9 Setting Up User Classes (WUCL)

Purpose: Use Work with User Classes to create user classes. You can control access to companies, menus options, secured features and user-defined options for a group of individual users by assigning them to the same user class.

For example, you may want all of your order entry operators to have the same access to specific menu options, secured features or user defined functions. You can create a user class for them and permit or deny access to the same menu options, secured features or user defined functions instead of assigning authority on an individual user level.

Even if you assign the same level of security to a group of users, you can generally tailor an individual user's record to fit the specific user by selecting the Work with Users function. The exception to this is when you define access to vendor records; you cannot override vendor access for individual users.


Work with User Classes is a system-wide function; the information you work with in this function is the same regardless of which company you are currently working in.

In this chapter:

For more information: To group users into user classes, you must also establish the individual user records; see User Configuration.

Work with User Classes Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, copy, delete and display a user class. After you have created a user class, you can also use this screen to assign authority to companies, menu options, secured features, alternate address formats, user-defined functions and vendors for this user class.

How to display this screen:

  • Select Work with User Classes from a menu.

  • Enter WUCL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.

  • Select W/W User Classes at the Work with Users Screen.

Field Description


A user class is a grouping of users (for example, all Order Entry operators). You can assign authority to companies, menu options, and so on, at the user class level.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


A description of the user class.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Options Procedure

Create a user class

Select Create to advance to the Create User Class Screen.

Change a user class

Select Change for a user class to advance to the Change User Class screen. See Create User Class Screen for a description of the fields on this screen. You can change any of the fields on this screen except the User class field.

Delete a user class

Select Delete for a user class to delete it.

Display a user class

Select Display for a user class to advance to the Display User Class screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create User Class Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Assign company authority to a user class

Select Company Auth to advance to the Work with Company Authority Screen.

Assign menu option authority to a user class

Select Menu Option Auth to advance to the Work with Use Class Menu Option Authority Screen.

Assign feature authority to a user class

Select Feature Auth to advance to the Work With User Class Feature Authority Screen.

Assign vendor authority to a user class

Select Vendor Auth to advance to the Work With User Class/Vendor Authority Screen.

Work with menus

Select Work with Menus to advance to the Work with Menus Screen.

Create User Class Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the user class and description and assign a default menu and company to this user class.

Once you have created a user class, you can assign authority to companies, menu options, secured features, alternate address formats, user-defined options and vendor authority for this user class.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with User Classes Screen.

Field Description

User Class

A user class is a grouping of users (for example, all Order Entry operators). You can assign authority to companies, menu options, etc. at the user class level.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description of this user class. Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Each of the following fields are default values that you can override for individual users:

Field Description
Output Queue

Not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Default Menu

The name of the menu to appear when this user class enters Order Management System. Menu names are defined in and validated against the Menu table. See Customizing Menus (WMNU).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Default Company

This code identifies the company where the user class primarily works. Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company table. You must define a default company for a user class in order to define vendor authority for the class.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Modern View Quick Link Menu

The name of the menu to display in the quick link area at the bottom of the Home page in Modern View for users in this class.

Which menu options? The menu you specify here should include menu options that are available in Modern View. Any menu options included in the selected menu that are not available in Modern View are not displayed at the Modern View Home page. Also, any sub-menus are not displayed.

See Customizing Menus (WMNU) for more information.

Work with Company Authority Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to allow or exclude this user class from having access to companies defined on your system.

How to display this screen: At the Work with User Classes Screen, select Company Auth.

Field Description

Comp (Company Code)

The code for a company

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the company.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


Indicates whether the user class has access to this company.

Valid values are:

  • Yes = This user class has access to this company.

  • No (default) = This user class does not have access to this company.

To change: Move your cursor to the value in the Authorized field, change it as necessary, and select OK.

Work with User Class Menu Option Authority Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to assign or prohibit access to specific menu options for a user class. Specifying access to a specific menu option on this screen will override the Default authority in an individual user's record (this is the default authority that you assign, in Working with User Records (WUSR), on the Create User Screen, not the User Authority that you define for a specific menu option on the Work with Menu Option Authority Screen).

For example, if an individual user within this user class has the default authority Allow in their user record, specifying Exclude next to a menu option will prevent any user within this class from performing the menu option.

How to display this screen: Select Menu Option Auth for a user class at the Work with User Classes Screen.

About authority: If an authority level has been previously assigned to a menu option for this user class, the level appears next to the menu option under the Authority field. If the authority level does not display, the system uses the default authority defined in each individual user's record to determine a user's access.

When you exclude a user class from a menu option, the user class can still access the same type of functionality through other menu options. For example, you might exclude a user class from the Create Item Warehouse/Locations (MIWL) option, but the user class will still be able to create an item warehouse or an item location through Work with Warehouses (WWHS) or Work with Items/SKUs (MITM).

Field Description

Menu Option

The fast path for the menu option.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


The description of the menu option.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions; optional.

User Authority

Enter an authority level to display menu options that match your entry.

Valid values are:

  • Allow

  • Display

  • Exclude


To delete: Select Delete for the option. The screen refreshes itself and the authority level disappears.

This delete option affects authority for this user class only; it does not affect authority at the user record level.

Assign authority: There are three levels of authority you can assign to a menu option for this user class:

  1. Display = Select Display for the menu option to limit this user class' access to inquiry only.

  2. Allow = Select Allow for the menu option to allow this user class to perform this menu option.

  3. Exclude = Select Exclude for the menu option to prohibit access to this user class.

The authority level you entered appears next to the menu option.

Work with User Class Feature Authority Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to override the default authority defined in the secured feature record (See Setting Up Secured Features), and assign or prohibit access to a secured feature for a user class.

Typically, a secured feature is a procedure or action that can be performed within a function. The ability to maintain batch totals and override prices in Order Entry are examples of secured features in the system.

A user class might have access to Order Entry or the Purchase Order functions. However, within those functions, you might not want to give all who have access the authority to certain features, which the system has segregated as secured features.

You can create or maintain secured features through the Work with System Values/Features function. See Setting Up Secured Features.

How to display this screen: Select Feature Auth for a user class at the Work with User Classes Screen.

About authority: If you have assigned an authority level for a secured feature to this user class, the level displays next to the feature, under the Authority field; otherwise, the system uses the authority defined in the secure feature record.

The system checks for authority in this order:

  1. User Authority. See Working with User Records (WUSR). If blank, the system checks:

  2. User Class Authority. If blank, the system uses:

  3. Default (company-wide) authority, as defined in the System Control table. See Summary of Secured Features.

Field Description

Appl area (Application area)

The application area where the secured feature belongs. Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Appl grp (Application group)

The application group where this secured feature belongs. Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Secure Feature

The name of the secured feature. Alphanumeric, 60 positions; optional.


The authority level you assign to this feature for the user class. Valid authority levels are:

  • Allow

  • Display

  • Exclude


Delete authority: Select Delete for the feature. The screen refreshes itself and the authority level disappears.

Assign authority: There are two levels of authority you can assign to a secured feature for this user class:

  1. Allow = Select Allow for the feature to allow this user class to perform this secured feature, unless otherwise prevented by menu option authority.

  2. Exclude = Select Exclude for the feature to prevent this user class from using this secured feature.

The authority level you entered appears next to the secured feature.

Work with User Class/Vendor Authority Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to restrict a class of users from particular vendors when the users select certain menu options. This might be useful to you if you want to grant vendors limited remote access to your system as a user, so that you can be sure they have access only to relevant information. Vendor authority is defined at the user class level only; you cannot override vendor authority for individual users.

The default authority for each vendor is always set to Allow; you define a user class's vendor authority by selecting which vendors it does not have access to, and setting them to Exclude.

System control value: The system checks a user's vendor authority only if the Check User Class/Vendor Authority (D88) system control value is selected.


You must define a default company for the user class in order to use this feature, so that the system knows where to locate the vendors for access restriction.

Menu options affected by vendor authority restriction:

Menu Option

Working with Existing Items (MITM)

Using Inventory Inquiry (DINI)

Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI)

Printing Purchase Orders (MPRP)

Working with Vendors (WVEN)

Working with Vendor Items (WVNI)

Working with Inventory Transactions (WITI)

Types of restrictions:

  • the vendor record

  • any purchase orders for the vendor

  • any items that are assigned to this vendor by having the vendor number defined in the Item table

  • any vendor items defined for the vendor (but not necessarily the item itself).

Information relative to restricted vendors does not display when you scan in any of the menu options affected by vendor authority restriction. If you attempt to work with a restricted record directly -- for example, by entering a purchase order number associated with a restricted vendor -- the system displays an error message.

These restrictions are in effect for the menu options listed in the table only. It is possible to work with vendor information through other menu options in Order Management System, if the user has the proper menu option authority. See the discussion of this option in Setting Up General Usage Values in the online help.

How to display this screen: Select Vendor Auth for a user class at the Change User Class screen.

Field Description


A code that defines a vendor on your system. Vendor numbers are defined in and validated against the Vendor table.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Vendor Name

The name of the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The class's authority to the vendor. Valid values are:

  • Allow

  • Display

  • Exclude

Enter Exclude to display vendors that the user class is restricted from working with.


To change:

  1. Select Allow for each currently excluded vendor that you want to give the user class authority to work with.

  2. Select Exclude for each currently allowed vendor that you want to restrict the user class from working with.

  3. The system changes the authority status of the vendor or vendors and updates the screen with the new information.