Working with Offer Ship Via Assignment (WSVA)

Purpose: Use the Offer Ship Via table to define ship via overrides for qualifying orders based on offer or source code, dollar total, and, optionally, SCF.

If an order, or any shipping address on an order, qualifies for a ship via override based on the information you define in this table, the system will change the ship via when you select Accept or Accept/Add Recip. to accept the order. If you use the Order Recap screen, the new ship via code will appear there; otherwise, the ship via override will be transparent to the operator.

You use the Dollar Method Used to Evaluate Offer Ship Via Override (E50) system control value to specify whether the system uses the order or merchandise total to determine whether an order qualifies for ship via override.

In this topic:

Ship Via Override Logic

The system uses the following guidelines in determining when and how to override the ship via on an order based on the Offer Ship Via table.

When does the override take place? The system evaluates each shipping address on an order for ship via override only once: when you select Accept or Accept/Add Recip. to accept the order or shipping address. If you make additional changes to the order in either Order Entry or Order Maintenance, the system will not reevaluate the order.

What items count toward the total? The system does not evaluate an order for ship via override unless there is at least one reserved item on the order. However, the system does include item prices from held and backordered lines in the qualifying order totals for ship via override.

How does the system calculate the qualifying total? The system checks the Dollar Method Used to Evaluate Offer Ship Via Override (E50) field in the System Control table. If you set this field to MERCH, the system compares the merchandise total, including any discounts, on the order with the dollar amount specified for the ship via override. If you set this field to ORDER TOTL, the system compares the order total, including the net of all positive or negative charges. If you leave this field blank, the system does not evaluate the order for the ship via override.

What if you override the source code on an order line? The system uses the source code on the order header to determine whether an order is eligible for a ship via override. If you override the source code or offer on an individual order line, the system does not consider this information when evaluating the order for ship via override; additionally, the dollar total for that line still counts toward the qualifying order dollar total. Similarly, if you specify a ship via for an item by entering the ship via in the Item table, the system still counts that item price toward the qualifying total for ship via override. The header-level ship via override would still occur, even if this item is the only item on the order.

What if the order qualifies for more than one offer/source code override? If the order qualifies for a ship via override based on both offer and source code, the system selects the override based on source code. If the order qualifies for more than one ship via override within source code or offer, the system selects the override with the highest dollar total for which the order qualifies. For example, an order meets the criteria for the following ship via overrides:

Offer or Source? Dollar Total







The system uses the ship via associated with the third override presented above.

What if the operator overrides the ship via on the order? The ship via on the order header must be the same one specified in the Default Ship Via (A77) field in the System Control table for the system to evaluate the order for ship via override. This means that if you change the default ship via on the Default Values for Orders screen or at the order header, the system does not evaluate the order for an offer ship via override. The same logic holds true if there is no Default Ship Via (A77) specified in the System Control table; if the ship via on the order header does not match the system control value (that is, it is not blank), the system does not evaluate the order for ship via override. The rule of thumb is this: the system compares the ship via on the order header with the ship via in the Default Ship Via (A77) field to determine whether to override, regardless of how the ship via came to be on the order header.

Are there other ship via overrides that might apply to the order? There are several other ways you can apply a ship via override to an order. See Ship Via Override Hierarchy for a table listing ship via overrides and the hierarchy in which the overrides apply.

Ship via override examples: If you want to offer an automatic upgrade to overnight delivery for a source code, you could set up an override for the source code with a dollar total of $.01. If you want to offer free or reduced-price Federal Express delivery for orders over a certain dollar total, you would create an additional ship via, identical to your regular Federal Express ship via but with different freight charge information. As with any ship via, you must be sure that you have created the ship via/SCF combination in the SCF Ship Via table, or order entry displays an error message.

For more information:

Work with Offer Ship Via Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WSVA in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Offer Ship Via Assignment from a menu.

Field Description


The offer associated with a ship via override. Orders whose source codes point to this offer are eligible for the override if they also have a qualifying dollar amount. See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The source code associated with a ship via override. Orders with this source code are eligible for the override if they also have a qualifying dollar amount. See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.

Order total

The order total required to be eligible for the ship via override. The system checks the Dollar Method Used to Evaluate Offer Ship Via Override (E50) field in the System Control table to determine whether to use the merchandise total or order dollar total, including all other charges.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

From SCF

The lowest SCF in the range of SCFs to qualify for the ship via override. See Working with SCF Codes (WSCF).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The highest SCF in the range of SCFs to qualify for the ship via override.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Via (Ship via)

The code representing a shipper who delivers merchandise to your customers. An order that meets the criteria defined for the override is eligible to have its shipper changed to this ship via. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Screen Option Procedure

Create a ship via override

Select Create to advance to the Create Offer Ship Via Screen (Creating a Ship Via Override).

Change a ship via override

Select Change for a ship via override to advance to the Change Offer Ship Via screen. You can change any of the fields at this screen. See Create Offer Ship Via Screen (Creating a Ship Via Override) for field descriptions.

Delete a ship via override

Select Delete for a ship via override to delete it.

Display a ship via override

Select Display for a ship via override to advance to the Display Offer Ship Via screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Offer Ship Via Screen (Creating a Ship Via Override) for field descriptions.

Copy a ship via override information for an offer or source

Select Copy to advance to the Copy Offer Ship Via Screen.

Create Offer Ship Via Screen (Creating a Ship Via Override)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a ship via override.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Offer Ship Via Screen, select Create.

Field Description


The offer associated with the ship via override. Orders whose header-level source codes point to this offer will be eligible for the override. If the order would be eligible for both a source code-related and an offer-related override, the system uses the source code-related override record.

You must specify either an offer or a source code for the override, but not both.

Offer codes are defined in and validated against the Offer table; see Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required if you do not enter a source code.


The source code associated with the ship via override. Orders with this source code at the header will be eligible for the override. If the order would be eligible for both a source code-related and an offer-related override, the system uses the source code-related override record.

You must specify either an offer or a source code for the override, but not both.

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table; see Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required if you do not enter an offer code.


The dollar total of the order required to be eligible for the override. The system checks the Dollar Method Used to Evaluate Offer Ship Via Override (E50) field in the System Control table to determine whether to use the merchandise total or order dollar total, including all other charges.

If an order would be eligible for more than one override for a source code or offer, the system uses the override with the highest dollar value for which the order qualifies.

You can set this field to .01 to create an automatic ship via override for an offer or source code.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

From SCF

The lowest SCF in the series to be eligible for the override. You can use this field and the next to restrict qualifying orders by geographical location. If only one SCF is eligible, you would enter it in both the From and To SCF fields.

SCF codes are defined in and validated against the SCF Code table. See Working with SCF Codes (WSCF).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The highest SCF in the series to be eligible for the override.

The system does not validate that every SCF between the From and To SCF you enter exists. For example, if you enter 011 in the From SCF field and 020 in the To SCF field, the system accepts this range even if 019 is not a valid SCF in your company.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required if you enter a From SCF.

Ship via

The code representing the shipper to use on qualifying orders. Ship vias are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table; see Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Copy Offer Ship Via Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to copy the ship via overrides from one offer or source code to a different offer or source code. You can copy overrides only to a source code or offer that currently does not have any ship via override information set up.

How to display this screen: Select Copy at the Work with Offer Ship Via Screen.

How to complete this screen: Each field on the Copy Offer Ship Via screen has been described at the Create Offer Ship Via Screen (Creating a Ship Via Override). To complete this screen and copy ship via override information:

  1. Enter the offer or source code to use as the source of information in the Copy from area of the screen. You can specify only one source of information, either an offer or a source code
  2. Enter each offer or source code to use as the target of information in the Copy to area of the screen. You can enter as many targets as you like, and there is no restriction on copying an offer to source codes or vice versa.
  3. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct. If any of the “to” offers or source codes currently have ship via overrides set up, the screen displays an error message. Correct any fields as necessary; or select Exit to exit the screen.
  4. Select Accept to submit the copy. The Confirm Accept pop-up window displays; confirm the copy, or cancel it.
  5. The system submits the job OFR_SVAC. This job copies each ship via override for the “from” offer or source to the “to” offers or sources.