View Printed Pack Slips

Purpose: Use the View Printed Pack Slips screen to print pack slips and pullsheets for purchase orders or to download a CSV file of the purchase orders for extract to your system.

Dependent on configuration: The Vendor Configuration settings specify whether to generate a PDF pack slip, a PDF pullsheet, and a CSV file when you generate pack slips. Also, the configuration settings whether to generate the graphical or non-graphical version of the pack slip. These settings apply regardless of whether you use the vendor integration, so that if the Vendor Portal puts a batch of purchase orders into In Process status through the integration, the documents on this screen are still generated.

Deleted automatically: Generated pack slips and pullsheets are deleted automatically after a number of days specified by the retailer.

How to display this screen: This screen opens when you click the pack slip icon Illustrates the PDF icon. at the top of the screen indicating that the Vendor Portal has finished generating pack slips. You can also display this screen by selecting View Printed Pack Slips from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

How to generate pack slips: You can generate pack slips by:

Option Procedure
search for batches of generated pack slips

When you first advance to this screen, all existing generated batches are displayed. You can search by completing any of the Search fields and clicking Search.

view or print pack slips

Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pack Slips column to open the PDF file in a separate tab. See the Pack Slip for more information.

No pack slip? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a PDF pack slip, no PDF is generated and this field is blank.

Pack slip error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

Window width: In Chrome, the pack slip is displayed in a window 800 pixels wide.

view or print a pullsheet

Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pullsheet column to open the PDF file in a separate tab. The pullsheet includes a line for each purchase order line in the batch, so you can use the pullsheet to facilitate picking the items. See the Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet for more information.

No pullsheet? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a pullsheet, no PDF is generated and this field is blank. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pullsheet error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pullsheet for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

Window width: In Chrome, the pullsheet is displayed in a window 800 pixels wide.

download a CSV file of pack slips

Click the CSV icon (Illustrates the CSV icon.) to download a file containing the same information as the pack slip. The file is in CSV (comma-separated value) format, so that you can easily open it in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

When you click the icon, a separate tab opens, and your browser (such as Internet Explorer or Chrome) presents the option to save and open the CSV file. See the Pack Slip CSV File for more information.

No file? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a CSV file, no file is generated and this field is blank. This field is also blank if the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

CSV error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the Vendor Portal encountered an error when attempting to generate the CSV file. Contact the retailer for more information.

delete a batch of generated pack slips

Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) to delete the batch of pack slips and the related PDF and CSV files if you have completed processing of the batch.


You can use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Reprint Pack Slip option at the Purchase Order screen to reprint a pack slip if you delete it inadvertently.
Fields Description
Search fields
Batch #

Optionally, enter a full or partial batch number and click Search to display batches that start with or match your entry. This is the number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.


If the batch of pack slips includes multiple brands, there is a separate entry at the screen for each brand, each with a separate PDF file, pullsheet, and CSV file, if generated.

Optionally, select a brand from the dropdown list and click Search to display batches of pack slips generated for this brand only.

Generate Date

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control and click Search to display batches generated on that date only.

Submitted By

Optionally, enter a full or partial user ID and click Search to display batches submitted by users whose IDs start with your entry.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a user ID of AJOHNSON.

Result fields
Batch #

The number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.


If a batch of pack slips includes multiple brands, there is a separate entry at the screen for each brand, each with a separate PDF file, pullsheet, and CSV file, if generated.

The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales orders originating the purchase orders.

Generate Date

The date and time when the batch of pack slips was generated.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.

Submitted By

The user ID of the person who submitted the batch of pack slips.

Size (kB)

The total size, in kilobytes, of the pack slip PDF file.

Pack Slips

Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pack Slips column to open the PDF file in a separate tab. See the Pack Slip for more information.

No pack slip? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a PDF pack slip, no PDF is generated and this field is blank. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pack slip error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.


Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pullsheet column to open the PDF file in a separate tab. The pullsheet for a batch and brand includes a line for each purchase order line, so you can use the pullsheet to facilitate picking the items. See the Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet for more information.

No pullsheet? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a pullsheet, no PDF is generated and this field is blank. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pullsheet error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pullsheet for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

CSV File

Click the CSV icon (Illustrates the CSV icon.) to download a file containing the same information as the pack slip. The file is in CSV (comma-separated value) format, so that you can easily open it in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

When you click the icon, a separate tab opens, and your browser (such as Internet Explorer or Chrome) presents the option to save and open the CSV file. See the Pack Slip CSV File for more information.

No file? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a CSV file, no file is generated and this field is blank. This field is also blank if the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

CSV error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the Vendor Portal encountered an error when attempting to generate the CSV file. Contact the retailer for more information.


Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) to delete the batch of pack slips and the related PDF and CSV files if you have completed processing of the batch.


You can use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Reprint Pack Slip option at the Purchase Order screen to reprint a pack slip if you delete it inadvertently.