Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP)

Purpose: Use the Submit Auto Deposits function to:

  • transmit credit card invoice information to a deposit service once you have shipped and billed the orders.

  • transmit credit card credit information once you have processed returns or credits.

When you process deposits for deferred or installment pay plan orders, there is typically an interval between the time you bill the orders and the time you process the deposit(s), based on the pay plan agreement; see Deferred or Installment Pay Plans vs. Regular (Non-Pay Plan) Orders.

Suppressing deposits: You can suppress deposit processing for orders you receive through the Generic Order Interface (Order API). In this situation, the order is not included when you process deposits. See Suppressing Deposits and Refunds for an overview.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Tracking records evaluated and processed: The DEP_UPDATE (deposits) job tracks the total number of records and evaluated in the Job History table. See Display Job History (DJHY) for background.

In this topic:

Deposit Setup

In order to send information to a deposit service with the Submit Auto Deposits function, you must first:

Increasing maximum threads: To enhance the performance of deposit processing, if needed, set the DEPOSIT_MAX_THREADS property in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) to a higher number. You can enter any positive integer. This property defaults to 1.

For more information:

Scheduling Deposits

You can use the SCHDDEP periodic function (program name PFR0090) to send deposits. See Scheduling Jobs for an overview and setup information.

The Parameter field allows you to generate deposit transactions for a specific authorization service and/or define the maximum number of deposits to process for purchases. Note that this setting does not apply to refund transactions.


You can define a Purchases transactions to generate number in the Parameter field only if the Preload Deposits (L78) system control value is unselected.

If you do not define any parameters, the system uses the same settings as if you used the Auto Deposit Screen with all the default settings selected.

You need to specify a company when you set up the periodic process.

When you run the periodic process or submit deposits through the Submit Auto Deposits (SDEP) option, it starts a job named AUTO_DEP123, where 123 is the company number. The job selects records from the Invoice Payment Method table that have not yet been processed for deposit or credit, and whose deposit release date is the current date or earlier. The periodic process continues to run into the AUTO_DEP job finishes.

You can review the submitted AUTO_DEP job at the Job Management Screen. See Processing Deposits for more information

Additional things to note about the SCHDDEP function:

  • To run the function for multiple companies at the same time, you can select a different job queue for each periodic process that includes the SCHDDEP periodic function.

  • Each instance of the job creates its own active procedure, displayed in Purge Active Procedures Across Users (MACX) with a Type of BD.

  • If the AUTO_DEP job is inactive for 15 minutes but the active procedure still exists, you can use the JOBCLN periodic function to delete the active procedure, and then you can restart the job. 

  • You cannot currently delete the AUTO_DEP job after it goes into Finished or Error status at the Job Management Screen screen. Also, job history records for this job are not purged based on the oms.job.history.purge.retain.days specified in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP).

  • The Display Active Batch Jobs (DABJ) option does not display the Last Program for the SCHDDEP job.

Multi-Currency, Alternate Currency, and Prestige Process

The following system control values govern the way your company handles foreign currencies when you process deposits.

System Control Value Description


Select the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value to segregate orders based on the currency associated with the offer. If you use multi currency by offer, you will be required to specify currency at many points throughout the system, such as when you process refunds or print various reports. If you have this system control value selected, you do not need to have the Track Invoice Currency (D68) field selected, unless you also want to use the Invoice Currency table to record the exchange rate when an order bills; however, this is necessary only if you use Prestige as a deposit service.

Prestige Process

Select the Track Invoice Currency (D68) system control value to use the separate deposit process for foreign currency (the “Prestige” process) described below. The customer's currency is determined by the country where he or she resides.

If you are processing deposits in foreign currencies separately, and you want to track the currency exchange rates at the time of  (Prestige) billing, you may also need to:

  • Select the Track Invoice Currency (D68) system control value to track the currency conversion rate at the time of billing.

  • Define a deposit service with a code of PRE in the Defining Authorization Services (WASV) menu option.

  • In the Working with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option, select the PRE deposit service for any foreign credit card payment type to be processed separately.

  • Define a country code in the Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY) menu option that is identical to the currency code in the Currency table; for example, both the Country and Currency codes for Japan might be defined as JPN.

  • When you enter orders in the foreign currency, use the foreign credit card payment type, make sure you are using the foreign Country code, and use ** for the state in the customer's address.

Foreign currency transactions that use the separate process are not confirmed interactively through Process Auto Deposits. Instead, the system writes these records to the Credit Card Deposit Prestige table (CCCDPP). You must extract the contents of this table for transmission to the deposit service. Periodically, you must also purge the contents of this table through Purging Prestige Credit Card Deposits (MPSP).

Auto Deposit Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to send and receive deposit and credit card credit information to and from a deposit service.

Selecting service bureaus for deposit: Select the Select Auth Service option to advance to the Select Auth Service for Deposit Screen, where you can select the service bureau(s) for which you wish to run deposits. By default, all service bureaus are selected for deposit.

Types of transactions selected: All eligible transactions, regardless of whether they are for orders with deferred or installment pay plans or for regular (non-pay plan) orders, will be processed. See Deferred or Installment Pay Plans vs. Regular (Non-Pay Plan) Orders for more information on pay plans.

How to display this screen: Enter SDEP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Submit Auto Deposit from a menu.


Important: You will receive an error message when you try to advance to the Auto Deposit screen if the Use Auto Authorization Interface (C14) system control value is not selected: Info: Auto Authorization is not currently enabled. This system control value must be selected in order to send deposits to the service bureau for confirmation.

Field Description

Send or receive

Send Deposits is selected by default, specifying that you are sending information to the deposit service for settlement. You cannot change this option.



Use these fields to indicate the number or dollar amount of purchases to process.

Note:  The Purchases fields are display only if the Preload Deposits (L78) system control value is selected.

Transactions to generate (for purchases)

Enter the maximum number of deposits to process for purchases. Each transaction represents an invoice for a shipment or an installment payment using a credit card.

Selecting transactions: If you enter a number, the system selects transactions for the service bureau(s) selected for deposit in ascending numeric order (lowest to highest) by order number, then invoice number, until it reaches the number of transactions you specify. See the description of the Amount to generate field, below, for more information on how the system selects transactions.

Deposit release date:  The transaction must have a deposit release date earlier than or the same as today's date to be eligible for processing. See Deposit Release Date.

Leave this field blank to process all eligible deposits for purchases.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only if Preload Deposits (L78) is selected, otherwise, optional.

Amount to generate (for purchases)

Enter the maximum total dollar amount of all deposits to process for purchases.

Selecting transactions: If you enter an amount, the system continues selecting transactions for the service bureau(s) selected for deposit in ascending order number sequence as described above, and stops before it would exceed this amount. However, if it would exceed the maximum amount by selecting the orders in exact sequence, it will skip one or more orders as necessary.

Example:   You enter a maximum amount to generate of $100

The following orders are currently eligible for deposit:

order # / amount

100 / $50

101 / $30

102 / $30

103 / $15

104 / $10

Result: The system selects orders 100,101, and 103 for deposit. It skips order 102 because its order total of $30 would cause the total amount to exceed the maximum of $100 ($50 + $30 +$30 = $110). Also, it stops after including order 103, because it cannot add another order without exceeding the maximum.

If you complete both this field and the Transactions to generate field, the system will restrict the deposits processed to within both limits.

Leave this field blank to process deposits regardless of the total dollar amount.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only if Preload Deposits (L78) is selected, otherwise, optional.


Use these fields to indicate the number or dollar amount of return credits to process:

Transactions to generate (for returns)

Enter the maximum number of deposits to process for returns. Each transaction represents a credit invoice to process against the customer's credit card.

Selecting transactions: If you enter a number, the system selects transactions for the service bureau(s) selected for deposit in ascending numeric order (lowest to highest) by order number, then invoice number, until it reaches the number of transactions you specify. See the description of the Amount to generate field, below, for more information on how the system selects transactions.

Deposit release date:  The transaction must have a deposit release date earlier than or the same as today's date to be eligible for processing. See Deposit Release Date.

Leave this field blank to process all eligible deposits for returns.

See Netting Credits for Pay Plan Orders.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Amount to generate

Enter the maximum total dollar amount of all credit transactions to process.  

Selecting transactions: If you enter an amount, the system continues selecting transactions for the service bureau(s) selected for deposit in ascending order number sequence as described above, and stops before it exceeds this amount.

Example: You enter a maximum amount to generate of $100

The following returns are currently eligible for credit deposit processing:

order # / amount

100 / $50-

101 / $30-

102 / $30-

Result: The system selects orders 100 and 101 for credit deposit. Then it stops after including order 103, because it cannot add another order without exceeding the maximum.

If you complete both this field and the Transactions to generate field, the system will restrict the credit deposits processed to within both limits.

Leave this field blank to process credit deposits regardless of the total dollar amount.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option Procedure

Select which service bureau(s) you wish to select for the deposit run

Select Select Auth Service to advance to the Select Auth Service for Deposit Screen, where you can select the service bureau(s) for which you wish to run deposits. By default, all service bureaus are selected for deposit.

Send deposits to a deposit service

Select OK at the Auto Deposit Screen to start a job named AUTO_DEP123, where 123 is the company number. This job selects records from the Invoice Payment Method table for the service bureau(s) selected for deposit that have not yet been processed for deposit or credit, and whose deposit release date is the current date or earlier..

You can review the submitted AUTO_DEP job at the Job Management Screen. See Processing Deposits for more information.

Once you submit the deposit run, the system updates the Selected field for each service bureau on the Select Auth Service for Deposit Screen to YES, indicating all service bureaus are selected for the next deposit run, unless you deselect them.

Select Auth Service for Deposit Screen

Use this screen to select the service bureau(s) for which you wish to run deposits. By default, all service bureaus are selected for deposit.

Once you run deposits, the system updates the Selected field on this screen to YES, indicating all service bureaus are selected for the next deposit run, unless you deselect them.

How to display this screen: Select Select Auth Service on the Auto Deposit Screen.

Field Description


The name of a service bureau in Defining Authorization Services (WASV).

Authorization services are defined in and validated against the Authorization Services table.

Enter a valid description and select OK to display the service bureau that matches your entry.

Selecting and Unselecting a Service Bureau

When you first advance to this screen, all service bureaus are selected for the next deposit run.

  • Select a service bureau whose Sel field is YES to remove the service bureau from the deposit run; the Sel field updates to NO.

  • Select a service bureau whose Sel field is NO to add the service bureau to the deposit run; the Sel field updates to YES.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.



Indicates whether the service bureau is selected for the deposit run.

  • YES = The system includes the service bureau in the next deposit run.

  • NO = The system does not include the service bureau in the next deposit run.

Processing Deposits

The system creates records in the Invoice Payment Method table when you bill the orders and uses the Invoice Payment Method table to create records in the CC Deposit Transaction table to be used by the deposit process.


The system creates a record in the CC Deposit Transaction table only for pay types that have a deposit service defined.

Preload Deposits?

The setting of the Preload Deposits (L78) system control value determines whether billing or deposits creates records in the CC Deposit Transaction table and CC Deposit History table, based on the records in the Invoice Payment Method table.

Preload Deposit Process

If the Preload Deposits (L78) system control value is selected, billing creates records in the CC Deposit Transaction table and CC Deposit History table immediately after creating records in the Invoice Payment Method table.

In addition:



In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.

Regular Deposit Process

If the Preload Deposits (L78) system control value is unselected, the deposit process creates records in the CC Deposit Transaction table and CC Deposit History table, prior to sending out the deposit transactions.

CC Deposit Transaction Table

Preload Deposits (L78) selected Preload Deposits (L78) unselected

Cybersource, Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Service Bureau, or External Payment Service

During billing: 

  • the system sends the debit deposit transaction to the service bureau.

  • When an approved response is received, the system updates the Status of the CC Deposit Transaction record to *RCVD, and the Vendor response 1, Vendor response 2, and Authorization code based on the response received from the service bureau.

During deposits: 

  • The system processes any credit deposit transactions.

  • The system processes Batch Deposit Updates for any credit deposit transactions and any debit deposit transactions that were sent to the service bureau during billing.

  • Once all updates are complete, the system deletes the CC Deposit Transaction record.

Any Other Service Bureau

During billing: 

The Status is *RDY, indicating the deposit transaction is ready to be submitted for processing.

During deposits: 

  • The system sends the deposit transaction to the service bureau and processes Batch Deposit Updates when a response is received.

  • Once all updates are complete, the system deletes the CC Deposit Transaction record.

All Service Bureaus

During billing: 

The system does not create a record in the CC Deposit Transaction table.

During deposits: 

  • The system sends the deposit transaction to the service bureau.

  • When an approved response is received, the system updates the Status of the CC Deposit Transaction record to *RCVD, and the Vendor response 1, Vendor response 2, and Authorization code based on the response received from the service bureau.

  • The system processes Batch Deposit Updates.

  • Once all updates are complete, the system deletes the CC Deposit Transaction record.

CC Deposit History Table

Preload Deposits (L78) selected Preload Deposits (L78) unselected

All Service Bureaus

During billing: 

  • Updates Deposit date with the deposit transaction date.

  • Updates Deposit status to Net yet sent.

During deposits: 

Updates Deposit status to C Confirmed.

All Service Bureaus

The system does not create a record in the CC Deposit History table.

During deposits:

The system creates a record in the CC Deposit History table, based on the information in the Invoice Payment Method and CC Deposit Transaction tables.

Sending Deposits

The system transmits each record to the deposit service specified in the Pay Type table and confirms each deposit when the confirmation is received interactively from the deposit service.

Once the system receives the deposit response from the deposit service and updates the CC Deposit Transaction table, in order to free up the PICKGEN job queue, the system submits the DEP_UPDATE job to the QSYSNOMAX job queue to process the remaining updates; see Batch Deposit Updates.

Credit card encryption: Credit card encryption allows you to encrypt the credit card number in the Order Administration database to provide additional security of credit card data. If you use credit card encryption, the system decrypts the credit card number before sending it to the deposit service. See the Data Security Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for an overview.

Tokenization: Credit card tokenization allows you to replace the credit card number in the Order Administration database with a token provided by the authorization service. In this situation, the system sends the token rather than the actual credit card number to the deposit service. See Credit Card Tokenization in the Data Security and Encryption Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1).

Depositing against multiple authorizations: When you process deposits for an order containing multiple authorizations, the system looks to process the deposit against an unexpired authorization whose amount equals the deposit amount. If an unexpired authorization amount does not equal the deposit amount, the system processes the deposit against the unexpired authorization with the highest dollar amount.

If one of the authorizations for a shipment on the order has expired: If the order includes an authorized shipment and another shipment whose authorization has expired, the expired amount is authorized, and the full amount is deposited.

Example: Item 1 on an order was authorized for 10.00 and the pick slip generated, but the authorization has since expired. A pick slip is generated for item 2 for 15.00, and the amount authorized at this time is 15.00. During deposit processing, the 10.00 is authorized, and 25.00 is deposited.

Credit card net exchange billing: If a credit invoice and debit invoice are flagged for net billing, the system nets the credit invoice amount against the debit invoice amount to determine the remaining amount to deposit; see Credit Card Net Exchange Billing for processing details.

Authorization number: The original authorization number authorizing the shipment at pick slip generation is retained by the system. This is the number that displays in order inquiry for a pay plan order, even after you receive a full authorization for the amount of the deposit.

Maximum threads: To enhance performance, set the DEPOSIT_MAX_THREADS property in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) to a higher number. If the property is empty, missing, or not set to an integer, a setting of 1 defaults, and a warning message is written to the APP.log and the CWDIRECT.log indicating that a setting of 1 was used.

Troubleshooting: When the logging level is set to debug, detailed messages are written to the app.log during deposit processing. You can use these entries to help troubleshoot any issues with deposit processing. See Logs for background.

Batch Deposit Updates

The DEP_UPDATE job performs updates in the following order.

Table Update

Invoice Payment Method

The system updates the Invoice Payment Method record with the amount deposited.

Deposit date: The system updates the deposit created date to the date when the DEP_UPDATE job is processed if the deposit created date was for an earlier date. This may occur if the billing date was earlier than the deposit date.

Card Security Data

If not already cleared, the system removes card security data from the Order Payment Method table and On Line Authorization table. Also, the system creates an order transaction history message indicating the security information has been cleared.

CC Deposit History

The system updates the CC Deposit History record with the response code received from the Deposit service. You can review deposit history in Order Inquiry; see Display Deposit History Screen and Display Deposit History Detail Screen.

Deposit date: The system updates the deposit date to the date when the DEP_UPDATE job is processed if the deposit date was for an earlier date. This may occur if the billing date was earlier than the deposit date.

If the deposit date in this table does not match the date when the DEP_UPDATE job is processed, the system updates the deposit date to the current date.

Order Payment History

The system creates an Order Payment History record. You can review order payment history in Order Inquiry; see Display Order Payment History Screen.

Deposit Reports

The system produces the following reports for each deposit service:

CC Deposit Transaction

The system deletes the associated records in the CC Deposit Transaction table.

Foreign Currency Deposit Process (Prestige)

If the payment types for the invoice records are set up for foreign currency processing, the system does not communicate with a deposit service at this time. Instead, the system writes the records to the Credit Card Deposit Prestige table (CCCDPP). You can extract the records from this table for transmission to a deposit service at a later time.

The system produces the Unconfirmed Deposits Listing Report for the foreign transactions. However, since it considers each transaction written to the Credit Card Deposit Prestige table as “confirmed,” it does not produce an Unconfirmed Deposits Listing Report for these transactions.

You will need to purge the Credit Card Deposit Prestige table through Purging Prestige Credit Card Deposits (MPSP).

Void Unused Authorization After Initial Deposit

If the deposit amount for a credit card deposit is less than the original amount authorized, the system looks at the setting of the Void auth at deposit field for the service bureau to determine how to process the deposit.

If the Void auth at deposit field for the service bureau is selected, the system automatically voids the remaining balance against a credit card authorization that has been partially deposited. If there are multiple authorizations for the order, the system will not void the other authorizations. The system uses both the authorization transaction ID and, if necessary, the authorization number to determine the authorization history record to be voided.


If a deposit run contains two deposits against the same authorization transaction and the Void auth at deposit field for the service bureau is selected, the system voids the remaining authorization amount after the first deposit in the run is processed. This allows the second deposit transaction to go out to the service bureau as a conditional deposit.

Example 1: In this example, the Void auth at deposit field for the service bureau is selected.

During order entry, you process an online authorization for an order for $50.00. When you review Authorization History for the order:

  • Status = A Authorized

  • Amount submitted = $50.00

  • Amount available = $50.00

During order maintenance, you cancel an item on the order. The order total reduces to $40.00. You ship and confirm the order. When you review Authorization History for the order:

  • Status = A Authorized

  • Amount submitted = $50.00

  • Amount available = $10.00

  • Amount deposited = $40.00

When you submit deposits, the deposit amount is $40.00. Because the Void auth at deposit field for the service bureau is selected and the deposit amount ($40.00) is less than the authorization amount ($50.00), the system voids the remaining authorization amount ($10.00). When you review Authorization History for the order:

  • Status = V Voided

  • Amount submitted = $50.00

  • Amount available =.00

  • Amount deposited = $40.00

Example 2: In this example, the Void auth at deposit field for the service bureau is unselected.

During order entry, you process an online authorization for an order for $50.00. When you review Authorization History for the order:

  • Status = A Authorized

  • Amount submitted = $50.00

  • Amount available = $50.00

During order maintenance, you cancel an item on the order. The order total reduces to $40.00. You ship and confirm the order. When you review Authorization History for the order:

  • Status = A Authorized

  • Amount submitted = $50.00

  • Amount available = $10.00

  • Amount deposited = $40.00

When you submit deposits, the deposit amount is $40.00. Because the Void auth at deposit field for the service bureau is unselected and the deposit amount ($40.00) is less than the authorization amount ($50.00), the system retains the remaining authorization amount ($10.00). When you review Authorization History for the order:

  • Status = A Authorized

  • Amount submitted = $50.00

  • Amount available = $10.00

  • Amount deposited = $40.00

Capture Sequence and Count Sent to CyberSource

The CyberSource Debit Deposit Request (ccCaptureService) XML Message indicates the capture sequence and total capture count if:

  • The Void auth at deposit flag for the authorization service is unselected, and

  • The entire order does not ship and bill at once, based on the fact that it’s a debit invoice for less than the authorization amount.

Capture count and sequence examples: Examples of how the ccCapture_sequence and ccCapture_totalCount would be populated in the deposit request message:

Scenario ccCapture_sequence ccCapture_totalCount

First deposit for the order.

The number of deposits is not known, indicated by a total count of 99.



Second deposit for the order.

The number of deposits is not known, indicated by a total count of 99.



Final deposit for the order.

The capture sequence and total count were previously set to 2 and 99. The sequence increments by 1, and the total count is set to match the sequence.



Final deposit for the order, and the capture sequence and total count were not previously sent.

Note:  In this case, the tags are not passed in the message.



Larger number of deposits? If the number of deposits for the order is 98 or higher, the sequence number sent in the deposit request remains at 98, and the total count remains at 99 until the final deposit is submitted. At that point, the sequence number is set to 99.

Note that the Authorization History table tracks the actual sequence number and count.

Scenarios in which the ccCapture_sequence and ccCapture_totalCount are not sent in the deposit request message: In the following scenarios, the sequence and total count are still tracked in the Authorization History record, but not included in the deposit request message:

  • The tax rate increases, causing the invoice total to exceed the authorization amount. In this scenario, the original Authorization History record is voided, triggering a reversal. A new Authorization History record is created during deposit processing for the full invoice amount. 

  • There were multiple authorizations, but the products shipped together and generated a single invoice. In this scenario, the original Authorization History records are voided, triggering a Reversal. A new Authorization History record is created during deposit processing for the full amount.  The authorization amount and deposit amount will be equal on the new Authorization History record, so it is considered the final deposit.

  • The order is closed and the deposit request was already sent, but then an additional charge was added to the order and express-billed. A new Authorization History record is created for the additional charge amount.

  • The order is closed but the deposit request was not yet sent, and then an additional charge is added to the order and express-billed. A new Authorization History record is created for the additional charge amount. Both are submitted for deposit and considered final deposits.

The capture sequence and total capture count are not included for the CyberSource Authorization and Deposit Request (ccAuthService and ccCaptureService) XML Message, only for the deposit request.

Multiple Capture Sequence and Final Capture Sent to External Payment Service

The deposit request for credit cards and stored value cards sent through the External Payment Service indicates the capture sequence whether this is the final capture for account situations when:

  • The Void auth at deposit flag for the authorization service is unselected, and

  • The entire order does not ship and bill at once, based on the fact that it’s a debit invoice for less than the authorization amount.

Otherwise, if the Void auth at deposit flag is selected, the deposit request indicates a multiple capture sequence of 0, and the finalCapture tag is empty.

Capture count and sequence examples: Examples of how the multipleCaptureSequence and finalCapture would be populated in the deposit request message:

Scenario multipleCaptureSequence finalCapture

Void auth at deposit is selected



Void auth at deposit is not selected and:

  • First deposit

  • Entire order ships and bills



Void auth at deposit is not selected and:

  • First deposit

  • Additional item remains to be shipped



Void auth at deposit is not selected and:

  • Second deposit

  • No additional items remain to be shipped




Your end payment processor, such as Paymentech or VisaNet, must support split shipments for you to set the Void auth at deposit flag to N. 

Error if deposit is greater than authorization (additional scenario for a stored value card): The External Payment Service returns the error DEPOSIT_GREATER_THAN_AUTH in a situation such as the following for a stored value card:

  • The Void auth at deposit flag is unselected.

  • An additional item with a higher price is added to the order after the initial authorization, and an additional authorization is obtained for this second item during pick slip generation; however, the additional authorization is based on the authorization required for the second item minus the current authorization amount, but not the full authorization amount that will be required for both items. For example:

    • ITEM01 is 25.00 and shipping is 10.00: 35.00 authorized.

    • ITEM02 is 50.00 and the 10.00 shipping billed when ITEM02 ships first: 60.00 authorization required.

    • When pick slip generation runs for ITEM02, additional 25.00 authorized (60.00 required - 35.00 already authorized).

  • The second item ships before the first item on the order, and the deposit amount exceeds the amount of the first authorization because of the second item’s higher price. Order Administration submits the largest existing authorization amount, which is 35.00. As a result, during deposit processing through the External Payment Service, Order Administration receives the DEPOSIT_GREATER_THAN_AUTH error based on the specified deposit amount of 60.00.

  • n this case, when Order Administration receives the error response, it submits two deposit requests:

    • One for the 35.00 authorization amount.

    • One for the 25.00 authorization amount.

      Each request specifies the related authorization number, and a multipleCaptureSequence of 1 and a finalCapture of Y, because each request is for a separate authorization amount.

  • When the original 25.00 item is in stock, Order Administration obtains a new authorization for 25.00. Then when that item ships, Order Administration submits another deposit request for 25.00, which also specifies a multipleCaptureSequence of 1 and a finalCapture of Y for the additional authorization.

Deferred or Installment Pay Plans vs. Regular (Non-Pay Plan) Orders

Overview: You can use flexible payment options to set up deferred or installment pay plans for your customers. Unlike regular deposits, deferred or installment deposits are not eligible for processing immediately after confirmation of shipment and creation of the invoice; instead, the system assigns a pay plan deposit with a deposit release date based on the deferral or installment agreement.

Example: Deferral pay plan: “no payment for 60 days” or “no payment till February 1" Installment pay plan: “4 easy payments”

You can use deferred or installment pay plans only if the Deferred and Installment Billing (F51) system control value is selected. See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview for an overview of deferred and installment billing and information on setting up pay plans in your company.

Deposit Release Date

The deposit release date indicates when the deposit is eligible for processing.

Type of Order Deposit Release Date

regular (non-pay plan)

same as invoice date:  deposit is eligible for processing immediately after billing

deferral pay plan

can be either a fixed date ("no payment till February 1") or based on a specific interval ("no payment for 60 days")

if based on a specific interval, can be calculated based on either order date or invoice date

installment pay plan

first deposit release date can be either the next time a fixed date occurs ("installments due the first of the month") or after a fixed interval from time of shipment

To review the deposit release date: The deposit release date is stored in the Invoice Pay Method table. You can review this information in order inquiry by selecting Invoices to advance to the Display Invoices screen, then selecting Invoice Pay Sum to advance to the Invoice Pay Summary Screen.

Authorizing Deposits

Unlike regular deposits, a deferred or installment deposit may not already have a current, valid authorization from the time of pick slip generation, so you need to obtain an authorization when you process deposits.

Overview: When you generate pick slips for a regular (non-pay plan) order, you authorize the pickable amount of the order, because you expect to confirm shipment and process the deposit shortly after. However, after you obtain an initial authorization for an order using a pay plan, there may be a considerable delay before you process the deposit or deposits.   For this reason, it may be necessary to authorize the deposit amount as part of deposit processing.

Authorization at pick slip generation:

When you print a pick slip for... The amount authorized is...

a regular (non-pay plan) order

the full pickable amount of the order  (including any tax, shipping, and charges)

a deferred billing pay plan order

one dollar, unless the Authorize full amount field for the pay plan is selected

an installment billing pay plan order

the first payment of the installment plan, unless the Authorize full amount field for the pay plan is selected


Even if the Authorize full amount field for the pay plan is selected, the system still re-authorizes the installment amount when you process the subsequent deposit(s) for the pay plan order.

Action codes: The system uses action codes to indicate to the deposit service whether the deposit requires an authorization. When processing deposits, the system sends the deposit service an action code of:

  • B (Conditional Deposit) if you need both an authorization and a deposit. The system sends a code of B for:

    • all pay plan deposits (regardless of how the Authorize full amount field for the pay plan is set) except for the first deposit of an installment plan, when a D code is sent instead.

    • any regular (non-pay plan) deposit sent to the deposit service whose authorization has expired. You can review the authorization expiration date at the Authorization History Details Window. Additionally, the system creates a new authorization history record for the new authorization number. The system assigns a Status of M (Mismatch Auth/Deposit) to authorization history records created during deposit processing.


      Conditional deposit is not supported for stored value cards.
  • D (Regular Deposit) if you need to process the deposit only and do not require an authorization. The system sends a code of D for all regular (non-pay plan) deposits as long as there is an authorization code for the invoice pay method and the authorization has not expired.

Type of deposit Action code

regular (non-pay plan)


Note:  The system sends an action code of B for any regular deposit sent to the deposit service whose authorization has expired.

first payment of an installment pay plan


subsequent payments of an installment pay plan


deferred billing pay plan


credit (refund)


It is possible to have a pay plan order where the deposit release date is the same as the invoice date. For example, if you set up a deferred pay plan based on order date, and shipment of the order is delayed due to a backorder, the order could be eligible for deposit as soon as you confirm shipment. In this situation, the deposit will still be sent with an action code of B, because typically you have not yet received an authorization for the amount of the deposit.

Force Deposit

You can choose to “force the deposit” when an authorization for a deferred or installment pay plan is rejected. Forcing the deposit means that the system performs all the same updates in your company as if the deposit was authorized and processed.

To force pay plan deposits, you must select the Force deposit for FPO field for the vendor response code. The system checks the setting of this field only when a deposit for a pay plan is rejected. See below for more information.

You are responsible for making any necessary arrangements with the deposit service if you plan to force deposits.

When is a pay plan deposit forced?  The system forces a deposit when:

  • the deposit is for a deferred or installment pay plan, and

  • the deposit is sent out with an action code of B, and

  • the response code sent from the service is not an approval (100 = approval), and

  • the Force deposit for FPO field for the vendor response code is selected.

When is a regular (non-pay plan) deposit forced? Additionally, regular (non-pay plan) deposits are always forced because you received an authorization when you generated the pick slip, except under the following circumstances:

  • The action code on the deposit is D or R and

  • You are using an authorization service that allows forced deposits and

  • The Vendor Response code is not an approval (100 = approval) and

  • The regular deposit is returned from the authorization service with an authorization number of NOTDEP.

Netting Credits for Pay Plan Orders

The Net Credit Card Credits for Deferred and Installment Billing (F55) control value controls how refund credits are deposited for deferred or installment pay plans.

Overview: The system does not process a credit card credit against an installment or deferred billing order before the deposit itself has been processed. This rule is important to ensure that you do not credit the customer's credit card before it had actually been charged. The logic governing how to comply with this rule varies depending on whether the order uses a deferred or installment pay plan and on whether you net credit card credits.

The table describes how and when credits are eligible for deposit processing in different scenarios. In each scenario, it is assumed that the following has already occurred:

  • the order has a deferred or installment pay plan

  • shipment has taken place

  • the refund has been processed through the Process Refunds menu option (fast path = MREF)

Type of Pay Plan Net Credits? Result



The credit has a deposit release date that is the same date as the debit.  The credit deposit is eligible for processing after the purchase deposit is processed.


  • Ship an order on 8/1 for $100 with a deposit release date of 9/1

  • Process return on 8/15 for $60: credit is for $60 and has a deposit release date of 9/1

  • Process Deposits processes the credit of $60 after the debit of $100 is deposited.



The credit has a deposit release date that is the same date as the debit. When you process deposits, the net amount of the deposit only is processed.


  • Ship an order on 8/1 for $100 with a deposit release date of 9/1

  • Process return on 8/15 for $60: credit is for $60 and has a deposit release date of 9/1

  • Process Deposits processes a deposit of $40 ($100 - $60)



The credit has a deposit release date that is the same as the date you created it; however, the credit deposit is eligible for processing after the total debit deposits meet or exceed the credit invoice amount.


  • Ship an order on 8/1 for $100 with 4 installments of $25, deposit release dates of 9/1, 10/1, 11/1, and 12/1

  • Process first installment deposit on 9/1 for $25

  • Process return on 9/15 for $60: credit is for $60 and has a deposit release date of 9/15, but is not released for deposit

  • Process second installment deposit on 10/1 (total amount deposited now $50)

  • Process third installment deposit on 11/1 (total amount deposited now $75)

  • Process Deposits processes the credit of $60



The credit has a deposit release date that is the same as the date you created it.  When you process deposits, the remaining installment amounts are reduced by the total credit amount.


  • Ship an order on 8/1 for $100 with 4 installments of $25, deposit release dates of 9/1, 10/1, 11/1, and 12/1

  • Process first installment deposit on 9/1 for $25

  • Process return on 9/15 for $60: credit is for $60 and has a deposit release date of 9/15

  • When you next process deposits, the amount of each remaining installment is reduced to $5 ($75 remaining installments - $60 credit = $15; $15 / 3 installments = $5)

Merchant ID Messages

You can specify a message to appear on the customer's credit card statement when you process a deposit for a pay plan. The message is concatenated with additional information into a 14- or 18-position message, formatted as follows:

  • DBA industry code (3 positions): taken from the first 3 positions of the Industry format code for the authorization service

  • Merchant ID message (11 positions): taken from the Merchant ID message field for the pay plan

  • Installment description (4 positions): for installment pay plans, this consists of a description of which installment was deposited, for example, 1of 4. With this description, the entire message for an installment plan is 18 positions. For deferred pay plans, the entire message ends after the merchant ID message, producing a 14-position message.

See Defining Authorization Services (WASV).

Updates for Installment Pay Plans

When you process a deposit for an installment pay plan, the system updates the following fields for the invoice pay method:

  • Intervals remaining: reduced by one.

  • Total amount deposited: increased by the deposit amount.

  • Deposit release date: 

    • if the installment plan uses an interval, the deposit release date is calculated by adding the interval number of days to the current date.

    • If the installment plan uses a fixed billing date, the deposit release date is changed to the next occurrence of the billing date.

  • Deposit created date: This field is updated with the current date only when you deposit the last installment payment.

You can review the invoice pay method information in order inquiry. See Reviewing Deposits in Order Inquiry.

Rejected Deposits for Pay Plan Orders

Unauthorized or unconfirmed deposits display on the Unconfirmed Deposits Listing Report. Additionally, you can use the Resubmit Rejected Deposits Screen to review, work with, or resubmit any deposits that were not fully processed through the Submit Auto Deposit menu option.

Holding orders: When a deposit is rejected for a deferred or installment pay plan, orders for the same customer and/or using the same credit card number are put on hold. See Holding Pay Plan Orders.

Installments: Additionally, when a deposit is rejected for an installment pay plan, the next installment date is changed to 999999.

Non-pay plan orders: Unconfirmed regular (non-pay plan) orders still appear on the Unconfirmed Deposit Listing and are available through the Resubmit Rejected Deposits Screen.

Holding Pay Plan Orders

When a deposit for a deferred or installment pay plan is rejected, the system puts any open orders for the same customer or the same credit card number on hold, as follows:

  • same sold to customer: order goes on SB hold

  • same credit card number: order goes on CB hold

If an order matches both the customer and the credit card number, it goes on CB hold.


You must set up these hold reason codes in your company. See Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR).

Order history message: The system also writes a message to order history when it puts the related order an hold, for example:

8/10/06   H   CB Hold.  Rejected deposit on 4778/3282        114.84   SAMPLENAME

In the above example, the 4778/3282 refers to the order number and invoice number of the deposit that was rejected, and the 114.84 refers to the rejected deposit amount.

See Reviewing Financial Information on an Order for more information on reviewing information in order inquiry.

For more information:

Stored Value Card Deposits

When processing a deposit for a stored value card, the system uses the action code D to process the deposit. Conditional deposit (B) is not supported for stored value cards.

Multiple authorizations: If there are multiple authorizations for the order and the deposit amount is greater than the remaining amount for each authorization on the order, the system will send the first authorization number for the deposit record. However, once the deposit response is received, the system will deposit both authorizations. For example, if you have 2 authorizations for 20.00 and the deposit amount is 40.00, the system will send the first authorization number for the deposit record, but will deposit both authorizations once a response is received.

If the stored value card cannot cover the entire deposit amount: If the balance on the stored value card cannot cover the entire deposit amount, the system will reject the entire deposit amount.

Stored value card credits: When you deposit a refund credit against a stored value card, the service bureau sends back a new authorization number with the deposit response; because of this, the system creates a new authorization for the credit amount that is already updated to a deposit status. At this point, the credit amount is reimbursed to the stored value card.

If the deposit amount is less than the original authorization amount: If the deposit amount is less than the original amount authorized:

  • External Payment Service: The Void auth at deposit flag, set up through Defining Authorization Services (WASV), indicates how to process the deposit. See Multiple Capture Sequence and Final Capture Sent to External Payment Service for a discussion.

  • Other authorization services: The Retain Unused Stored Value Card Authorization After Deposit (J21) system control value indicates how to process the deposit.

    • If the Retain Unused Stored Value Card Authorization After Deposit (J21) system control value is selected, the system will retain a stored value card authorization after it has been partially deposited. For example, if the authorization amount is 50.00 and the deposit amount is 40.00, the system will retain the remaining 10.00 on the authorization.

    • If the Retain Unused Stored Value Card Authorization After Deposit (J21) system control value is unselected, the system will void the remaining balance against the authorization. For example, if the authorization amount is 50.00 and the deposit amount is 40.00, the system will void the remaining 10.00 on the authorization. If there are multiple authorizations for the order, the system will not void the other authorizations.

Stored value card authorization reversals during deposits: If the Perform Authorization Reversal during Deposit Processing (J20) system control value is selected, when you process deposits and the deposit amount is less than the original authorization amount, the system reimburses the stored value card the difference. For example, if the original authorization amount is 50.00, but the deposit amount is 30.00, the system will deposit 30.00 and reimburse 20.00 to the stored value card. See Authorization Reversal Process During Deposits for more information.

Sending deposits for the same order and authorization number as Conditional: For the deposit service defined in the Deposit Service for Conditional Deposits (L13) system control value, the system sends subsequent debit deposits (transaction type Purchase action code D) for the same order number and authorization code as a Conditional Deposit (transaction type Conditional, action code B) rather than a Regular Deposit (transaction type Purchase action code D). See this system control value for examples. Note: to use this system control value, the Retain Unused Stored Value Card Authorization After Deposit (J21) system control value must be selected and the Perform Authorization Reversal during Deposit Processing (J20) system control value must be unselected.

Reviewing Deposits in Order Inquiry

You can use order inquiry to review the deposit status of credit card payment methods for both pay plan and regular (non-pay plan) orders.

Screen Use for: To advance to in order inquiry:

Invoice Pay Summary

  • review the total amount deposited for each invoice

  • review deposit release date

select Invoices, then Invoice Pay Sum

Display Invoice Pay Method

  • review credit card, authorization, or installment schedule information

select Display for an invoice at the Invoice Pay Summary screen

Change Invoice Pay Method

  • review or change the deposit release date, installment information, or credit card

  • apply a direct cash or check payment

  • indicate the disposition of a rejected deposit amount

select Change for an invoice at the Invoice Pay Summary screen

Note:  This screen is also available through Resubmitting Rejected Deposits (SRDP).

Display Deposit History

  • review deposit attempts and responses

select Deposit History for an invoice at the Invoice Pay Summary screen

Note:  This screen is also available through Resubmitting Rejected Deposits (SRDP).

Display Order Payment History

  • review messages written by the system describing invoice activity, including changes to the deposit release date and credit netting calculations

select Payment History for an invoice at the Invoice Pay Summary screen

Note:  This screen is also available from the Display Order Payment Methods screen in order inquiry (select Payments)

See Reviewing Financial Information on an Order for more information on reviewing invoice and deposit activity in order inquiry.