1 Feature Summary

Thin red border.

The enhancements below are included in this update.


When you upgrade to Order Broker 21.0+, ship-for-pickup orders are automatically enabled for all organizations.

Column Definitions

Small Scale: These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
Larger Scale: These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Customer Action Required: Indicates if you must take action before these features can be used. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them.



Action Required

User Interface Enhancements


Use screens in Modern View if needed

Additional Screens Moved to Modern View



Modern View Screen Changes



System Management Enhancements
Database Updates



“From” Email Address Changes


Optionally, specify an email alias to use for Store Connect or system emails

Performance Enhancements



Routing Engine Enhancements
Additional Attributes Available for Probability Rules


Optionally, set up probability rules using the new attributes

Web Service Enhancements
Foundation and Shipping Data Web Service Access


Optionally, assign required scopes for inquiry and updates in order to use web services

Order Metrics Web Service


Optionally, use the new web service to get order metrics

Additional Screens Moved to Modern View

The following screens are now available in Order Broker Modern View, and the corresponding options are no longer available in Classic View.

  • Attribute Definitions. Note that with this update:

    • The Last Updated date will be presented in the database time zone.

    • Once an attribute definition is In Use, specific list values and the attribute itself cannot be deleted due to dependant data. The attribute definition must first be removed from all products and/or locations.

    • The Manage Attribute Definition screen to review and delete attribute assignments to products and locations is no longer available.

  • External Services. Note that with this update:

    • The Manage External Services screen has been renamed to External Services in Modern View.

    • The Shipping external service must be managed in Modern View and then is available for assignment at the Shipping tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen for an organization in Classic View.

  • Location Types. Note that with this update, deleting a location type through the user interface is not currently enabled.

  • Organizations. Note that with this update:

    • The Organizations and Preferences screen no longer includes the options to create or work with an organization. You must use the new Modern View screen instead. However, you still need to select the Organizations and Preferences option in Classic View to work with the preferences for each organization.

    • The Organizations and Preferences role now controls access to both the Organizations and Preferences screen in Classic View and the Organizations screen in Modern View.

    • You cannot delete the only existing organization in your Order Broker environment, or if system is assigned.

    • Data formats on reports and in administrative emails use the newly expanded list of available locales.

    • Language on reports and in administrative emails use the translation associated with the matching language from the list of supported languages (12) in the Operations Guide (MOS ID 2114324.1).

    • The organization address and return address are optional and not currently implemented.


    Oracle recommends that you advance to the new Organizations screen in Modern View and use the Edit Organization window to verify or update the locale for your organization. When you select OK at the Edit Organization window, this updates the data formats for the organization to those defined for the selected locale.

Although these options are still displayed in the Classic View home page and in the drop-down menus, an error message is displayed if you attempt to select any of them, indicating the option is only available in Modern View.

As in Classic View, secured role authority to each of these options is required under the Retailer role type. If the user does not have authority to an option, the Modern View home page does not display it.


To avoid a potential Store Connect processing error, you should not delete a carrier at this time. If you accidentally delete a carrier, you should recreate it using the exact same code.


To support each of the above foundation data types, changes to the related database tables were made. Please consider performing minimal acceptance testing where this data is used across Order Broker, Store Connect and Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

Modern View Screen Changes

The following changes have been made to Modern View screens:

  • Order reason code deletion: Added the ability to delete a reason code at the Order Reason Codes screen, provided it is not specified as the Auto Cancel Reason at the Fulfillment tab of the Preferences screen.


    You can delete a reason code only if it has not been used to cancel or reject any orders, and if it is not specified as the Auto Cancel Reason at the Fulfillment tab of the Preferences screen.
  • Order reason code type specified: Changed the add, change, and display Order Reason Code windows to indicate the type of reason code (Cancel or Reject) as well as incorporating the changes described above. For example, the View Order Reason Codes window is now entitled the View Cancel Order Reason Code window or the View Reject Order Reason Code window, depending on the type of reason code.

  • Carrier code deletion: With this update, a carrier code can now be deleted from the Modern View Carriers screen when:

    • It is not specified as the Default Carrier within the Order Broker Preferences screen.

    • It is not the PICKUP carrier for Store Connect.


    To avoid a potential Store Connect processing error, you should not delete a carrier if it is assigned to an order. If you accidentally delete a carrier, you should recreate it using the exact same code.
  • Updating the default box flag (Store Connect or Vendor Portal) for boxes:

    If another box definition previously had the Default in Store Connect flag selected, and you select this flag for a different box definition, the flag for the previous default is cleared. Similarly, if another box definition previously had the Default in Vendor Portal flag selected, and you select this flag for a different box definition, the flag for the previous default is cleared.
  • Window title changes:

    • Changed the word “Create” to “Add” when you are adding a new box, brand, carrier, or order reason code. The word “Add” is displayed rather than “Create” when you select the plus sign at the top of the screen, and it is displayed in the window title that opens.

    • Changed the name displayed for each type of record in an add, change, or display window to be singular rather than plural.

      Examples: The Create Boxes window is now entitled the Add Box window, and the View Brands window is now entitled the View Brand window.

Database Updates

The Data Model includes changes related to this update of Order Broker Cloud Service. The current Data Model is available on My Oracle Support (2832105.1).

“From” Email Address Changes

In order to ensure uninterrupted email generation, emails generated by Oracle omnichannel products, including Order Broker, now use a single email “from” address, such as no-reply-omni@oracledomain.com. The “from” email address is defined by Oracle and cannot be changed. You can now specify an alias to display with the “from” address for the email, for example, My Email Alias <no-reply-omni@oracledomain.com>.

You can specify the following email aliases:

  • Store Connect emails: Use the new Cust Service From Email Address Alias field at the Email tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen. This field replaces the Cust Service From Email Address field. The Retailer Email Address at this tab is not used.

  • Administrative emails: Use the new From Email Alias field in the Email Settings area of the Event Logging screen. This field replaces the From Email field.

For example, emails specify the “from” address as My Email Alias <no-reply-omni@oracledomain.com>, where My Email Alias is the alias entered here.

Your entry for an email alias can be up to 40 positions and can include letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters, and does not need to be a valid, existing email address.

If you do not specify an email alias, Order Broker generates emails using the “from” address without including an alias.


To generate Store Connect emails with a customized “from” email address rather than the default, you can use the Email Out API. See the Operations Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2114324.1) for more information.

Additional Attributes Available for Probability Rules

With this update, you can now use a product location’s Status, On Clearance, Selling Price, and Cost settings as criteria for probability rules.


  • If Status = Active

  • If On Clearance = Yes

  • If Selling Price > 100.00 or If Cost < 25.00

Rules using the new attributes apply in the same situations as rules using existing attributes to filter locations when shopping or re-shopping orders, responding to locate items and product availability requests, and inventory quantity exports. Also, Cost and Selling Price are available to use when setting up calculations.

Foundation Data Web Service Access

Working with certain foundation and external service data is now available through web services in addition to Modern View screens. The data available to work with through web services includes:

  • Attribute Definitions

  • Boxes

  • Brands

  • Carriers

  • Cancel or Reject Reason Codes

  • External (Shipping) Services

  • Location Types

The options available for the data include:

  • Getting a list of records

  • Adding a new record

  • Getting a count of existing records

  • Getting the information on a single record

  • Updating a record

  • Deleting a record

  • Confirming whether a record exists


To avoid a potential Store Connect processing error, you should not delete a carrier at this time. If you accidentally delete a carrier, you should recreate it using the exact same code.

To support authority for the above web services, two new access options are available in the Edit Web Services window from the Manage External Application Access screen:

  • Foundation Read/Write: Provides authority to update records as well as to perform inquiries. Grants foundation:rw scope in IDCS or OCI IAM.

  • Foundation Read Only: Provides authority to perform inquiries, but does not provide authority to make any updates. Grants foundation:r scope in IDCS or OCI IAM.


    Additional new scopes have been added in IDCS or OCI IAM, but these additional scopes are not currently used.

For more information, see the Operations Guide on My Oracle Support (DocID 2114324.1).


In order to make the user interface consistent with the maximum field lengths in the web service and in the database, the following fields have been increased at the Add, Edit, and Display Brands windows:
  • Description: increased from 60 to 128

  • Code: increased from 10 to 20

  • Contact Name: increased from 40 to 128

  • Address Lines: increased from 50 to 128

  • Suite: increased from 9 to 20

  • City: increased from 35 to 128

  • State/Province: increased from 3 to 10

  • Postal Code: increased from 10 to 20

  • Company: increased from 50 to 128

  • Contact Name: increased from 40 to 128

Order Metrics Web Service

Added a new web service to convey the order metric information that is currently displayed on the Tenant screen for a retailer (non-admin) user, including order volume and merchandise locator volume totals for each month of the current and prior year.

Performance Enhancements

Enhanced the performance of the product location import step in the product import.

Improved the performance of order search requests.