, plus a table and a sideboard. The pack slip includes the chairs, the table, and the sideboard.