Purging Tables

Topics in this part:

Purging Sold To Customers

Purpose: Use the PURGECS Purge Sold To Customers periodic function (program name PFR0137) to purge eligible sold to customers.

Which customers are purged? For the customer to be eligible for purge, the system verifies that:

  • the last change date for the customer is older than the number of days defined in the periodic function’s Parameter field. If the Parameter is blank or 0, records must be 365 days old to be eligible for purge.

  • there are no unpurged orders for the customer.

  • the customer does not exist in the Customer Fraud table.

  • there are no open refunds for the customer.

  • there are no open returns for the customer.

  • there are no open ticklers for the customer.

  • there are no catalog requests for the customer.

  • there are no active or in-process memberships for the customer.

  • there are no open purchase orders for the customer.

Once the purge completes, the system generates the Purged Customer List, listing the sold to customers that were removed.

The system writes processing details to the Trace log.

Purging an individual customer:

Updated tables: See the Tables Updated during Customer Purge for a listing of the tables purged through the PURGECS Purge Customers periodic function (program name PFR0137).

Before you purge customers:

In this topic:

For more information: See:

Tables Updated during Customer Purge

Purpose: The system purges records in the following customer-related and order-related tables when you use the PURGECS Purge Customers (program name PFR0137) periodic function.

  • Contract Price (PRCNPR)

  • Correspondence History (MSCOHS)

  • Cust Mail/Rent Changes (OECMRC)

  • Cust Sold To Item Class Entity (OEICEP)

  • Customer Action (CSCSAC)

  • Customer Action Note (OECACN)

  • Customer Address Change (CSCACP)

  • Customer Affinity (CSAFFY)

  • Customer Individual (CSCIFP)

  • Customer Individual Mail History (CSTIMH)

  • Customer Individual Order History (CSTIOH)

  • Customer Membership (OECSMP)

  • Customer Membership Detail (OECSMD)

  • Customer Note (CSCUNO)

  • Customer Ownership (OECSOW)

  • Customer Pay Type Exclusion (CSCPTX)

  • Customer Profile (CSCPRO)

  • Customer Ship To (CSSHIP)

  • Customer Ship To Entity (OECHEP)

  • Customer Ship To Extended (CSHXNA)

  • Customer Ship To Mail History (CSHPMH)

  • Customer Ship To Order History (CSHORH)

  • Customer Ship To Phone # (CSCTP#)

  • Customer Shipment History (FLCSHP)

  • Customer Sold To (OECSSL)

  • Customer Sold To BML (OECSBM)

  • Customer Sold To Email (OECSEM)

  • Customer Sold To Entity (OECSEP)

  • Customer Sold To Extended (CSTXNA)

  • Customer Sold To Item Class (OECSIC)

  • Customer Individual (CSCIFP)

  • Customer Sold To Item Class Entity (OEICEP)

  • Customer Sold To Mail History (CUSTMH)

  • Customer Sold To Order History (CSTOOH)

  • Customer Sold To User Field (OECSUF)

  • Customer Profile (CSCPRO)

  • Customer Sold To Promotion (OECSPR)

  • Customer Sold To Phone # (CSCSP#)

  • Customer Sold To Xref (OECSXR)

  • Customer Source Finder (CSSFND)

  • Customer Subscription (OECSSB)

  • Customer Tax (OECSTX)

  • Customer Warehouse (CDCWFP)

  • Customer Warranty Track (CSWTRP)

  • DW Correspondence History (DWCSEM)


  • Marketing Download Customer Address Change (IXDTCA)

  • Marketing Download Customer Inquiry (IXDTCI)

  • Marketing Download Customer Ownership (IXDTCO)

  • Marketing Download Customer Profile (IXDTCP)

  • Marketing Download Customer Status Change (IXDTCS)

  • Tickler (MSTKLR)

Additional Purges

Purpose: In addition to the purges described earlier under Purging Tables, you can use the purge options listed below to delete outdated or unneeded records in various tables. Purging unnecessary records can help save space and improve performance.