8 Marketing

Campaign Performance Report (PCPR)

Complete the Campaign Performance Report Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Selection criteria:

  • Date range: The Start date and End date you entered at the Campaign Performance Report Screen.
  • Source Category: The Source category you entered at the Campaign Performance Report Screen. If you did not select a category, the report indicates a selection of ALL.
  • Drop code: The Drop code you entered at the Campaign Performance Report Screen. If you did not select a drop code, the report indicates a selection of ALL.
  • Report: The selection in the Ordered/Shipped field at the Campaign Performance Report Screen

For each source code included on the report: The following are broken out by source category. The report lists source codes that are not assigned to a category first:

  • Source: Source code
  • Description: Source code description
  • Gross Input: The Proj names (Projected names) specified for the source code
  • Net Output: The Gross circ (Gross circulation) specified for the source code
  • Net Quantity Mailed (Net quantity mailed): The Net circ (Net circulation) specified for the source code
  • Net % Mailed: The source code’s Net circ (Net circulation) divided by the Gross circ (Gross circulation)
  • List Cost: The List cost specified for the source code
  • Total Orders: The total number of orders placed during the selected date range for this source code. Note:
    • Includes orders of any status except Suspended and Error.
    • Canceled or completely sold out orders are not subtracted from this total.
    • A multi-recipient order is counted once, not separately for each shipping address.
    • Returns created by entering a new order with a negative item quantity increase this total.
  • Unique Orders: The total number of orders placed by different customers during the selected date range for this source code. Calculated the same way as the Total Orders, except that if the same customer places more than one order during the date range, only the first order for the customer is counted. Incremented only if it is a unique customer placing the order (customer sold to) rather than a unique customer receiving the order.
    • Multiple Factor: The Total Orders divided by the Unique Orders.
    • Order Response Rate: The Total Orders divided by the Net Quantity Mailed.
  • Net Merchandise Plus Charges (Net merchandise plus freight, additional freight, handling, tax, and additional charges): The calculation of this field varies depending on your selection in the Ordered/Shipped field at the Campaign Performance Report Screen
    • Ordered Dollars: The total amount charged for merchandise, freight, taxes, handling, additional charges, and additional freight for orders created during the selected date range for this source code. The total includes the extended price (plus any related tax, freight, and other charges) of all items ordered, and is reduced by returns creating by entering a negative quantity and cancellations flagged to reduce demand; however, this total is not reduced when you sell out an order detail line, use a cancel reason that is not flagged to reduce demand, or process a return in order maintenance or through the return authorizations module. Also, the total includes the value of any exchange items or items added in order maintenance, regardless of the setting of the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value.
    • Shipped Dollars: The total amount billed to date for merchandise, freight, taxes, handling, additional charges, and additional freight for orders created during the selected date range for this source code. This total is net of all returns against these orders, regardless of how you processed the returns.


The total Net Merchandise Plus Charges is negative if you use a special source code for returns you process by entering a new order for a negative quantity.
  • Average Order: The Net Merchandise Plus Charges divided by Total Orders. The report lists an average order of 0.00 if the average order value was less thank zero (for example, if you use a special source code for returns you process by entering a new order for a negative quantity).
  • Amount Per Book: The Net Merchandise Plus Charges divided by the Net Quantity Mailed. The report lists an Amount Per Book of 0.00 if the actual result was less than zero (for example, if you use a special source code for returns you process by entering a new order for a negative quantity).
  • Unique Response Rate (Unique response rate): The Unique Orders divided by the Net Quantity Mailed times 100, or (Unique Orders / Net Qty Mailed) + 100. Presented as a percentage. The report lists a Unique Response Rate of 0.0% if the actual result was less than zero (for example, if you use a special source code for returns you process by entering a new order for a negative quantity).
  • Unique Average Order: The Net Merchandise Plus Charges divided by Unique Orders. The report lists a Unique Average Order of 0.00 if the actual result was less than zero (for example, if you use a special source code for returns you process by entering a new order for a negative quantity).
  • Catalog Request Total: The total number of catalog requests printed for the source code during the selected date range. Derived from the Catalog Request History file; see Catalog Request History Options for a discussion.
  • Cat Request Response: The Catalog Request Total divided by the Net Quantity Mailed times 100, or (Catalog Request Total / Net Quantity Mailed) * 100. Presented as a percentage.
  • Combined Request Plus Orders (Catalog request plus orders): The Catalog Request Total plus the Total Orders.
  • Combined Response Rate: The Catalog Request Total divided by the Net Quantity Mailed times 100, or (Catalog Request Total/Net Quantity Mailed) * 100. Presented as a percentage.

Totals for Source Category: Each of the above totals, calculated for all source codes within a source category, or a source category of blank for source codes not assigned to a category.

Final Totals: Each of the above totals, calculated for all source codes included in the report.

CPG Item/SKU Exclusions Upload Error Records Report


Important: This report is not currently implemented. When you generate this report, the system prints a generic document with the following information:

The requested document is not currently implemented: CPG_SKU_EXCLUSION_UPLOAD_ERROR

Purpose: This report lists any records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table that contain errors. You can use this report to determine which customer price group SKU exclusion upload records you need to correct and reprocess.


Each customer price group SKU exclusion upload record in an error status is associated with only one error (the first error the system finds for the record). Once you correct the error and resubmit the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process, the system validates the record for additional errors.

This report sorts in ascending Sequence number sequence.

Submit the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Seq #: The Seq # in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.
  • Customer Price Group: The Customer Price Groupin the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.
  • Item: The Itemin the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.
  • SKU: The SKU in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.
  • Error Description: The Error Description in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.
  • Total records not processed: The number of records in error in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.

Duplicate Special Pricing by Source Report

If you attempt to create a special price for a quantity of an item by source code that you have already defined through the Working with Special Pricing by Source Code (WSPP) menu option, the system creates this report.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Source code
  • Item
  • Quantity
  • Price
  • Associate price
  • Tax-inclusive price
  • Tax-inclusive associate price

The tax-inclusive prices print only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

The system does not assign the new special price; instead, it retains the special price for the quantity of the item by source code you had previously defined.

Generating Forecasting Reports

Purpose: This topic discusses forecast reports that you can run to evaluate the status of your promotions (offers, source codes, etc.) and inventory

Price Code Upload Errors Report

Purpose: This report lists any records in the Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload) that contain errors. You can use this report to determine which price code upload records you need to correct and reprocess.


Each price code upload record in an error status is associated with only one error (the first error the system finds for the record). Once you correct the error and resubmit the Price Code Upload Process, the system validates the record for additional errors.

This report sorts in Record type, Sequence number sequence, starting a new page for each record type.

Submit the Price Code Upload Process.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Record Type: Price Code: The system includes all records in error whose Record Type in the Price Code Upload table is PCO.
    • Seq#: The Seq # in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Record Date: The Record Date in the Price Code Upload table.
    • PCO Seq#: The PCO Sequence in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Qty: The PCO Qty Required in the Price Code Upload table.
    • %Disc: The PCO Percent Discount in the Price Code Upload table.
    • $Disc: The PCO Dollar Discount in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Special Price: The PCO Special Price in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Tax Spcl Price: The PCO Tax Special Price in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Group Price: The Group Price in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Distinct By: The Distinct By in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Mult: The Multiples setting in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Start Date: The Start Date in the Price Code Upload table.
    • End Date: The End Date in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Error Description: The Error Description in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Number of unprocessed records: The number of records in error for Record Type PCO.
  • Record Type: Price Code Details: The system includes all records in error whose Record Type in the Price Code Upload table is PCD.
    • Seq#: The Seq # in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Record Date: The Record Date in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Item: The ITM Number in the Price Code Upload table.
    • SKU: The SKU Code in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Offer: The Offer Number in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Source: The SRC Source Code in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Error Description: The Error Description in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Number of unprocessed records: The number of records in error for Record Type PCD.
  • Record Type: Price Code Customer: The system includes all records in error whose Record Type in the Price Code Upload table is PCC.
    • Seq#: The Seq # in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Record Date: The Record Date in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Customer: The Customer in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Customer Price Group: The Customer Price Group in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Error Description: The Error Description in the Price Code Upload table.
    • Number of unprocessed records: The number of records in error for Record Type PCC.

Pricing Upload Error Records Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the errors that occurred during the Pricing Upload Process. You can correct the errors using the Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Submit the Pricing Upload Process by selecting Process on the Work with Pricing Upload Screen.

You can also schedule the Pricing Upload process to run periodically by setting up the RIPRCUP periodic function using the PFRRIPRCUP program. See Scheduling Jobs for background.

This report page breaks on Record Type.

For each record type, error records sort in ascending Request type, Sequence # sequence.


  • Record type: Identifies the type of Pricing Upload record.
  • QPM = Quantity Price Matrix Detail Upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the QPM Detail table.
  • SRC = Special Pricing by Source Upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Special Pricing by Source table.
  • Request type: Indicates whether the Pricing Upload record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Special Pricing by Source table or QPM Detail table. Valid values:
  • U = Create or update a record. The system determines whether the Pricing Upload record creates or updates an existing record by comparing the information in the Pricing Upload record with the existing records in the Order Management System table. See Uploading Special Pricing by Source Records and Uploading Quantity Price Matrix Detail Records for more information on how the system determines if the Pricing Upload record creates a new record or updates an existing record.
  • D = Delete a record. The system uses the information in the Pricing Upload record to determine which record in the Special Pricing by Source table or QPM Detail table to delete.
  • Sequence #: The unique sequence number assigned to the Pricing Upload record.
  • Record date: The date the Pricing Upload record was created.

For QPM Record Types:

  • Item: The item associated with the quantity price matrix detail. You must define an item category or item for a quantity price matrix price, but not both. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.
  • SKU: A code for the SKU of the item associated with the quantity price matrix detail. SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.
  • If you define a SKU for the item, only the SKU specified qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail.
  • If you do not define a SKU for the item, all of the SKUs for the item qualify for the quantity price matrix detail.
  • QPM Code: The quantity price matrix code associated with the QPM Detail price. QPM codes are defined in and validated against the QPM Header table.
  • Item category: A code for the item category associated with the quantity price matrix detail. You must define an item category or item for a quantity price matrix price, but not both. Item category codes are defined in and validated against the Item Category table.
  • Quantity: The quantity of the item that must be ordered to qualify for the quantity price matrix detail. The item qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail if the order line quantity is less than or equal to the quantity pice matrix detail. You cannot create more than one quantity price matrix price break for the same item category and quantity, item and quantity, or item and SKU and quantity.
  • Price: The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met.
  • Customer price group: The customer price group for the sold to customer on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price. Customer price group codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Price Group table.
  • Customer sold to #: The sold to customer that must exist on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price. Customer sold to numbers are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold To table.
  • Discount %: The percentage off the quantity price matrix detail price when the item ordered is eligible for the quantity price matrix special. For example, 10 means the item qualifies for a 10% discount.
  • Error description: The reason why the Pricing Upload record is in error. See Pricing Upload Interface Errors for a list of errors.
  • Number of processed records for record QPM: The number of QPM Detail Upload records that are in error.

For SRC Record Types:

  • Item: The item associated with the special source price. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.
  • Source code: The source code associated with the Special Pricing by Source record. Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table.
  • Quantity: The quantity of the item that must be purchased to receive the specified price break.
  • Price: The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met. The price cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.
  • Associate price: The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers if the pricing requirements are met. The price cannot be greater than 7 positions with a 2 place decimal.
  • Error description: The reason why the Pricing Upload record is in error. See Pricing Upload Interface Errors for a list of errors.
  • Number of processed records for record SRC: The number of Special Pricing by Source Upload records that are in error.
  • Total # of records processed: The total number of Pricing Upload records, across record types, that are in error.

Pricing Upload Processed Records Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the Pricing Upload records that processed successfully during the Pricing Upload Process.

  • You can review new and changed Special Pricing by Source Upload records that processed successfully on the Work with Special Source Price Screen in the Working with Source Codes (WSRC) menu option.
  • You can review new and changed Quantity Price Matrix Pricing Upload records that processed successfully on the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen and Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen in the Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Submit the Pricing Upload Process by selecting Process on the Work with Pricing Upload Screen.

You can also schedule the Pricing Upload process to run periodically by setting up the RIPRCUP periodic function using the PFRRIPRCUP program. See Scheduling Jobs for background.

This report page breaks on Record Type.

For each record type, records sort in ascending Request type, Sequence # sequence.


  • Record type: Identifies the type of Pricing Upload record.
  • QPM = Quantity Price Matrix Detail Upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the QPM Detail table.
  • SRC = Special Pricing by Source Upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Special Pricing by Source table.
  • Request type: Indicates whether the Pricing Upload record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Special Pricing by Source table or QPM Detail table. Valid values:
  • U = Create or update a record. The system determines whether the Pricing Upload record creates or updates an existing record by comparing the information in the Pricing Upload record with the existing records in the Order Management System table. See Uploading Special Pricing by Source Records and Uploading Quantity Price Matrix Detail Records for more information on how the system determines if the Pricing Upload record creates a new record or updates an existing record.
  • D = Delete a record. The system uses the information in the Pricing Upload record to determine which record in the Special Pricing by Source table or QPM Detail table to delete.
  • Sequence #: The unique sequence number assigned to the Pricing Upload record.
  • Record date: The date the Pricing Upload record was created.

For QPM Record Types:

  • Item: The item associated with the quantity price matrix detail.
  • SKU: A code for the SKU of the item associated with the quantity price matrix detail.
  • QPM Code: The quantity price matrix code associated with the QPM Detail price.
  • Item category: A code for the item category associated with the quantity price matrix detail.
  • Quantity: The quantity of the item that must be ordered to qualify for the quantity price matrix detail. The item qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail if the order line quantity is less than or equal to the quantity pice matrix detail.
  • Price: The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met.
  • Customer price group: The customer price group for the sold to customer on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price.
  • Customer sold to #: The sold to customer that must exist on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price.
  • Source code: The source code that must exist on the order header in order to qualify for the QPM price.
  • Discount %: The percentage off the quantity price matrix detail price when the item ordered is eligible for the quantity price matrix special. For example, 10 means the item qualifies for a 10% discount.
  • Expire date: The date the QPM price expires.
  • Number of processed records for record QPM: The number of QPM Detail Upload records that have processed successfully.

For SRC Record Types:

  • Item: The item associated with the special source price.
  • Source code: The source code associated with the Special Pricing by Source record.
  • Quantity: The quantity of the item that must be purchased to receive the specified price break.
  • Price: The price at which the item will be sold if the pricing requirements are met.
  • Associate price: The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers if the pricing requirements are met.
  • Number of processed records for record SRC: The number of Special Pricing by Source Upload records that processed successfully.
  • Total # of records processed: The total number of Pricing Upload records, across record types, that processed successfully.

Print Campaign Performance Reports (PCPR)

Purpose: Use these reports to evaluate the success of marketing campaigns based on performance statistics.

Quotes: The campaign performance reports do not include quotes, identified by the Quote flag on the order type on the order. See Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview.

Campaign Performance Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PCPR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print Campaign Performance Report from a menu.

Field Description
Start date

Specify the first order date to include on the report. The report includes orders with order dates on or after this date, regardless of whether you are generating the Ordered Dollars or the Shipped Dollars version of the report.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); required.

End date

Specify the last order date to include on the report. The report includes orders with order dates before or on this date, regardless of whether you are generating the Ordered Dollars or the Shipped Dollars version of the report. The End date cannot be earlier than the Start date.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); required.

Source category

Optionally, enter a source category to include on the report, or leave this field blank to include all source codes regardless of category. You can use source code categories to classify your source codes, such as buyers, recipients, or rented names. Source code categories are defined in and validated against the Source Code Category table. See Working with Source Categories (WSCT).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Drop code

Optionally, enter a drop code to include on the report, or leave this field blank to include all source codes regardless of drop. Drop codes identify a catalog mailing to a list of customers.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


Select whether the report should indicate the total dollar value ordered or shipped during the selected date range:

Ordered = The performance order dollar totals include merchandise ordered.

Shipped = The performance order dollar totals include merchandise shipped.


Completing this screen: Complete each field as described above and select Print Report to generate the Campaign Performance Report (PCPR).

Product Performance Report (Ordered Totals)

Select Ordered Product Performance by Ascending Items, Ordered Product Performance by Descending Total Dollars, or Ordered Product Performance by Order Type at the Product Performance Reports Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


When you generate the report by ascending items or by descending total dollars, the report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


Selection criteria:

  • Date Range: The Start Date and End Date you entered at the Product Performance Reports Screen. The report includes items and SKUs that were ordered during this date range, based on the Entered date for the order.
  • Report: The selected Report Option at the Product Performance Reports Screen
    • Ordered by Items Ascending: The report lists items and SKU’s ordered during the selected date range in alphanumeric order by item code and SKU.
    • Ordered by Descending Total Dollars: The report lists items and SKU’s ordered during the selected date range beginning with the item/SKU with the highest Merchandise Dollars Ordered for the selected date range and descending to the item/SKU with the lowest Merchandise Dollars Ordered.
    • Ordered by Order Type: The report lists items and SKU’s ordered during the selected date range sorted first by order type, and then in alphanumeric order by item code and SKU.

Order Type (included only if you selected the Ordered by Order Type report option): Indicates the order type code and the order type description. Order types are defined in and validated against the Order Type table. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY) for more information.

For each item ordered during the date range (and for an order of the indicated order type, if you selected the Ordered Product Performance by Order Type sort option):

  • Item: The code identifying an item ordered during the selected date range.


  • In the case of a set item, the item listed on the report is the main set not its component items. Components of sets are included on the report only if you sell them as stand-alone items, and the order totals reflect only those orders where the components were ordered independently. See Working with Sets for background on working with set items.

  • The Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value does not affect the items or totals listed on this report. Items you add to orders after initial item entry, including exchange items added in order maintenance or through Work with Return Authorizations, are included on the report regardless of the setting of the system control value.

  • The Demand Update for Non-Inventoried Items (E59) system control value does not affect the items or totals listed on this report. Non-inventory items are included on the report regardless of the setting of the system control value.

  • SKU: The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color or size.
  • Item Description: The description of the item. May be truncated to fewer positions based on the total width of the characters. This is the item description, even for SKU’d items; the SKU description does not print.
  • Order Quantity: The total quantity of the item/SKU ordered during the selected date range. This total quantity is not reduced by any order lines that were sold out or canceled (unless the cancel reason code is flagged to reduce demand), does not include any Lost sales entered at the Display Item Availability Screen, and does not include returns created by entering a negative quantity.
  • Merchandise Amount Ordered: The total value of all order lines entered for the item/SKU during the selected date range. This total is based on the actually selling price after applying any repricing or other discounts, and does not include the value of order lines that were sold out or canceled with a cancel reason code flagged to reduce demand or returns created by entering a negative quantity.
  • Percent of Total Net Amount: The Merchandise Amount Ordered for this item or SKU, divided by the total Merchandise Amount Ordered for all items and SKU’s included on the report. The resulting percentage is rounded up or down to one decimal position. For example, a value of 12.123 is rounded to 12.1.
  • Merchandise Plus Charges Anount: Calculated by adding the totals for all orders included on the report:
    • the total merchandise value ordered of the item or SKU for each order that includes the item or SKU
    • the total tax charged for all order lines of the item or SKU for each order that includes the item or SKU
    • the total Freight, Additional freight, Handling, and Additional charges for all orders that include the item or SKU, times the percentage of the total merchandise value of the order that includes the item or SKU.


The report includes an order of four items with merchandise values of $100.00 each, so each item represents 25% of the total merchandise value.

The total freight, additional freight, handling, and additional charges are $50.00:

  • Freight = 30.00
  • Additional freight = 0
  • Handling = 10.00
  • Additional charges = 10.00

These total charges of $50.00 are prorated across the items on the order, resulting in $12.50 (25% of $50.00) to each.


Tax is not prorated across the items; instead, the total tax amount charged for all order detail lines is added to the total for each item:
  • Item A: $10.00 tax
  • Item B: $5.00 tax
  • Item C: $20.00 tax
  • Item D: $0.00 tax


One item might have more tax than another if, for example, there are special handling or gift wrap charges for order lines, and you tax handling. Alternatively, another item might have less tax if it has been canceled or sold out on orders included on the report.

Result Merchandise Plus Charges Amount:

  • Item A: $122.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $10.00 tax)
  • Item B: $117.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $5.00 tax)
  • Item C: $132.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $20.00 tax)
  • Item D: $112.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $0.00 tax)


If you tax freight and handling, the total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount on the report will not be consistent with the total value of orders included on the report, since the calculation does not include the total tax for the order ship to; it includes only the tax amount from the order detail lines.
  • Percent of Total Gross Amount (Percentage of Total Gross Dollars): The Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for this item or SKU, divided by the total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for all items and SKU’s included on the report. The resulting percentage is rounded up or down to one decimal position. For example, a value of 12.123 is rounded to 12.1.
  • Average Amount Per Item: The Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for the item or SKU divided by the Order Quantiy.
  • Quantity Available: The current available quantity for the item or SKU as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report). This is the quantity of this item or SKU currently available to sell in all allocatable warehouses, and includes only reservable locations, not locations defined as defective or return-to-vendor. Item availability is calculated as follows: On hand - Protected - Reserved - Reserve Transfer - Backordered = Quantity available
  • Quantity on Backorder: The current quantity of the item or SKU ordered but not available as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report).
  • Quantity on Open Purchase Orders: The current quantity on open (unreceived) purchase orders for the item or SKU as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report).


The Quantity Available, Quantity on Backorder, and Quantity on Open Purchase Order totals are normally zero for items you do not actually stock in inventory, such as main set items, non-inventory items (including subscription items, or membership items if they are flagged as non-inventory), and drop ship items.
  • Total for order type: (included only when you select the Ordered by Order Type option):
    • Merch Dollars Ordered: The total dollar value of all order lines entered for all items and SKU’s for the order type, based on the actually selling price after applying any repricing or other discounts.
    • Merchandise Plus Charges Amount: The total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for all items for the order type.
  • Final Totals:
    • Merchandise Amount Ordered: The total value of all order lines entered for all items and SKU’s included on the report, based on the actually selling price after applying any repricing or other discounts.
    • Merchandise Plus Charges Amount: The total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for all items included on the report.

Product Performance Report (Shipped Totals)

Select Shipped Product Performance by Ascending Items or Shipped Product Performance by Descending Total Dollars at the Product Performance Reports Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


When you generate the report by ascending items or by descending total dollars, the report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


Selection criteria:

  • Date range: The Start Date and End Date you entered at the Product Performance Reports Screen. The report includes items and SKUs that were shipped during this date range, based on the Entered date for the order.
  • Report: The selected Report Option at the Product Performance Reports Screen
  • Shipped Product Performance by Ascending Items: The report lists items and SKU’s shipped during the selected date range in alphanumeric order by item code and SKU.
  • Shipped by Descending Total Dollars: The report lists items and SKU’s shipped during the selected date range beginning with the item/SKU with the highest Merchandise Dollars Shipped for the selected date range and descending to the item/SKU with the lowest Merchandise Dollars Shipped.
  • Shipped by Order Type = The report lists items sorted first by the order type on which they were ordered and shipped, and then in descending order by shipped quantity

Order Type (included only if you selected the Ordered by Order Type report option): Indicates the order type code and the order type description. Order types are defined in and validated against the Order Type table. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY) for more information.

For each item shipped during the date range (and for an order of the indicated order type, if you selected the Ordered by Order Type sort option):

  • Item: The code identifying an item shipped during the selected date range.


In the case of a set item, the item listed on the report is the main set item, not its component items. Components of sets are included on the report only if you sell them as stand-alone items, and the shipped totals reflect only those orders where the components were ordered independently. See Working with Sets for background on working with set items.
  • SKU: The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color or size.
  • Item Description: The description of the item. May be truncated to fewer positions based on the total width of the characters. This is the item description, even for SKU’d items; the SKU description does not print.
  • Ship Quantity: The total quantity of the item/SKU shipped during the selected date range. This total quantity is not reduced by any returns or exchanges.
  • Merchandise Amount Shipped: The total value of all order lines shipped for the item/SKU during the selected date range. This total is based on the actual selling price after applying any repricing or other discounts, but is not reduced by any discounts applied after shipment using the Discount option in order maintenance.
  • Percent of Total Net Amount: The Merchandise Amount Shipped for this item or SKU, divided by the total Merchandise Amount Shipped for all items and SKU’s included on the report. The resulting percentage is rounded up or down to one decimal position. For example, a value of 12.123 is rounded to 12.1.
  • Merchandise Plus Charges Amount: Calculated by adding the totals for shipments included on the report:
    • the total merchandise value shipped of the item or SKU on each invoice that includes the item or SKU
    • the total tax billed for all order lines of the item or SKU on each invoice that includes the item or SKU
    • the total Freight, Additional freight, Handling, and Additional charges for all orders that include the item or SKU, times the percentage of the total merchandise value of the invoice that includes the item or SKU


The report includes a shipment of four items with merchandise values of $100.00 each, so each item represents 25% of the total merchandise value shipped.

The total freight, additional freight, handling, and additional charges billed are $50.00:

  • Freight = 30.00
  • Additional freight = 0
  • Handling = 10.00
  • Additional charges = 10.00

These total charges of $50.00 are prorated across the items, resulting in $12.50 (25% of $50.00) to each.


Tax is not prorated across the items; instead, the total tax amount billed for all invoice detail lines is added to the total for each item:
  • Item A: $10.00 tax
  • Item B: $5.00 tax
  • Item C: $20.00 tax
  • Item D: $0.00 tax


One item might have more tax than another if, for example, there are special handling or gift wrap charges for order lines, and you tax handling.

Result Merch +:

  • Item A: $122.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $10.00 tax)
  • Item B: $117.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $5.00 tax)
  • Item C: $132.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $20.00 tax)
  • Item D: $112.50 ($100.00 merch + $12.50 prorated charges + $0.00 tax)


If you tax freight and handling, the total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount on the report will not be consistent with the total value of shipments included on the report, since the calculation does not include the total tax for the invoice ship to; it includes only the tax amount from the invoice detail lines.
  • Percent of Total Gross Amount: The Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for this item or SKU, divided by the total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for all items and SKU’s included on the report. The resulting percentage is rounded up or down to one decimal position. For example, a value of 12.123 is rounded to 12.1.
  • Average Amount Per Item: The Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for the item or SKU divided by the Ship Quantity.
  • Quantity Available: The current available quantity for the item or SKU as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report). This is the quantity of this item or SKU currently available to sell in all allocatable warehouses, and includes only reservable locations, not locations defined as defective or return-to-vendor. Item availability is calculated as follows: On hand - Protected - Reserved - Reserve Transfer - Backordered = Quantity available
  • Quantity on Backorder: The current quantity of the item or SKU ordered but not available as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report).
  • Quantity on Open Purchase Orders: The current quantity on open (unreceived) purchase orders for the item or SKU as of the date and time when you generated the report (not during the date range selected for the report).


The Quantity Available, Quantity on Backorder, and Quantity on Open Purchase Orders totals are normally zero for items you do not actually stock in inventory, such as main set items, non-inventory items (including subscription items, or membership items if they are flagged as non-inventory), and drop ship items.
  • Final Totals:
    • Merchandise Amount Shipped: The total value of all order lines shipped for all items and SKU’s included on the report, based on the actual selling price after applying any repricing or other discounts, but not reduced by any discounts applied after shipment using the Discount option in order maintenance.
    • Merchandise Plus Charges Amount: The total Merchandise Plus Charges Amount for all items included on the report.

Promotion Analysis Report

Complete the Print Promotion Analysis Report Screen.

Based on Order Promotion table: This report is based on the records in the Order Promotion table. The system creates records in this table when a user applies a promotion to an order, or if the CWOrderIn message specifies the promotion when the order is created through the order API.

When a promotion applies automatically to an order, it does not create a record in the Order Promotion table, and it is not included in this report.

Required entry? A promotion is included in the report when you run the report by date range regardless of whether its Required entry flag is selected; however, you cannot run the report for a single promotion unless the promotion’s Required entry flag is selected.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


Things to check if no report is generated, or if the report does not include all the promotions you expected:

  • Date range:
    • Promotion start date must be within Start and End dates: When you generate the report for a range of dates, a promotion is included only if its current start date is within the Start date and End date selected at the Print Promotion Analysis Report Screen. For example, if the date range for a promotion is 6/30 through 7/31, and you generate the report for 5/15 through 7/31, the promotion is not included.
    • If you change the promotion’s date range:
      • If promotion is not included based on current start date: The report uses the promotion’s current start when determining whether to include the report. If you change the promotion’s date range, it might not be eligible for inclusion in the report, even if the promotion applied to orders during that period.
      • If promotion is included based on current start date, but was applied to orders outside of that date range: If you have changed the date range for a promotion and the promotion was applied to orders outside of the current date range specified for the promotion, all orders are included on the report. For example, if the current date range for the report is 7/1 through 7/15, but the promotion was applied to orders during 6/1 through 6/12 before you set the current date range, the orders from 6/1 through 6/12 are included on the report.

Notes on Order Information Included in the Report

Automatically-applied promotions excluded: The report includes promotions only if they were entered manually in order entry or specified in the CWOrderIn message through the order API. Promotions that apply automatically are not included.

Canceled orders: If you cancel an order using a cancel reason code flagged to reduce demand, the ordered quantity for the order lines is set to zero. As a result, the order is still included in the # Orders and % Ord columns, but the order lines, units, merchandise, and discounts are not included in any of the other columns on the report.

If you cancel an order using a cancel reason code that is not flagged to reduce demand, the order is still included in all the columns on the report.

Canceled lines and units: If the cancel reason code is flagged:

  • To reduce demand: Lines and units are not included in the totals.
  • Not to reduce demand: Lines and units are included in the totals.

Other order and line statuses:

  • Quotes are not included.
  • Orders that are in error or suspended status are not included.
  • Orders that are in open, held, and closed status are included, unless the order is in closed status because it was canceled with a reason code flagged to reduce demand, as described above.
  • Sold out orders and lines are included.

Multi-recipient orders: Each ship-to on an order counts as a separate order on the report.

Message-only promotions: Promotions are included on the report even if they do not apply benefits such as discounts, freight upgrades, or free gifts, provided they meet the criteria described above.

When an order uses more than one promotion: The order is included in the totals for each promotion that applies. As a result, the report totals are increased for each order that uses multiple promotions, as in the following example.


An order promotion and a freight promotion apply to 3 orders:

  • order 100001 uses the order promotion
  • order 100002 uses the freight promotion
  • order 100003 uses both the order and the freight promotion

Each order includes 1 line for 5 units for a merchandise total of $100 on each.

Result: The Promotion Analysis report includes the following totals for both the order promotion and the freight promotion, because each includes 2 orders:

  • # orders:
  • order promotion: 2 (100001 and 100003)
  • freight promotion: 2 (100002 and 100003)
  • # lines: 2 for each promotion
  • # units: 10 for each promotion
  • Merch $: $200 for each promotion
  • % Ord: 50% for each promotion

As a result, you cannot reconcile the report totals with the actual number of orders using the promotions. For example, if these were the only 2 promotions on the report, then the report totals would be:

  • # orders: 4
  • # lines: 4
  • # units: 20
  • Merch $: $400

Report Contents

  1. Date range: The Start date and End date you entered at the Print Promotion Analysis Report Screen to specify the start dates to include. These fields are blank if you selected a promotion instead of a date range.

For each promotion included on the report:

  • Promotion: The code identifying the promotion. The description of the promotion is to the right (unlabeled column), and is truncated if it exceeds the allotted space.
  • Promotion Type: A one-position code identifying the promotion type. Possible types are:
    • A = additional freight
    • B = BOGO
    • C = item category
    • F = freight
    • O = order
    • T = tiered
    • ’ ’ (blank) = message-only
  • Start Date: The current Start date specified for the promotion. A promotion is included in the report only if its current Start date is on or after the Start date from specified at the Print Promotion Analysis Report Screen and not later than the End date specified.
  • End Date: The current End date specified for the promotion.


If you change the date range for a promotion, the orders included on the report might have been created in a different range than the range selected at the Print Promotion Analysis Report Screen or listed on the report for the promotion.

About the remaining fields: The following fields are based on orders that have had the promotion applied, creating a record in the Order Promotion table, provided the order is not a quote or in error or suspended status. See theNotes on Order Information Included in the Report for more background.

  • Date of First Order: The date of the first order to have the promotion applied. Based on the order date (for example, the order_date specified in the CWOrderIn message, or the Order date specified at the Work with Order screen in order entry).
  • Number of Orders: The total number of orders that have had the promotion applied,. Includes canceled orders, regardless of whether the cancel reason codes were flagged to reduce demand. Excludes quotes and orders in error or suspended status.


If more than one promotion is applied to the same order, the order is included in the Number of Orders, Number of Lines, Number of Units, and Merchandise Amount total for each of the promotions.
  • Number of Lines: The total number of order lines on orders that have the promotion applied, Includes canceled orders or canceled lines only if the cancel reason codes were not flagged to reduce demand. This information is included even if the promotion does not discount an order line (for example, a freight or additional freight promotion, a discount applied through an additional charge code, or a free gift added through a tiered or BOGO promotion).
  • Number of Units: The total number of units on orders that have the promotion applied, Includes canceled orders, lines, or units only if the cancel reason codes were not flagged to reduce demand. This information is included even if the promotion does not discount items on order lines (for example, a freight or additional freight promotion, a discount applied through an additional charge code, or a free gift added through a tiered or BOGO promotion).
  • Merchandise Amount: The merchandise total of orders that have the promotion applied. This is the actual merchandise total after applying any discounts, including promotion discounts. Not restricted to items that were discounted through the promotion. Includes canceled orders, lines, or units only if the cancel reason codes were not flagged to reduce demand.
  • Average Amount: The average merchandise total of orders that have the promotion applied. Calculated by dividing the Merchandise Amount by the Number of Orders.
  • Average Number of Lines: The average number of order lines on orders that have the promotion applied. Calculated by dividing the Number of Lines by the Number of Orders.
  • Discount Amount: The total discount amount applied directly to order lines by the promotion, which typically is the difference between the extended pre-discount price and the selling price of the order lines. If the promotion did not apply any discount amount directly to order lines, the Discount Amount is 0.00. This amount is 0.00 for:
    • free gifts added through a BOGO or tiered promotion
    • freight or additional freight discounts
    • freight upgrades
    • discounts applied through additional charge codes
  • Percentage of Orders: The percentage of orders whose totals are included on the report that have the promotion applied. Note:
    • The percentage is 100.00 if you generated the report for a specified promotion rather than for a range of dates.
    • The percentage calculation includes all orders that have the promotion applied, even if multiple promotions apply to a single order. See above under Notes on Order Information Included in the Report for a discussion and example.
  • Percentage of Amount: Includes canceled orders only if the cancel reason codes were not flagged to reduce demand. Note:
    • The percentage is 100.00 if you generated the report for a specified promotion rather than for a range of dates.
    • The percentage calculation includes all orders that have the promotion applied, even if multiple promotions apply to a single order. See above under Notes on Order Information Included in the Report for a discussion and example.

Promotion Upload Error Records Report

Purpose: This report lists any records in the Promotion Upload table that are in error.

Select Upload at the Work with Promotions screen in Working with Promotions (WPRO) or submit the PRMOUPL periodic function.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Cmp: From the Company in the Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD). The report only includes records from the company where you ran the upload.
  • Record Type: From the Record Type in the Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD). Indicates the name of the table where the upload record should be created.
  • Seq No: From the Sequence # in the Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD).
  • Record Date: From the Record Date in the Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD)
  • Promotion Code: From the Promotion Code in the Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD).
  • Error: From the Error Desc in the Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD). The description of the error. See Promotion Upload Errors for more information.

Source Code Upload File Exception Report

Purpose: This report displays records in the Source Upload Table (IXSRCE) that contain errors. The records remain in the Source Upload table until the errors are corrected or the record is deleted. You can correct the errors on the Change Source Code Upload File Screen (1 of 2).

Select Process File at the Work with Source Code Upload File Screen (WSRW).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Source code (a code used to identify the source code created from a source upload record. This code is defaulted from the Source code field in the Source Upload table).
  • Source code description
  • Division (the division code is validated against the Division table).
  • Promotion (the promotion code is validated against the Promotion table).
  • Offer (the offer code is validated against the Offer table).

Source Code Upload File Processed Listing

Purpose: This report displays records in the Source Upload Table (IXSRCE) that did not contain errors. When a source upload record does not contain errors, the system deletes the record from the Source Upload table and creates a Order Management System source code. You can review the source codes in Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Select Process File at the Work with Source Code Upload File Screen (WSRW).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Source code (a code used to identify the source code created from a source code work record. This code is defaulted from the Source code field in the Source Upload table).
  • Source code description
  • Division (the division code is validated against the Division table).
  • Promotion (the promotion code is validated against the Promotion table).
  • Offer (the offer code is validated against the Offer table).