Display Purchase Order Item

Purpose: Use the Display Purchase Order Item window to review additional details about an item on a purchase order. You advance to this window rather than the Edit Purchase Order Item window if:

  • the item’s status is Cancelled or Shipped, or
  • you do not have authority to edit a purchase order item

How to display this window:

  • If you do not have authority to edit a purchase order item, select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Display column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen.
  • If you have authority to edit a purchase order item, select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Edit column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen for an item in Cancelled or Shipped status.
Field Description
Line #

The purchase order line number identifying the item.


The code or number identifying the item. The description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Retailer Item

The retailer’s item number or code. The retailer’s description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Gift Wrap

Set to Y if the item requires gift wrap.

Line Status

The current status of the item on the purchase order. Possible statuses are:

  • Cancelled: The retailer has cancelled the line.
  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line, or the line has been sent to (and, if necessary, acknowledged by) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated a pack slip for the line, or sent the purchase order to (and, if necessary, received acknowledgement from) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • Shipped: You have confirmed shipment of the line.


The line status is different from the order status if the purchase order has more than one line, and the lines have different statuses. See the Order Status for more information.
Original Due Date

The due date that was specified by the retailer for the line.

Revised Due Date

The current due date for the line, if you have entered a different due date. If you have revised the due date more than once, the most recently entered due date is displayed.

When you revise the due date, you also need to enter a reason description.

Reason Description

The reason for a change to the line on the purchase order. When you revise the due date, you also need to enter a reason description. You can also enter a reason description when you change a line’s hold status, or for any other reason.

Ordered Qty

The original ordered quantity of the line.

Shipped Qty

The total quantity of the line for which you have confirmed shipment.

Cancelled Qty

The total quantity of the line that the retailer has cancelled.

Invoiced Qty

Information will be provided at a later date.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure indicated by the retailer. Informational only.

Unit Price

Your single-unit price for the item. Rounded to 2 decimal positions (for example, a price of $1.3456 is rounded to $1.35). The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.

Ext. Price

The extended price for the item, calculated by multiplying the Ordered Qty * the Unit Price, regardless of whether any units have been canceled. Rounded to 2 decimal positions. The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.

UPC Code

The item’s UPC code, if any, indicated by the retailer.

EAN Code

The item’s EAN code, if any, indicated by the retailer.

Status Date

The last date and time when the status of the line changed.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.

Option Procedure
review the next item

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next item.

review the previous item

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous item.