Get Purchase Orders

Purpose: Use this screen to generate the pack slip, set the status to In Process, and assign the batch number for a single purchase order, all new purchase orders including a specific item, or all new purchase orders regardless of the items they include.


This screen is available only if you use the vendor integration. Contact the retailer for more information and see the Integrated Vendor Process Flow for an overview. Otherwise, you can use the Select Purchase Orders screen.

How to display this screen: Select Get Purchase Orders from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority and if the vendor integration is enabled.

Option Procedure
generate the pack slip for all new purchase orders
  • Make sure that All POs is selected. This option is selected by default when you advance to the Get Purchase Orders screen.

  • Click Generate.

  • Click Accept at the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window, or click Reject at that window to cancel. If you select Accept, a message indicates that pack slip generation has been submitted for processing.

generate the pack slip for a specific purchase order
  • Click Single PO. The PO Number field opens.

    Use this field to enter a purchase order number to generate the pack slip for that purchase order.

  • Click Generate.

  • Click Accept at the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window, or click Reject at that window to cancel. If you select Accept, a message indicates that pack slip generation has been submitted for processing.

generate the pack slip for all new purchase orders that include a selected item
  • Click Single Item.

  • The Item # field opens. Use this field to enter an item number in order to generate the pack slip for all new purchase orders that include the specified item.

    Searching for an item: You can click the search icon (Illustrates the search icon.) to open a pop-up window displaying all items that have been assigned to you for fulfillment on purchase orders. Double-click the correct item to paste the item number into the Item # field.

  • Click Generate.

  • Click Accept at the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window, or click Reject at that window to cancel. If you select Accept, a message indicates that pack slip generation has been submitted for processing. If no new purchase orders that include the selected item are found, an error message indicates that no purchase orders are available for generation.

refresh the Summary table

Close the screen and then reopen it. If any purchase order lines have shipped or been held since you last opened the screen, the summary information is updated.

Fields Description
Search and Selection Options:
All POs

Leave this option selected and click Generate to generate the pack slip for all new purchase orders.

PO Number

This field opens when you select the Single PO option. Use this field to enter the purchase order number to generate the pack slip for that purchase order. Your entry must be an exact match. You cannot prompt on this field. If necessary, use another screen, such as the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, to identify the correct purchase order number.

Item Number Search window

This field opens when you select the Single Item option. Use this field to enter the item number to generate the pack slip for all purchase orders that include the specified item.

Searching for an item: You can click the search icon (Illustrates the search icon.) to open a pop-up window displaying all items that have been assigned to you for fulfillment on purchase orders. Double-click the correct item to paste the item number into the Item # field.

Summary table

(unlabeled table at the upper right of the screen)

To update the information in this summary table: Close the screen and then reopen it. If any purchase order lines have shipped or been held since you last opened the screen, the summary information is updated.

Last Generated On

The last date and time when the Vendor Portal has received a request for new purchase orders and sent the new purchase order(s) in the response message.



  • New = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line that has not been sent to the integrated system.

    Note: This total does not include any purchase order that:
    • has had a pack slip voided and not reprinted

    •  if the Require Acknowledgement flag at the Vendor Configuration screen is selected, may have been sent to the integrated system and been assigned a batch number, but has not been acknowledged by the integrated system.

  • In Process = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in In Process status. This total includes purchase orders with lines that have been assigned a batch number and, if the Require Acknowledgement flag at the Vendor Configuration screen is selected, have been acknowledged.
  • Held = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in Held status

A purchase order can be included in more than one column if, for example, it includes one line in New Order status and one line in Held status.

Single Line POs


  • New = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in New Order status.
  • In Process = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in In Process status.
  • Held = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in Held status.

A single-line purchase order can be included in only one of these columns.



  • New = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in New Order status.
  • In Process = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in In Process status and included on generated pack slips (“printed quantity”).
  • Held = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in Held status and not on generated purchase orders.
# Distinct Items


  • New = The total number of different items are in New Order status.
  • In Process = The total number of different items that are in In Process status.
  • Held = The total number of different items that are in Held status.

For example, you have 8 new purchase orders for a total of 20 units of item AB123, and you also have 12 new purchase orders for a total of 12 units of item CD234. The total number of distinct items in New Order status is 2 (AB123 and CD234).