Setting Up Pricing Information

Topics in this part: The following topics describe how to set up and change pricing information:

  • Understanding Promotional Pricing provides an overview of promotional pricing and the basic information you need to set up pricing information on the system.
  • Work with Promotional Pricing Groups (WPRG) describes how to create and change a promotional pricing group.
  • Work with Promotional Pricing (WPRP) describes how to create and change a promotional pricing record. This record establishes the eligibility requirements and the incentives available in promotional pricing.
  • Working with Price Codes (WPCD) describes how to create price codes that you can assign to various items, so that you can offer your customers special price breaks when they order a sufficient combined quantity of these items.
  • Assigning Price Codes (APCD) describes how to assign price codes to items based on source code or offer.
  • Price Code Upload describes how to upload price code information from an external system to create, update, or delete records in the Price Code, Price Code Customer, and Price Code Details tables.
  • Display Price Code Assignments (DPCA) allows you to review the items/SKUs assigned to a price code by offer or source code and the requirements that must be met for an order to be eligible for the price code.
  • Working with Price Tables (WPTB) describes how price table pricing works and how to create and maintain price tables from items and groups of items.
  • Package Insert Processing (WPIP) describes how to create package insert/promotional items that will be automatically added to an order in Order Entry/Maintenance.
  • Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) describes how to set up coupons for percentage or dollar discounts on an order, or for selected item(s), and provides an overview of how coupon discounts work.
  • Working with Customer Price Groups (WCPG) describes how to create and work with customer price groups used during quantity price matrix pricing, customer price group pricing, and as a qualifier for a discount promotion.
  • Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload describes how to upload customer price group SKU exclusion information from an external system to create or update records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion table.
  • Customer Price Group Pricing provides an overview of the customer price group pricing method, required setup, and processing details.
  • Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM) describes how to create and work with the quantity price matrix pricing method.
  • Pricing Upload Interface describes how to upload source discount and quantity price matrix pricing from an external system.

Work with Price Codes Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create and work with price codes used to define price breaks you offer for orders of a group of items.

How to display this screen: Enter WPCD in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Price Codes from a menu.

Field Description

Price code

This code defines a repricing method you offer to your customers when they order a sufficient quantity of items associated with this price code.

Enter a price code and select OK to display price codes in numeric order, beginning with your entry.

Numeric, 7 positions; Optional


A description of the price code.

Enter a full or partial description and select OK to display price codes that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; Required.

Seq (Sequence number)

This number controls the order in which the system evaluates pricing for an item; if two or more price codes would apply, the system uses the price code with the lowest sequence number.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The type of discount:

  • Price Code Special Price Discount: Displays as Sp: followed by the Special price. For orders subject to VAT, displays as Tax incl price: followed by the Tax inclusive price for special price. The discount is a special price for the qualifying items associated with the price code.
  • Price Code Dollar Off Discount: Displays as $: followed by the Dollar discount. The discount is a dollar amount to subtract from the regular item price for the qualifying items associated with the price code.
  • Price Code Percent Off Discount: Displays as %: followed by the Percent discount. The discount is a percentage to subtract from the regular item price for the qualifying items associated with the price code.
  • Price Code Group Price Discount: Displays as Grp: followed by the Group price. For orders subject to VAT, displays as Grp tax incl: followed by the Tax inclusive price for group price. The discount is a group price for the qualifying items associated with the price code.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Start Date

The beginning date when the price code discount becomes effective. The system compares this date to the date on the Order Header to determine whether the order qualifies for the price code discount.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

End Date

The end date when the pice code discount becomes effective. The system compares this date to the date on the Order Header to determine whether the order qualifies for the price code discount.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Create a price code

Select Create to advance to the Create Price Code Screen.

Change a price code

Select Change for a price code to advance to the Change Price Code screen. You can change any information on this screen except the Price code field. For field descriptions, see Create Price Code Screen.

Delete a price code

Select Delete for a price code to delete it. When you delete a price code, the system deletes any associated records in the Price Code Customer table.

Display a price code

Select Display for a price code to advance to the Display Price Code screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen. For field descriptions, see Create Price Code Screen.

Define the customer price group or sold to customer number eligible for the price code discount

Select Customer for a price code to advance to the Work with Qualifying Customer/Price Groups Screen.

Create, update, and delete records in the Price Code, Price Code Customer, and Price Code Details tables from an external system

Select Upload. See Price Code Upload for processing details.

Create Price Code Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a price code.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Price Codes Screen.

Field Description

Price code

This code defines a repricing method to apply in Order Entry when the customer orders a sufficient quantity of qualifying items.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


A description of the price code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Start date

The beginning date when the price code discount becomes effective.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.

End date

The end date when the pice code discount becomes effective.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.

Qty required

The total quantity the customer must order of all qualifying items to get the price break.


The system evaluates minimum price code quantity by ship-to address.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Distinct By

The method the system uses to determine whether the customer ordered the quantity required to receive the group price.

Valid values:

  • Item = The quantity required is by item.
  • SKU = The quantity required is by SKU.
  • Category = The quantity required is by item category.


Allow Multiples

Defines whether the order qualifies for a discount multiple times if the correct number of qualifying items/SKUs is added to the order.

  • Selected = Allow multiples.
  • Unselected = Do not allow multiples.

This field must be selected if you define a Distinct By setting or Group price.

One of the following repricing methods is required:


Special price

The special price to charge the customer for all qualifying items associated with the price code.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if dollar discount percent discount, or group price not entered.

Tax inclusive price for special price

The special price to charge the customer for all qualifying items associated with the price code on orders subject to VAT. Displayed only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.


If an order is subject to VAT, but the item is subject to a price code with a only a special price and not a Tax-inclusive price, the system uses the special price for the price code.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Dollar discount

The dollar amount to subtract from the regular price of each qualifying item associated with the price code.

If the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected, the system applies the discount against the regular tax-inclusive price to calculate the tax-inclusive price code price.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if special price, percent discount, or group price not entered.

Percent discount

The percentage of the regular item price to subtract for each qualifying item associated with the price code.

If the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected, the system applies the discount against the regular tax-inclusive price to calculate the tax-inclusive price code price.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if special price, dollar discount, or group price not entered.

Group price

The group price to charge the customer for all qualifying items associated with the price code.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if special price, dollar discount, or percent discount not entered.

Tax inclusive price for group price

The group price to charge the customer for all qualifying items associated with the price code on orders subject to VAT. Displayed only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.


If an order is subject to VAT, but the item is subject to a price code with a only a special price and not a Tax-inclusive price, the system uses the special price for the price code.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The order in which the system evaluates whether a price code applies to an order.

Regular Price Code Pricing: If an order qualifies for two or more price codes, the system uses the price code with the lowest sequence number. If two price codes have the same sequence number, the system uses the price code with the lowest price code number.

Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing: If an order qualifies for two or more price codes, the system uses the price code that provides the greatest discount to the order. If two price codes provide the same discount, the system uses the price code with the lowest sequence number. If two price codes have the same sequence number, the system uses the price code with the lowest price code number.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


The system will not prevent you from defining a repricing method that would change the item price into a credit (that is, a discount of more than 100% the item price).

Work with Qualifying Customer/Price Groups Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the customer price groups and sold to customers that qualify for the price code discount.


If you do not define any sold to customers or customer price groups for a price code, then ALL sold to customers and customer price groups qualify for the price code.

How to display this screen: Select Customer for a price code at the Work with Price Codes Screen.

Qualifying customers display on this screen in alphanumeric sold to customer number, price group code sequence.

Fields Description

Price Code

The code and description of the price code.

Code: Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The code for the customer price group that qualifies for the price code discount.

Customer price group codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Price Group table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; Required if a customer is not defined.


The sold to customer number that qualifies for the price code discount.

Sold to customer numbers are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold To table.

Numeric, 9 positions; Required if a customer price group is not defined.


The description of the customer price group code or the name of the sold to customer.

  • If a company is not defined for the customer, the last name followed by the first name displays; for example: LAST, FIRST.
  • If a company is defined for the customer, the company name followed by the last name and first name displays; for example: MILL VILLAGE ATTN:NONNIE, NO.

The system truncates the name to 30 positions.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Define a qualifying customer price group

Enter a valid customer price group code and select OK. The qualifying customer price group displays in the bottom half of the screen.

Define a qualifying sold to customer

Enter a valid sold to customer number and select OK. The qualifying sold to customer number display in the bottom half of the screen.

Delete a qualifying customer price group or sold to customer

Select Delete for a qualifying customer price group or sold to customer to delete it.

Price Code Upload

Overview: The Price Code Upload allows you to upload price code information from an external system to create, update, or delete records in the Price Code, Price Code Customer, and Price Code Details tables.

In this topic:

For more information: See Working with Price Codes (WPCD) and Assigning Price Codes (APCD).

Price Code Upload Setup

The setup required to use the price code upload includes:

File for Upload

Create a Price Code text file for the price code information you wish to create, update, or delete. The file should be named PRICECDUPLOAD.txt.


  • The Request Type identifies the type of upload record.
  • You must create records in this file in the correct order; for example, you must process a Price Code upload record before you can upload a Price Code Customer upload record and Price Code Detail upload record for that price code. The system processes the records in ascending Seq # order.
  • Decimals in this file are explicit and not implied; for example, pass 19.99 and not 1999.
  • To leave any field in the upload file blank, pass a space in an alphanumeric field and a 0 in a numeric field so that the file can be processed without errors. Leaving a field with no space or 0 is interpreted as null in the database and causes errors.

See the Price Code Upload Process for more information on using the data in the text file.

Sample data: You can use the sample data below to create a price code upload file.

Sample PCO Price Code Upload record type:

7|1|PCO|U|1150416|1234567|PRICE CODE UPLOAD|1|1|5.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|ITEM|Y|1150401|1150501|||||0||||

Sample PCC Price Code Customer Upload record type:


Sample PCD Price Code Detail Upload record type:


Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload)

This table contains upload records for the Price Code, Price Code Customer, and Price Code Detail tables. The Request Type identifies the type of upload record.

Field Description

Required for all Record Types.

A code for the company associated with the Price Code Upload record. The system processes only records associated with the company from where the Price Code Upload Process was submitted.

Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company table.

Price Code: Updates Company in the Price Code table.

Price Code Customer: Updates Company in the Price Code Customer table.

Price Code Detail: Updates Company in the Price Code Details table.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Seq #

Required for all Record Types.

A unique number assigned to each Price Code Upload record. The system processes the records in the Price Code Upload table in ascending sequence number order.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Record Type

Required for all Record Types.

The type of Price Code Upload record.

Valid values:

  • PCO = Price Code upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Price Code table.
  • PCC = Price Code Customer upload record; this record creates or updates a record in the Price Code Customer table.
  • PCD = Price Code Detail upload record; this record creates or updates a record in the Price Code Details table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Request Type

Required for all Record Types.

Indicates whether the Price Code Upload record creates, updates, or deletes a record.

Valid values:

  • U = Valid for all Record Types. Create or update a record. The system determines whether the Price Code Upload record creates or updates an existing record by comparing the information in the Price Code Upload record with the existing records in the Order Management System table. See Price Code Upload Process for more information on how the system determines if the Price Code Upload record creates a new record or updates an existing record.
  • D = Valid only for Record Type PCO Price Code. Delete a Price Code record and its associated Price Code Customer records and Price Code Detail records. The system uses the information in the Price Code Upload record to determine which records to delete.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Record Date

Required for all Record Types.

The date the Price Code Upload record was created.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).

PCO Price Code

Required for all Record Types.

A code to identify the price code to upload.

Price codes are defined in and validated against the Price Code table.

Price Code: Updates PCO Price Code in the Price Code table.

Price Code Customer: Updates Price Code Code in the Price Code Customer table.

Price Code Detail: Updates PCO Price Code in the Price Code Details table.

Numeric, 7 positions.


Required for Record Type PCO Price Code. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

A description of the price code.

Updates PCO Description in the Price Code table.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

PCO Sequence

Required for Record Type PCO Price Code. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The order in which the system evaluates whether a price code applies to an order.

Regular Price Code Pricing: If an order qualifies for two or more price codes, the system uses the price code with the lowest sequence number. If two price codes have the same sequence number, the system uses the price code with the lowest price code number.

Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing: If an order qualifies for two or more price codes, the system uses the price code that provides the greatest discount to the order. If two price codes provide the same discount, the system uses the price code with the lowest sequence number. If two price codes have the same sequence number, the system uses the price code with the lowest price code number.

Updates PCO Sequence in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 7 positions.

PCO Qty Required

Required for Record Type PCO Price Code. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The total quantity the customer must order of all qualifying items to get the price break.

Updates PCO Qty Required in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 7 positions.

PCO Percent Discount

Required for Record Type PCO Price Code if a PCO Dollar Discount, PCO Special Price, or Group Price is not defined. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The percentage of the regular item price to subtract for each qualifying item associated with the price code.

If the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected, the system applies the discount against the regular tax-inclusive price to calculate the tax-inclusive price code price.

Updates PCO Percent Discount in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

PCO Dollar Discount

Required for Record Type PCO Price Code if a PCO Percent Discount, PCO Special Price, or Group Price is not defined. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The dollar amount to subtract from the regular price of each qualifying item associated with the price code.

If the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected, the system applies the discount against the regular tax-inclusive price to calculate the tax-inclusive price code price.

Updates PCO Dollar Discount in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

PCO Special Price

Required for Record Type PCO Price Code if a PCO Percent Discount, PCO Dollar Discount, or Group Price is not defined. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The special price to charge the customer for all qualifying items associated with the price code.

Updates PCO Special Price in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

PCO Tax Special Price

Required for Record Type PCO Price Code if a PCO Percent Discount, PCO Dollar Discount, or Group Price is not defined and the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The special price to charge the customer for all qualifying items associated with the price code on orders subject to VAT. Used only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.


If an order is subject to VAT, but the item is subject to a price code with a only a special price and not a Tax-inclusive price, the system uses the special price for the price code.

Updates PCO Tax Special Price in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Group Price

Required for Record Type PCO Price Code if a PCO Percent Discount, PCO Dollar Discount, or PCO Special Price is not defined. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The group price to charge the customer for all qualifying items associated with the price code.

Updates PCO Group Price in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

PCO Tax Group Price

Required for Record Type PCO Price Code if a PCO Percent Discount, PCO Dollar Discount, or PCO Special Price is not defined and the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The group price to charge the customer for all qualifying items associated with the price code on orders subject to VAT. Used only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.


If an order is subject to VAT, but the item is subject to a price code with a only a group price and not a Tax-inclusive price, the system uses the group price for the price code.

Updates PCO Tax Special Price in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Distinct By

Optional for Record Type PCO Price Code. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The method the system uses to determine whether the customer ordered the quantity required to receive the group price.

Valid values:

  • Blank = Distinct By setting not defined.
  • ITEM = The quantity required is by item.
  • SKU = The quantity required is by SKU.
  • CATEGORY = The quantity required is by item category.

Updates PCO Distinct By in the Price Code table.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.


Required for Record Type PCO Price Code if a Distinct By setting or Group Price is defined. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

Defines whether the order qualifies for a discount multiple times if the correct number of qualifying items/SKUs is added to the order.

  • Blank = Multiples setting not defined.
  • Y = Allow multiples. Must be Y if the Distinct By field is populated.
  • N = Do not allow multiples.

Updates PCO Allow Multiples in the Price Code table.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Start Date

Optional for Record Type PCO Price Code. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The beginning date when the price code discount becomes effective.

Updates PCO Start Date in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).

End Date

Optional for Record Type PCO Price Code. Not used by Record Type PCC Price Code Customer or PCD Price Code Detail.

The end date when the pice code discount becomes effective. The end date cannot be earlier than the start date or earlier than the current date.

Updates PCO End Date in the Price Code table.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).

ITM Number

Required for Record Type PCD Price Code Detail. Not used by Record Type PCO Price Code or PCC Price Code Customer.

A code for the item to assign to the price code.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Updates ITM Number in the Price Code Details table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

SKU Code

Required for Record Type PCD Price Code Detail if the item contains SKUs and you want to specify which SKUs qualify for the price code; leave blank if all SKUs for the item qualify for the price code. Not used by Record Type PCO Price Code or PCC Price Code Customer.

A code for the SKU to assign to the price code.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Updates SKU Code in the Price Code Details table.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions.

Offer Number

Required for Record Type PCD Price Code Detail if a SRC Source Code is not defined. Not used by Record Type PCO Price Code or PCC Price Code Customer.

A catalog, advertisement, or other means you use to present merchandise to your customers. The price code defined for an item/offer combination applies to orders whose header-level source code points to the offer.

Offers are defined in and validated against the Offer table. See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Updates Offer Number in the Price Code Details table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

SRC Source Code

Required for Record Type PCD Price Code Detail if a Offer Number is not defined. Not used by Record Type PCO Price Code or PCC Price Code Customer.

A code you use to group a segment of your customers. The price code defined for this item/source code combination applies to orders with this source code on the order header.

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table. See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Updates SRC Source Code in the Price Code Details table.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions.


Required for Record Type PCC Price Code Customer if a Customer Price Group is not defined. Not used by Record Type PCO Price Code or PCD Price Code Detail.

The sold to customer number that qualifies for the price code.

Sold to customer numbers are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold To table.

Updates Customer # in the Price Code Customer table.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Customer Price Group

Required for Record Type PCC Price Code Customer if a Customer is not defined. Not used by Record Type PCO Price Code or PCD Price Code Detail.

The code for the customer price group that qualifies for the price code discount.

Customer price group codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Price Group table.

Updates Customer Price Group in the Price Code Customer table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Error Description

Updated by the system during the Price Code Upload Process.

The reason why the Price Code Upload record has been placed in an error status. See Price Code Upload Errors.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions.


Updated by the system during the Price Code Upload Process.

The status of the Price Code Upload record.

Valid values:

  • Blank = The Price Code Upload record has not yet been processed.
  • P = The Price Code Upload record has processed successfully. The system removes these records at the end of the Price Code Upload Process.
  • E = The Price Code Upload record contains errors. See Price Code Upload Errors.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

PCUPLD Price Code Upload Periodic Function

Use the PCUPLD periodic function to update the Price Code table after you have completed the File for Upload.

Option Setting
Function: PCUPLD
Program name: PFPRCCODUP

The Company flag must be selected. The Price Code Upload process creates, updates, and deletes records in the Price Code, Price Code Customer, and Price Code Details tables based on the records in the Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload) using the company you entered when you submitted the PCUPLD periodic function.

For more information: See delivered with the system; use the Scheduling Jobs for more information on How to Schedule a Job.

Price Code Upload Process

Use the following steps to upload Price Code records from an external system.

# Step


Create a text file named PRICECDUPLOAD.txt containing the price code data. See File for Upload for more information.


Update Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload) with price code information from the text file:

  • Use the File Storage API to create a record of the PRICECDUPLOAD file in the FILE_STORAGE table, and then run the UPPRCCD Upload Price Code File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter PRICECDUPLOAD) periodic function, or
  • Place the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY if the file storage API is not enabled, and then run the UPPRCCD Upload Price Code File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter PRICECDUPLOAD) periodic function, or
  • Use the Work with File Uploads (WUPL) menu option to upload the file.


Submit the Price Code Upload process:

The Record Type identifies the type of upload record:

  • PCO = Price Code upload record.
  • PCC = Price Code Customer upload record.
  • PCD = Price Code Detail upload record.


The system updates the Processed field for each record in the Price Code Upload table to blank to include all records in the upload process.


The system processes the records in the Price Code Upload table in Seq # order.


The system validates each record in the Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload).

  PCO Price Code Upload Record Validation

The required fields for Record Type PCO Price Code are:

  • Company: Validated against the Company table.
  • Seq #
  • Record Type: Must be PCO.
  • PCO Price Code: Validated against the Price Code table.
  • Request Type: U = Create or update. D = Delete.
  • If the Request type is U and the price code does not exist in the Price Code table for the specified company, the system creates a new record in the Price Code table.
  • If the Request type is U and the price code exists in the Price Code table for the specified company, the system overlays the existing record in the Price Code table with the values that are passed in the upload.
  • If the Request type is D and the price code exists in the Price Code table for the specified company, the system deletes the existing record in the Price Code table and the associated records in the Price Code Customer and Price Code Details tables.
  • If the Request type is D and the price code does not exist in the Price Code table for the specified company, the system places the upload record in an error status.
  • Description
  • PCO Sequence
  • PCO Qty Required
  • Enter only one of the following:
  • PCO Percent Discount
  • PCO Dollar Discount
  • PCO Special Price; also PCO Tax Special Price if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.
  • Group Price; also PCO Tax Group Price if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Optionally, you can define:

  • Start Date and End Date: The end date cannot be earlier than the start date.
  • Distinct By: Valid values are ITEM, SKU, and CATEGORY.
  • Multiples: Valid values are Y and N; must be Y if a Distinct By setting or Group Price is defined.
  PCC Price Code Customer Upload Record Validation

The required fields for Record Type PCC Price Code Customer are:

  • Company: Validated against the Company table.
  • Seq #
  • Record Type: Must be PCC.
  • PCO Price Code: Validated against the Price Code table.
  • Request Type: U = Create or update.
  • If the Request type is U and the price code does not exist in the Price Code Customer table for the specified company and customer or customer price group, the system creates a new record in the Price Code Customer table.
  • If the Request type is U and the price code exists in the Price Code Customer table for the specified company and customer or customer price group, the system overlays the existing record in the Price Code Customer table with the values that are passed in the upload.
  • Enter one of the following:
  • Customer: Validated against the Customer Sold To table.
  • Customer Price Group: Validated against the Customer Price Group table.
  PCD Price Code Detail Upload Record Validation

The required fields for Record Type PCD Price Code Detail are:

  • Company: Validated against the Company table.
  • Seq #
  • Record Type: Must be PCD.
  • PCO Price Code: Validated against the Price Code table.
  • Request Type: U = Create or update.
  • If the Request type is U and the price code does not exist in the Price Code Details table for the specified company and item/SKU/offer or item/SKU/source code combination, the system creates a new record in the Price Code Details table.
  • If the Request type is U and the price code exists in the Price Code Details table for the specified company and item/SKU/offer or item/SKU/source code combination, the system overlays the existing record in the Price Code Details table with the values that are passed in the upload.
  • ITM Number: Validated against the Item table.
  • Enter one of the following:
  • Offer Number: Validated against the Offer table.
  • SRC Source Code: Validated against the Source Code table.

Optionally, you can define:

  • SKU Code: Validated against the SKU table. Must be a valid SKU for the specified ITM Number.
  • If you define a SKU code, the price code applies only to the SKUs specified for the item in the Price Code Details table.
  • If you do not define a SKU Code, the price code applies to all SKUs of the item.


If the record in the Price Code Upload table does not pass validation, the system:

A record in error remains in the Price Code Upload table until you fix or delete it. The system validates the record again the next time you submit the Price Code Upload Process.


If the record in the Price Code Upload table passes validation, the system:

  • Creates, updates, or deletes the appropriate record in the Order Management System database, based on the Record Type and Request Type.
  • Deletes the record from the Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload).
  • Prints the record on the Price Code Upload Errors Report

You can review or maintain:

Price Code Upload Errors

The system includes Price Code Upload records that are in error on the Price Code Upload Errors Report.

Error Reason
General Errors

The following errors can occur for any Record Type.


Invalid Company

The Company is missing, invalid, or inactive.

Invalid Seq#

The Seq # is missing.

Record Type not found

The Record Type is missing or invalid. Valid values:

  • PCO = Price Code upload record; this record creates, updates, or deletes a record in the Price Code table.
  • PCC = Price Code Customer upload record; this record creates or updates a record in the Price Code Customer table.
  • PCD = Price Code Detail upload record; this record creates or updates a record in the Price Code Details table.

Invalid Request Type

The Request Type is missing or invalid. Valid values:

  • U = Valid for all Record Types. Create or update a record. The system determines whether the Price Code Upload record creates or updates an existing record by comparing the information in the Price Code Upload record with the existing records in the Order Management System table.
  • D = Valid only for Record Type PCO Price Code. Delete a Price Code record and its associated Price Code Customer records and Price Code Detail records. The system uses the information in the Price Code Upload record to determine which records to delete.

Invalid Record Date

The Record Date is missing or invalid. Must be in CYYMMDD format.

Invalid Price Code

The PCO Price Code is missing or invalid.

Price Code Table Errors

The following errors can occur if the Record Type for the record in the Price Code Upload table is PCO Price Code.


Invalid Seq #

The PCO Sequence is missing or invalid.

Invalid Qty Req’d

The PCO Qty Required is missing or invalid.

Discount Missing

You must enter a PCO Percent Discount, PCO Dollar Discount, PCO Special Price, or Group Price.

Discount Conflict

You can define only one type of discount: PCO Percent Discount, PCO Dollar Discount, PCO Special Price, or Group Price.

Invalid Distinct by

The Distinct By field is invalid. Valid values:

  • Blank = Distinct By setting not defined.
  • ITEM = The quantity required is by item.
  • SKU = The quantity required is by SKU.
  • CATEGORY = The quantity required is by item category.

Invalid Multiples

The Multiples field is invalid or the Distinct By field is populated and the Multiples field is not set to Y. Valid values:

  • Blank = Multiples setting not defined.
  • Y = Allow multiples.
  • N = Do not allow multiples.

Invalid Start Date

The Start Date is invalid.

Invalid End Date

The End Date is invalid. This error can occur if the End Date is earlier than the current date.

Invalid Field Populated

Fields not related to the PCO Record Type are populated.

Price Code Customer Table Errors

The following errors can occur if the Record Type for the record in the Price Code Upload table is PCC Price Code Customer.


Invalid Customer

The Customer is invalid.

Cust\CPG Conflict

You must define a Customer or Customer Price Group for a PCC Price Code Customer upload record, but not both.

Invalid Cust Prc Grp

The Customer Price Group is invalid.

Invalid PCC Record

Fields not related to the PCC Record Type are populated.

Price Code Detail Table Errors

The following errors can occur if the Record Type for the record in the Price Code Upload table is PCD Price Code Detail.


Invalid Item

The ITM Number is missing or invalid.

Invalid SKU

The SKU Code is invalid.

Invalid Offer

The Offer Number is invalid.

Offer\Src Conflict

You must define an Offer Number or SRC Source Code for a PCD Price Code Detail upload record, but not both.

Invalid Source

The SRC Source Code is invalid.

Invalid PCD Record

Fields not related to the PCD Record Type are populated.

Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload

Overview: The Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload allows you to upload customer price group SKU exclusion information from an external system to create or update records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion table.

Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion allows you to define the items/SKUs that are not eligible for the customer price group discount applied to an order during Customer Price Group Pricing.

If an item contains SKUs, you can exclude all SKUs for the item or indicate the specific SKUs you wish to exclude from the customer price group discount.

In this topic:

For more information: See Working with Customer Price Groups (WCPG).

Customer Price Group Exclusion Upload Setup

The setup required to use the customer price group SKU exclusion upload includes:

  1. Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table
  2. CPGIXUP Customer Price Group Item Exclusion Upload Periodic Function

Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process

Use the following steps to upload Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion records from an external system.

# Step


Create a customer price group SKU exclusion text file that contains the records to upload. See the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table for details on file contents.


Populate the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table using the contents of the text file:

  • Use the File Storage API to upload the file to the FILE_STORAGE table, and then run the UPCSTPG Upload Customer Price Group Exclusion File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter CUSTPGEUP) periodic function, or
  • Place the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY if the file storage API is not enabled, and then run the UPCSTPG Upload Customer Price Group Exclusion File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter CUSTPGEUP) periodic function, or
  • Use the Work with File Uploads (WUPL) menu option to upload the records in the text file to the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.


Execute the CPGIXUP Customer Price Group Item Exclusion Upload Periodic Function to submit the Customer Price Group Exclusion Upload process. The system submits the process for the specified company.


The system updates the Processed field for each record in the Customer Price Group Exclusion Upload table to blank to include all records in the upload process.


The system processes the records in the Customer Price Group Exclusion Upload table in Seq # order.


The system validates each record in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table.

The required fields are:

Optionally, you can define:

  • SKU: Validated against the SKU table. Must be a valid SKU for the specified Item.
  • If the item contains SKUs and you leave this field blank, all SKUs of the item are excluded from the customer price group discount.
  • If the item contains SKUs and you specify a SKU in this field, only the SKU specified is excluded from the customer price group discount.


If the record in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table does not pass validation, the system:

A record in error remains in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table until you fix or delete it. The system validates the record again the next time you submit the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process.


If the record in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table passes validation, the system:

  • Creates or updates the appropriate record in the Order Administration database.
  • Deletes the record from the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table.

You can review and maintain customer price group SKU exclusions on the Work with Customer Price Group Exclusions Screen in the Working with Customer Price Groups (WCPG) menu option.

Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table

Create records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table to create or update records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion table.

To populate:

  1. Create a customer price group SKU exclusion text file that contains the records to upload.
  2. Upload the records from the file to the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table:
  3. Use the File Storage API to upload the file to the FILE_STORAGE table, and then run the UPCSTPG Upload Customer Price Group Exclusion File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter CUSTPGEUP) periodic function, or
  4. Use the Work with File Uploads (WUPL) menu option to upload the records in the text file to the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table.

You can use the sample data below to create records in the text file for upload.



To leave any field in the upload file blank, pass a space in the field so that the file can be processed without errors. Leaving a field with no space is interpreted as null in the database and causes errors.

For more information: See Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process for a discussion of the complete upload process.

Field Description


A code for the company associated with the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload record. The system processes only records associated with the company from where the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process was submitted.

Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company table.

Updates Company in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion table.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Seq #


A unique number assigned to each Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload record. The system processes the records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table in ascending sequence number order.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Customer Price Group


The code for the customer price group associated with the item/SKU exclusion.

Customer price group codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Price Group table.

Updates Customer Price Group in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.



A code for the item you wish to exclude from the customer price group discount.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Updates Excluded Item in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.



The SKU of the item you wish to exclude from the customer price group discount.

  1. If the item contains SKUs and you leave this field blank, all SKUs of the item are excluded from the customer price group discount.
  2. If the item contains SKUs and you specify a SKU in this field, only the SKU specified is excluded from the customer price group discount.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Updates Excluded SKU in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion table.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions.

Error Description

Updated by the system during the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process.

The reason why the Customer Price Group Exclusion Upload record has been placed in an error status. See Customer Price Group Exclusion Upload Errors.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions.


Updated by the system during the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process.

The status of the Customer Price Group Exclusion Upload record.

Valid values:

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

CPGIXUP Customer Price Group Item Exclusion Upload Periodic Function

Use the CPGIXUP periodic function to submit the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Process based on the contents of the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table.

Option Setting
Function: CPGIXUP
Program name: PFRCPGEXUP

The Company flag must be selected. The Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload process creates, updates, and deletes records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion table based on the records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table using the company you entered when you submitted the CPGIXUP periodic function.

  1. The CPGIXUP periodic function is delivered with the system; use the Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) menu option to review it.
  2. Use the Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR) menu option to assign the UPCSTPG and CPGIXUP periodic functions to a periodic process.
  3. Once you have created the periodic process, you can use the Execute Periodic Process screen (located in the Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR) or Executing Periodic Processes (EPRO)) to define a schedule for the job. See Defining the Job Schedule.

For more information: See Scheduling Jobs for more information on How to Schedule a Job.

Customer Price Group Exclusion Upload Errors

The system includes records in the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table that are in error on the CPG Item/SKU Exclusions Upload Error Records Report.

Error Reason

Invalid Company

The Company is missing, invalid, or inactive.

Invalid Cust Prc Grp

The Customer Price Group is missing or invalid.

Invalid Item

The Item is missing or invalid.

Invalid SKU

The SKU is not valid for the specified item.

Customer Price Group Pricing

Customer price group pricing allows you to price the items on an order based on the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order. The system determines the initial price of the item based on the Price type assigned to the customer price group and applies any qualifying discounts to the order during line-level pricing and end-of-order pricing.

In this topic:

Customer Price Group Pricing Setup

Before you can use the customer price group pricing method, you must complete the necessary setup.

Menu Options for Customer Price Group Pricing

Menu Option Description

Working with Customer Price Groups (WCPG)

Create customer price groups to assign to sold to customers. For each customer price group:

  • Use the Price Type field to define the price the system uses as the initial price of an item during customer price group line level pricing.
  • Original = Use the Orig retail $ (Original retail price) field in the SKU table as the initial price.
  • Regular = Use the List price field in the SKU table as the initial price.
  • Optionally, use the Discount field at the customer price group level or customer price group detail level to define a percent discount to prorate across the items on an order for a sold to customer assigned to this customer price group.
  • Optionally, select the Best Price Comparison field to have the system perform customer price group best price comparison logic for the customer price group during end-of-order pricing and repricing. Customer price group best price comparison determines if the price available for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value is a better price than the price available for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer. Whichever customer price group provides the best price, the system applies this price to the item on the order.
  • Optionally, use the Work with Customer Price Group Exclusions Screen to define the items/SKUs that are not eligible for the customer price group discount applied to the order during customer price group pricing.

Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST)

Use the Price group field to assign sold to customers to a customer price group.


You can also pass the price group code in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) or the Inbound Customer Message (CWCustomerIn). When you assign the customer price group through the order API, the new order is eligible for any pricing or promotions associated with the price group. If you create an order for a customer that is not assigned to a customer price group, or is assigned to an invalid customer price group code, the system assigns the customer price group code defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value to the customer.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Creating and Working with Items (MITM)

For each item/SKU:

Define the Original price of the item.

Define the Regular price of the item.

Assign the item/SKU to an offer in order to assign the item/SKU to a price code using the Assigning Price Codes (APCD) menu option.

Working with Price Codes (WPCD)

Create price codes to offer a special price or discount for an item or group of items.

Optionally, use the Work with Qualifying Customer/Price Groups Screen to define the sold to customers and customer price groups that qualify for the price code. Note: If you do not define any sold to customers or customer price groups for a price code, then ALL sold to customers and customer price groups qualify for the price code.


Order lines that are assigned to a price code do not qualify for the discount defined for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order. To apply the customer price group discount to order lines that are assigned to a price code, embed the customer price group discount in the price defined for the price code. Example: If the customer price group provides a 30% discount, create the price code discount so that it includes the 30% discount.

Assigning Price Codes (APCD)

Define which items are eligible for the special price or discount specified in a price code. You can assign the item to one or more price codes by offer or source code.

Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR)

Create the price override reason code to assign to order lines that are priced using a customer price group price and cannot be further discounted. However, you can still apply an order-level coupon to these order lines.

Working with Source Codes (WSRC)

To perform End of Order Customer Price Group Pricing during repricing, the Price method field for the source code on the order header must be set to Reg Plus Reprice.

Working with Promotions (WPRO)

Create promotions to apply a further discount to eligible order lines.

System Control Values for Customer Price Group Pricing

Entity level override: You can set up pricing value overrides for an entity that should use different pricing logic from your company-wide standard. In order entry, the system checks the entity associated with the source code on the order header to determine if entity-level pricing overrides are in effect. However, if you enter a customer price group in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value, entity-level pricing overrides are NOT in effect. The system always uses the customer price group pricing method, regardless of the pricing values defined at the entity level.

System Control Value Description

Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58)

Enter a customer price group code if you wish to use customer price group pricing. The system uses this customer price group:

  • As the default customer price group to apply to an order when the sold to customer on the order is not assigned to a customer price group.
  • During customer price group best price comparison to determine if the price available for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value is a better price than the price available for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer. Whichever customer price group provides the best price, the system applies this price to the item on the order.


If you enter a customer price group code in this system control value:
  • the system uses only customer price group pricing to perform line-level pricing. The system does NOT use the pricing hierarchy to search for a price for an item and does not perform best way pricing based on the setting of the Best Way Pricing (A78) system control value.
  • you must select the Price Codes (D93) system control value to perform end-of-order pricing and you cannot select any other type of end-of-order pricing method.

Price Override Reason Code for CPG Pricing (L59)

Enter the price override reason code to assign to order lines that are priced using a customer price group price and cannot be further discounted. However, you can still apply an order-level coupon to these order lines.

Line Level Customer Price Group Pricing

The system uses the following steps when you add an item to an order and the system uses customer price group line-level pricing to calculate the price of the order line.

Determine the Customer Price Group

Determine the Customer Price Group to Use

The system uses the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order. If a customer price group code is not assigned to the sold to customer on the order, or if it is invalid, the system uses the customer price group code defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value.

Determine the Initial Price of the Item

If a price override reason code is defined for the order line, the system does not price the item using customer price group pricing, and instead, uses the price defined for the order line.

If a price override reason code is not defined for the order line, the system looks at the Price Type defined for the customer price group to determine the initial price of the item.

  • Original = Original Price. The system uses the price defined in the Orig retail $ (Original Retail Price) field in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.
  • Regular = Regular Price. The system uses the price defined in the List price field in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.

If an initial price is not found for the item: If the system cannot determine the initial price for the item (an Original retail price or List price was not defined for the item), the system displays an error message in interactive order entry: Price Not Found.

Determine the Customer Price Group Discount

Item eligible for discount? An item is NOT eligible for customer price group discounting if:

If the Discountable field for the item is selected and the item/SKU is not excluded from the customer price group discount, the system will apply qualifying discounts and promotions to the item.

Customer price group discount hierarchy: The system determines if a discount exists for the customer price group on the order. The system uses the following hierarchy to determine the customer price group discount.

  1. Use the discount defined in the Customer Price Group Detail table with an effective date that is equal to or earlier than the current date. If more than one Customer Price Group Detail record exists with a qualifying effective date, the system uses the discount with the most current effective date. You can review these discounts on the Work with Customer Price Group Details Screen.
  2. If a discount is not defined in the Customer Price Group Detail table with a qualifying effective date, use the discount defined in the Customer Price Group table. You can review this discount on the Work with Customer Price Groups Screen.
  3. If a discount is not defined in the Customer Price Group table, do not apply a customer price group discount to the order.

Customer price group discount calculation: Original or Regular Price - Customer Price Group Discount % = Updated Order Line Price

Compare List Price to Order Line Price

The system compares the list price defined for the item to the order line price.

  • If the list price is lower than the order line price, the system applies the list price to the order line.
  • If the list price is equal to or greater than the order line price, the system retains the order line price.

Display Order Detail: If the list price was lower than the order line price, the system displays a message on the Display Order Detail Screen (Reviewing Order Line Detail) in Order Inquiry: LIST PRICE < ORIGINAL RETAIL $ PRICE.

Calculate Order Header Discounts

The system applies any qualifying order header discounts to the order, such as:

Discount calculation messages: If the calculated order line price is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order, indicating the order line number of the discounted item, the offer price (this is initial price of the item), the actual price (this is the discounted price the customer is paying), the dollar amount of the discount, and the discount percentage. For example, if the initial price is $10.00 and the order line price is $5.00, the discount calculation message displays as: Line 1: Offer = 10.00 Actual = 5.00 Discount = 5.00: 50.00%.

Apply Final Customer Price Group Price to Order

After calculating any Order Header discounts for the order, the system applies the final customer price group price to the lines on the order.

The system updates the following fields in the Order Detail table during customer price group line level pricing.

Field Order Detail Update
ODT Offer Price

The initial price of the item, based on the Price type defined for the customer price group.

  • If Price type is Original, this is the Original Retail Price from the SKU table.
  • If Price type is Regular, this is the List Price from the SKU table.

You can use this field to determine the initial price of the order line before the system applied any discounts or promotions to the order line.

ODT Original Price

The List price defined for the item/SKU in the SKU table.

ODT Pre-Discount Price

The price of the item after applying the customer price group discount and order header discount.

This is the initial price - the customer price group and order header discount; however, if the list price is lower than this price, this is the list price of the item.

ODT Price

The final calculated price of the item after applying the customer price group discount and order header discount.

This is the initial price - the customer price group and order header discount; however, if the list price is lower than this price, this is the list price of the item. Note: The final price of the order line may update during Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing.

Price Method

The method the system used to calculate the price of an item, but before applying an order-level discount, such as a source code discount percentage.

F Customer Price Group displays for lines priced using Customer Price Group Line Level pricing; see the Order Pricing Window for a complete list of price methods.

The system uses this value to display the Pricing method on the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item).


The system may reprice the order line during Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing and Customer Price Group Best Price Comparison. The system performs price code pricing and best price comparison during repricing and end-of-order pricing.

Example: Original Customer Price Group Line Pricing

1. Determine the Customer Price Group to Use A customer assigned to customer price group CPGO places an order.

2. Determine the Initial Price of the Item The Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, indicating the system uses the Original retail price in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITO to the order. Item ITO has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $25.00
  • Original retail price of $20.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 20.00 as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITR to the order. Item ITR has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $10.00
  • Original retail price of $15.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 15.00 as the initial price of the item.

3. Determine the Customer Price Group Discount. The Discountable flag for items ITO and ITR is selected, indicating the items are eligible for customer price group discounting, however, a discount is not defined for customer price group CPGO, so a customer price group discount is not applied to the order.

4. Compare List Price to Order Line Price. The system compares the list price defined for the item to the order line price.

  • The list price for item ITO is $25.00 and the order line price is $20.00. Since the order line price is lower than the list price, the system retains $20.00 as the order line price.
  • The list price for item ITR is $10.00 and the order line price is $15.00. Since the order line price is greater than the list price, the system updates the order line price to $10.00.

5. Calculate Order Header Discounts. the order does not qualify for any Order Header discounts.

6. Apply Final Customer Price Group Price to OrderThe system applies the final customer price group price to the lines on the order:

  • The order line price for item ITO is $20.00
  • The order line price for item ITR is $10.00.

Because the calculated order line price for item ITR is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 15.00 Actual = 10.00 Discount = 5.00 :33.33%

The system updates the Order Detail table with the customer price group line level price.

Field Item ITO Item ITR
ODT Offer Price

Initial price: 20.00

Initial price: 15.00

ODT Original Price

List price: 25.00

List price: 10.00

ODT Pre-Discount Price

Price after discounts: 20.00

Price after discounts: 10.00

ODT Price

Order line price: 20.00

Order line price: 10.00

Price Method

F = Customer Price Group.

F = Customer Price Group.

Example: Regular Customer Price Group Line Pricing

1. Determine the Customer Price Group to Use .A customer assigned to customer price group CPGR places an order.

2. Determine the Initial Price of the Item The Price type for customer price group CPGR is set to Regular, indicating the system uses the List price in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITO to the order. Item ITO has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $25.00
  • Original retail price of $20.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGR is set to Regular, the system uses 25.00 as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITR to the order. Item ITR has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $10.00
  • Original retail price of $15.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGR is set to Regular, the system uses 10.00 as the initial price of the item.

3. Determine the Customer Price Group Discount The Discountable flag for items ITO and ITR is selected, indicating the items are eligible for customer price group discounting, however, a discount is not defined for customer price group CPGO, so a customer price group discount is not applied to the order.

4. Compare List Price to Order Line Price The system compares the list price defined for the item to the order line price.

  • The list price for item ITO is $25.00 and the order line price is $25.00. Since the order line price is equal to the list price, the system retains $25.00 as the order line price.
  • The list price for item ITR is $10.00 and the order line price is $10.00. Since the order line price is equal to the list price, the system retains $10.00 as the order line price.

5. Calculate Order Header Discounts The order does not qualify for any Order Header discounts.

6. Apply Final Customer Price Group Price to Order The system applies the final customer price group price to the lines on the order:

  • The order line price for item ITO is $25.00
  • The order line price for item ITR is $10.00.

The system updates the Order Detail table with the customer price group line level price.

Field Item ITO Item ITR
ODT Offer Price

Initial price: 25.00

Initial price: 10.00

ODT Original Price

List price: 25.00

List price: 10.00

ODT Pre-Discount Price

Price after discounts: 25.00

Price after discounts: 10.00

ODT Price

Order line price: 25.00

Order line price: 10.00

Price Method

F = Customer Price Group.

F = Customer Price Group.

Example: Customer Price Group Line Pricing With Customer Price Group Discount

1. Determine the Customer Price Group to Use A customer assigned to customer price group CPGO places an order.

2. Determine the Initial Price of the Item The Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, indicating the system uses the Original retail price in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITO to the order. Item ITO has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $25.00
  • Original retail price of $20.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 20.00 as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITR to the order. Item ITR has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $10.00
  • Original retail price of $15.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 15.00 as the initial price of the item.

3. Determine the Customer Price Group Discount The Discountable flag for items ITO and ITR is selected, indicating the items are eligible for customer price group discounting. Customer price group CPGO has the following discounts defined:

  • 10.00% discount at the Customer Price Group Detail level with an effective date of 1/16/12.
  • 30.00% discount at the Customer Price Group Detail level with an effective date of 2/14/12.
  • 5.00% discount at the Customer Price Group level.

Because the current date is 2/15/12, the system applies the 30.00% discount to the order.

  • Item ITO: initial price $20.00 - 30.00% = $14.00.
  • Item ITR: initial price $15.00 - 30.00% = $10.50.

4. Compare List Price to Order Line Price The system compares the list price defined for the item to the order line price.

  • The list price for item ITO is $25.00 and the order line price is $14.00. Since the order line price is lower than the list price, the system retains $14.00 as the order line price.
  • The list price for item ITR is $10.00 and the order line price is $10.50. Since the order line price is greater than the list price, the system updates the order line price to $10.00.

5. Calculate Order Header Discounts The order does not qualify for any Order Header discounts.

6. Apply Final Customer Price Group Price to Order The system applies the final customer price group price to the lines on the order:

Because the calculated order line price for item ITO is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 20.00 Actual = 14.00 Discount = 6.00 :30.00%

Because the calculated order line price for item ITR is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 15.00 Actual = 10.00 Discount = 5.00 :33.33%

The system updates the Order Detail table with the customer price group line level price.

Field Item ITO Item ITR
ODT Offer Price

Initial price: 20.00

Initial price: 15.00

ODT Original Price

List price: 25.00

List price: 10.00

ODT Pre-Discount Price

Price after discounts: 14.00

Price after discounts: 10.00

ODT Price

Order line price: 14.00

Order line price: 10.00

Price Method

F = Customer Price Group.

F = Customer Price Group.

Example: Customer Price Group Line Pricing with Order Header Discount

1. Determine the Customer Price Group to Use A customer assigned to customer price group CPGO places an order.

2. Determine the Initial Price of the Item The Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, indicating the system uses the Original retail price in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITO to the order. Item ITO has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $25.00
  • Original retail price of $20.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 20.00 as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITR to the order. Item ITR has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $10.00
  • Original retail price of $15.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 15.00 as the initial price of the item.

3. Determine the Customer Price Group Discount The Discountable flag for items ITO and ITR is selected, indicating the items are eligible for customer price group discounting, however, a discount is not defined for customer price group CPGO, so a customer price group discount is not applied to the order.

4. Compare List Price to Order Line Price The system compares the list price defined for the item to the order line price.

  • The list price for item ITO is $25.00 and the order line price is $20.00. Since the order line price is lower than the list price, the system retains $20.00 as the order line price.
  • The list price for item ITR is $10.00 and the order line price is $15.00. Since the order line price is greater than the list price, the system updates the order line price to $10.00.

5. Calculate Order Header Discounts The order qualifies for a 25% source discount.

The system applies the 25% source discount to the order.

  • Item ITO: current order line price $20.00 - 25.00% = $15.00.
  • Item ITR: current order line price $10.00 - 25.00% = $7.50.

6. Apply Final Customer Price Group Price to Order The system applies the final customer price group price to the lines on the order:

Because the calculated order line price for item ITO is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 20.00 Actual = 15.00 Discount = 5.00 :25.00%

Because the calculated order line price for item ITR is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 15.00 Actual = 7.50 Discount = 7.50 :50.00%

The system updates the Order Detail table with the customer price group line level price.

Field Item ITO Item ITR
ODT Offer Price

Initial price: 20.00

Initial price: 15.00

ODT Original Price

List price: 25.00

List price: 10.00

ODT Pre-Discount Price

Price after discounts: 15.00

Price after discounts: 7.50

ODT Price

Order line price: 15.00

Order line price: 7.50

Price Method

F = Customer Price Group.

F = Customer Price Group.

Example: Customer Price Group Line Pricing with Customer Price Group and Order Header Discount

1. Determine the Customer Price Group to Use A customer assigned to customer price group CPGO places an order.

2. Determine the Initial Price of the Item The Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, indicating the system uses the Original retail price in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITO to the order. Item ITO has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $25.00
  • Original retail price of $20.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 20.00 as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITR to the order. Item ITR has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $10.00
  • Original retail price of $15.00

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 15.00 as the initial price of the item.

3. Determine the Customer Price Group Discount The Discountable flag for items ITO and ITR is selected, indicating the items are eligible for customer price group discounting. Customer price group CPGO has the following discounts defined:

  • 10.00% discount at the Customer Price Group Detail level with an effective date of 1/16/12.
  • 30.00% discount at the Customer Price Group Detail level with an effective date of 2/14/12.
  • 5.00% discount at the Customer Price Group level.

Because the current date is 2/15/12, the system applies the 30.00% discount to the order.

  • Item ITO: initial price $20.00 - 30.00% = $14.00.
  • Item ITR: initial price $15.00 - 30.00% = $10.50.

4. Compare List Price to Order Line Price The system compares the list price defined for the item to the order line price.

  • The list price for item ITO is $25.00 and the order line price is $14.00. Since the order line price is lower than the list price, the system retains $14.00 as the order line price.
  • The list price for item ITR is $10.00 and the order line price is $10.50. Since the order line price is greater than the list price, the system updates the order line price to $10.00.

5. Calculate Order Header Discounts The order qualifies for a 25% source discount.

The system applies the 25% source discount to the order.

  • Item ITO: current order line price $14.00 - 25.00% = $10.50.
  • Item ITR: current order line price $10.00 - 25.00% = $7.50.

6. Apply Final Customer Price Group Price to Order The system applies the final customer price group price to the lines on the order:

Because the calculated order line price for item ITO is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 20.00 Actual = 10.50 Discount = 9.50 :47.50%

Because the calculated order line price for item ITR is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 15.00 Actual = 7.50 Discount = 7.50 :50.00%

The system updates the Order Detail table with the customer price group line level price.

Field Item ITO Item ITR
ODT Offer Price

Initial price: 20.00

Initial price: 15.00

ODT Original Price

List price: 25.00

List price: 10.00

ODT Pre-Discount Price

Price after discounts: 10.50

Price after discounts: 7.50

ODT Price

Order line price: 10.50

Order line price: 7.50

Price Method

F = Customer Price Group.

F = Customer Price Group.

Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing

If a customer price group is defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value and the Price Codes (D93) system control value is selected, the system reevaluates the entire order during repricing to find the best price code price to apply to each qualifying order line.

See When Repricing Occurs for more information on when repricing occurs during interactive order entry.

Source code setting: To do end of order customer price group pricing, the Price method field for the source code on the order header must be set to Reg Plus Reprice.


If the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value does not contain a customer price group code, the system performs Regular Price Code Pricing instead of Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing.

The system performs the following steps during customer price group price code pricing.


Order lines that are assigned to a price code do not qualify for the discount defined for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order. To apply the customer price group discount to order lines that are assigned to a price code, embed the customer price group discount in the price defined for the price code. Example: If the customer price group provides a 30% discount, create the price code discount so that it includes the 30% discount.

Determine Whether the Order Qualifies for a Price Code

To qualify for a price code:

# Step


The date on the Order Header must fall within the Start date and End date defined for the price code in the Price Code table. You can review the start and end dates for price codes on the Work with Price Codes Screen.


The sold to customer on the order must be defined for the price code in the Price Code Customer table. You can review the customers and customer price groups that qualify for a price code on the Work with Qualifying Customer/Price Groups Screen.


If you do not define any sold to customers or customer price groups for a price code, then ALL sold to customers and customer price groups qualify for the price code.


The items on the order must be assigned to the price code and meet the price code requirements.

Which items are assigned to the price code? The system looks at the Price Code Details table to determine which items on the order are assigned to the price code. When assigning an item to a price code, you assign the item to the price code by offer or source code. The system uses the source code on the order header to determine whether the item on the order qualifies for the price code.

  • If the item contains SKUs and a SKU is not defined in the Price Code Details table, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price code.
  • If the item contains SKUs and a SKU is defined in the Price Code Details table, only the specified SKUs qualify for the price code.

Price code requirements: The system looks at the Price Code table to determine if the items on the order that are assigned to the price code meet the price code requirements.

Quantity required: The total quantity the customer must order of all qualifying items to get the price break. Note: The system evaluates price code quantity by ship-to address.

Allow multiples?

  • Unselected = Once an order qualifies for the price code based on the price code quantity requirement, the system applies the price code discount to all qualifying items on the order that are not already assigned to a price code.
  • Selected = Once an order qualifies for the price code based on the price code quantity requirement, the remaining items on the order that are not already assigned to a price code must meet the price code quantity requirement again in order to qualify for the price code. The Distinct By setting defines how the system determines whether the order meets the price code multiple requirement.

Distinct By:

  • Blank = The order must meet the price code quantity requirement again in order to qualify. Example: If the Quantity required is 3, the order must contain three items/SKUs defined for the price code in order to qualify. If the order contains 7 items that qualify, the system applies the price code to 6 of the items.
  • Item = The quantity requirement for the price code requires separate items in order to qualify. Example: If the Quantity required is 3, the order must contain three separate items defined for the price code in order to qualify.
  • SKU = The quantity requirement for the price code requires separate SKUs in order to qualify. Example: If the Quantity required is 3, the order must contain three separate SKUs defined for the price code in order to qualify.
  • Category = The quantity requirement for the price code requires separate item categories in order to qualify. Example: If the Quantity required is 3, the order must contain three separate item categories for the items defined for the price code in order to qualify.

See Examples: Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing for examples of how price codes are applied to an order based on the price code requirements.

Apply the Price Code to the Order

You can apply only one price code to an order line.

Best way price code hierarchy: If an order qualifies for more than one price code and you are using Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing, the system calculates the discount that each price code provides and:

  1. Applies the price code that provides the greatest discount to the qualifying items on the order.
  2. If more than one price code offers the same discount, the system uses the price code with the lowest Sequence number.
  3. If more than one price code has the same sequence number, the system uses the price code with the lowest numeric price code.

The system applies the price code to the lines on an order in ascending price, order line number sequence.

Once you apply a price code to an order line, it no longer qualifies for another price code.

Starting price: When calculating the price code discount, the system starts with the initial price defined for the order line. This is the price of the item determined during Line Level Customer Price Group Pricing and stored in the ODT Price field.

After the system applies the first price code to the order, the system reevaluates the order to determine if it qualifies for another price code. The system applies the next price code that provides the greatest discount to the order in ascending price, order line number sequence.

The system continues to apply price codes to the order, using the best way price code hierarchy, in ascending price, order line number sequence, until all of the eligible lines on the order are assigned to a price code.

Applying a price code to a portion of an order line: To easily determine the price code discount applied to the lines on an order, enter each order line for a quantity of 1. If an order line contains a quantity greater than 1 and only part of the quantity on the order line qualifies for the discount, the system applies the discount to the quantity that qualifies for the discount and leaves the remaining quantity on the order line at its initial price. The extended price of the order line represents the discounted quantity price + the non-discounted quantity price.

Partial price code line example: An order line qualifies for a price code discount: $3.00 off 2. The Multiples field is selected for the price code, indicating the order must meet the price code requirement again to apply the price code to the order multiple times. The order line quantity is 3 with a unit price of 10.00. The system applies the price code discount to 2 units of the item (10.00 - 3.00 = 7.00). The third unit remains priced at 10.00. The extended price for the order line is 24.00 (7.00 + 7.00 + 10.00) and the unit price for the order line is 8.00 (24.00 / 3).


There may be a rounding discrepancy if the extended price of an order line does not divide evenly by the order quantity. This discrepancy should be no more than a few pennies. Example: Change the discount in the example above from $3.00 off 2 to $2.00 off 2. The order line quantity is 3 with a unit price of 10.00. The system applies the price code discount to 2 units of the item (10.00 - 2.00 = 8.00). The third unit remains priced at 10.00. The extended price for the order line is 26.01 and the unit price is 8.67 (26.00 / 3 = 8.666, which rounds to 8.67; 8.67 + 8.67 + 8.67 = 26.01).

Price method: The system updates the Price method for any order line whose price was updated during customer price group price code pricing to E Price Code.

Order lines not eligible for price code discounts:

  • Price code repricing does not apply to manually priced order lines associated with a price override reason code.
  • Order lines that are assigned to the price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason Code for CPG Pricing (L59) system control value cannot be further discounted except by order-level coupons or source% discounts. However, the system includes the dollar amount and quantity for order lines assigned to the Customer Price Group price override reason code in the eligibility calculations as qualifiers for promotions and price code pricing that may apply to other items on the order.

Apply Discounts and Promotions to the Order

Discounts and promotions: Once the system completes customer price group price code pricing, the system applies any non-freight discounts, detail-level coupon promotions, and any other promotions to the lines on the order.

Determining the best price: If the Best Price Comparison field for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer is selected, the system performs Customer Price Group Best Price Comparison to determine if the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value provides a better price than the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order.

Order-level coupon promotions: When using customer price group pricing, the system applies order-level coupon promotions, as defined in Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR), as the last discount applied to the lines on the order. See Order-Level Coupon Promotions when using Customer Price Group Pricing for further details.

Example: Price Code Special Price Discount

On 2/17/12, you take an order for sold to customer 10 using source code 7.

Line# Item Quantity Price

















Determine eligible price codes: The date on the Order Header falls within the date range for the following price codes in the Price Code table:

Price Code Seq Start End Qty Type of Price Code Discount






Dollar off: $2 off 1






Percent off: 10% off 2






Special price: $20.00 each for 3






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Determine price code customer assignment: The sold to customer on the order qualifies for the following price code in the Price Code Customer table:

Price Code Customer# Customer Price Group




Determine price code item assignment: The item on the order that qualifies for price code 303 in the Price Code Details table is:

Price Code Item SKU Source Code





Reprice the order: When you select Reprice at the Order Detail screen, the system reprices as follows:

Line# Item Initial Price Price Code Reprice





Price remains $10.00





Price remains $20.00





Special price: $20.00 each for 3

Price changes from $30.00 to $20.00





Price remains $40.00

Because the calculated order line price for item C1 is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you reprice the order: Line 3:Offer = 30.00 Actual = 20.00 Discount = 10.00 :33.33%

Example: Price Code Dollar Off Discount

On 2/17/12, you take an order for sold to customer 10 using source code 7.

Line# Item Quantity Price

















Determine eligible price codes: The date on the Order Header falls within the date range for the following price codes in the Price Code table:

Price Code Seq Start End Qty Type of Price Code Discount






Dollar off: $2 off 1






Percent off: 10% off 2






Special price: $20.00 each for 3






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Determine price code customer assignment: The sold to customer on the order qualifies for the following price code in the Price Code Customer table:

Price Code Customer# Customer Price Group




Determine price code item assignment: The item on the order that qualifies for price code 101 in the Price Code Details table is:

Price Code Item SKU Source Code





Reprice the order: When you select Reprice at the Order Detail screen, the system reprices as follows:

Line# Item Initial Price Price Code Reprice





Dollar off: $2.00 off 1

Price changes from $10.00 to $8.00





Price remains $20.00





Price remains $30.00





Price remains $40.00

Because the calculated order line price for item A1 is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you reprice the order: Line 1:Offer = 10.00 Actual = 8.00 Discount = 2.00 :20.00%

Example: Price Code Percent Off Discount

On 2/17/12, you take an order for sold to customer 10 using source code 7.

Line# Item Quantity Price

















Determine eligible price codes: The date on the Order Header falls within the date range for the following price codes in the Price Code table:

Price Code Seq Start End Qty Type of Price Code Discount






Dollar off: $2 off 1






Percent off: 10% off 2






Special price: $20.00 each for 3






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Determine price code customer assignment: The sold to customer on the order qualifies for the following price code in the Price Code Customer table:

Price Code Customer# Customer Price Group




Determine price code item assignment: The item on the order that qualifies for price code 202 in the Price Code Details table is:

Price Code Item SKU Source Code





Reprice the order: When you select Reprice at the Order Detail screen, the system reprices as follows:

Line# Item Initial Price Price Code Reprice





Price remains $10.00





Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $20.00 to 18.00





Price remains $30.00





Price remains $40.00

Because the calculated order line price for item A1 is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays  Discount Calculation Messages  when you reprice the order: Line 2:Offer = 20.00 Actual = 18.00 Discount = 2.00 :10.00%

Example: Price Code Group Price Discount

On 2/17/12, you take an order for sold to customer 10 using source code 7.

Line# Item SKU Quantity Price





















Determine eligible price codes: The date on the Order Header falls within the date range for the following price codes in the Price Code table:

Price Code Seq Start End Qty Type of Price Code Discount






Dollar off: $2 off 1






Percent off: 10% off 2






Special price: $20.00 each for 3






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Determine price code customer assignment: The sold to customer on the order qualifies for the following price code in the Price Code Customer table:

Price Code Customer# Customer Price Group




Determine price code item assignment: The items on the order that qualify for price code 404 in the Price Code Details table are:

Price Code Item SKU Source Code


















If an item contains SKUs and no SKUs are defined for the item in the Price Code Details table, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price code.

Reprice the order: When you select Reprice at the Order Detail screen, the system reprices in ascending price, order line number sequence

Line# Item SKU Initial Price Price Code Reprice






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Price changes from $20.00 to $13.33






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Price changes from $30.00 to $20.00






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Price changes from $40.00 to $26.67






Price remains $40.00

merchandise total for lines assigned to price code 404 = $90.00

$90.00 merchandise total - $60.00 group price = $30.00 discount amount to prorate


Order line 4 does not qualify for the price code 404 discount because you must order the qualifying items in groups of 3. If the customer ordered 2 more qualifying items, the order would qualify for the price code 404 discount two times because it would have two qualifying groups of 3 on the order.

Prorating the Group Price

The system applies the group price discount to each qualifying order line on a pro-rata basis.

Order line 2 calculations:

20.00 extended amount of the detail line before applying discounts / 90.00 discountable order merchandise total = .2222 discount percentage

20.00 pre-discount unit price of the detail line - [(30.00 total discount amount to prorate * .2222 discount percentage from above calculation) / 1 line unit quantity] = 13.33 unit selling price

Order line 3:

30.00 extended amount of the detail line before applying discounts / 90.00 discountable order merchandise total = .3333 discount percentage

30.00 pre-discount unit price of the detail line - [(30.00 total discount amount to prorate * .3333 discount percentage from above calculation) / 1 line unit quantity] = 20.00 unit selling price

Order line 1:

40.00 extended amount of the detail line before applying discounts / 90.00 discountable order merchandise total = .4444 discount percentage

40.00 pre-discount unit price of the detail line - [(30.00 total discount amount to prorate * .4444 discount percentage from above calculation) / 1 line unit quantity] = 26.67 unit selling price

Discount message: Because the calculated order line price for lines 1-3 is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you reprice the order: Line 3:Offer = 30.00 Actual = 20.00 Discount = 10.00 :33.33%

Example: Applying Multiple Price Codes to the Order

On 2/17/12, you take an order for sold to customer 10 using source code 7.

Line# Item Quantity Price

















Determine eligible price codes: The date on the Order Header falls within the date range for the following price codes in the Price Code table:

Price Code Seq Start End Qty Type of Price Code Discount






Dollar off: $2 off 1






Percent off: 10% off 2






Special price: $20.00 each for 3






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Determine price code customer assignment: The sold to customer on the order qualifies for the following price codes in the Price Code Customer table:

Price Code Customer#









Determine price code item assignment: The details in the Price Code Details table for the items on the order are:

Price Code Item Source Code













Reprice the order: When you select Reprice at the Order Detail screen, the system reprices as follows:

Line# Item Initial Price Price Code Reprice





Dollar off: $2 off 1

Price changes from $10.00 to $8.00





Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $20.00 to 18.00





Special price: $20.00 each for 3

Price changes from $30.00 to $20.00





Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Price changes from $40.00 to $20.00

Example: Item Qualifies for More than One Price Code

On 2/17/12, you take an order for sold to customer 10 using source code 7.

Line# Item SKU Quantity Price


























Determine eligible price codes: The date on the Order Header falls within the date range for the following price codes in the Price Code table:

Price Code Seq Start End Qty Type of Price Code Discount






Dollar off: $2 off 1






Percent off: 10% off 2






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Determine price code customer assignment: The sold to customer on the order qualifies for the following price codes in the Price Code Customer table:

Price Code Customer#







Determine price code item assignment: The details in the Price Code Details table for the items on the order are:

Price Code Item Source Code






































If an item contains SKUs and no SKUs are defined for the item in the Price Code Details table, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price code.


You can apply only one price code to an order line. If an order line qualifies for more than one price code and you are using Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing, the system uses the price code that provides the greatest discount. If more than one price code offers the same discount, the system uses the price code with the lowest Sequence number. If more than one price code has the same sequence number, the system uses the price code with the lowest numeric price code.

Reprice the order: When you select Reprice at the Order Detail screen, the system reprices the lines on the order in ascending price, order line number sequence.

Of the price codes that were eligible to apply to the order, price code 404 provided the greatest discount. Because the Multiples field for price code 404 was selected, only the first 3 order lines in ascending price, order line number sequence were eligible for the price code; the remaining order lines did not meet the quantity requirement for price code 404. The system assigned the next price code with the greatest discount (price code 202) to the two remaining items on the order.

The system applies price code 404 to order lines 3, 4 and 1. See Prorating the Group Price for the calculations the system uses to determine the price of each order line assigned to the group price.

Line# Item SKU Initial Price Price Code Reprice






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Price changes from $20.00 to $13.33






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Price changes from $30.00 to $20.00






Group price: $60.00 total for 3

Price changes from $40.00 to $26.67


The system applies price code 202 to order lines 2 and 5:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $40.00 to 36.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $40.00 to 36.00

Discount message: Because the calculated order line price for the order lines is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you reprice the order: Line 4:Offer = 30.00 Actual = 20.00 Discount = 10.00 :33.33%

Example: Price Code Multiples and Distinct By

On 2/17/12, you take an order for sold to customer 10 using source code 7.

Line# Item SKU Item Category Qty Price











































Determine eligible price codes: The order and customer qualify for price code 202 in the Price Code table:

Price Code Seq Start End Qty Price Code Discount






Percent off: 10% off 2

Determine price code item assignment: The details in the Price Code Details table for the items on the order are:

Price Code Item Source Code













Reprice the order: When you select Reprice at the Order Detail screen, the system reprices the lines on the order in ascending price, order line number sequence.

Multiples Unselected

Because Multiples for price code 202 is unselected, once the order qualifies for the price code based on the price code quantity requirement, the system applies price code 202 to all qualifying items on the order that are not already assigned to a price code.

Line# Item SKU Initial Price Price Code Reprice

The system applies price code 202 to order lines 1 and 2:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


Now that the order qualifies for price code 202, the system applies price code 202 to all qualifying items on the order that are not already assigned to a price code:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00

Multiples Selected, Distinct By Blank

Because Multiples for price code 202 is selected and the Distinct By is blank, the order must meet the price code quantity requirement again in order to qualify.

Line# Item SKU Initial Price Price Code Reprice

The system applies price code 202 to order lines 1 and 2:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


The system then applies price code 202 to order lines 3 and 4:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


The system then applies price code 202 to order lines 5 and 6:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


Order line 7 does not qualify since it does not meet the price code quantity requirement of 2.






Remains $10.00

Multiples Selected, Distinct By Item

Because Multiples for price code 202 is selected and the Distinct By is Item, the price code requires separate items in the required quantity in order to qualify.

Line# Item SKU Initial Price Price Code Reprice

The system applies price code 202 to order lines 1 and 3:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


The system then applies price code 202 to order lines 2 and 4:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


Order lines 5, 6 and 7 do not qualify for price code 202 since they do not meet the price code quantity requirement of 2 by item.






Remains $10.00






Remains $10.00






Remains $10.00

Multiples Selected, Distinct By SKU

Because Multiples for price code 202 is selected and the Distinct By is SKU, the price code requires separate SKUs in the required quantity in order to qualify.

Line# Item SKU Initial Price Price Code Reprice

The system applies price code 202 to order lines 1 and 3:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


The system then applies price code 202 to order lines 2 and 4:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


The system then applies price code 202 to order lines 5 and 6:






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


Order line 7 does not qualify since it does not meet the price code quantity requirement of 2 by SKU.






Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00

Multiples Selected, Distinct By Item Category

Because Multiples for price code 202 is selected and the Distinct By is Item Category, the price code requires separate item categories in the required quantity in order to qualify.

Line Item SKU Category Initial Price Price Code Reprice

The system applies price code 202 to order lines 1 and 3:







Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00







Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


The system then applies price code 202 to order lines 2 and 4:







Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00







Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $10.00 to $9.00


Order lines 5, 6 and 7 do not qualify for price code 202 since they do not meet the price code quantity requirement of 2 by item category.







Remains $10.00







Remains $10.00







Remains $10.00

Customer Price Group Best Price Comparison

After performing Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing and applying any non-freight discounts and promotions (and before applying any freight promotions and order-level coupon promotions), the system looks at the Best Price Comparison field for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer to determine whether to perform customer price group best price comparison processing.

Customer Price Group Best Price Comparison determines if the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value provides a better price than the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order.

  • If the Best Price Comparison field for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer is unselected, the system does not perform customer price group best price comparison.
  • If the Best Price Comparison field for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer is selected, the system performs customer price group best price comparison.

During customer price group best price comparison, the system:

  1. Performs Line Level Customer Price Group Pricing for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value.
  2. Performs Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value.
  3. Calculates the non-freight discounts, line-level coupon promotions, and any other promotions that are eligible for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value.
  4. Compares the price available for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value to the price available for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order.
  5. If the calculated price for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value is lower than the calculated price for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order, the system updates the order line to this lower price.
  6. If the calculated price for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value is greater than the calculated price for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order, the system does not update the price on the order line.
  7. After applying the best price to each order line, the system applies any freight discounts and order-level coupon promotions to the order; see Order-Level Coupon Promotions when using Customer Price Group Pricing.

Manually entered promotions: If the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value is eligible for a promotion that requires manual entry to be applied to the order, the system includes this promotion in the best price comparison only if the promotion code is manually entered on the order.

Free gifts:

  • If the sold to customer or order qualifies for a free gift, and after performing best price comparison, the dollar total no longer makes the order qualify, the system will not remove the free gift from the order.
  • If the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value qualifies for a free gift, the system will NOT add the item to the order during customer price group best price comparison.

Price method: The system updates the Price method for any order line whose price was updated during customer price group best price comparison to J Repriced Customer Price Group Best Price.

Order transaction history: The system writes an order transaction history message indicating the order line was repriced during customer price group best price comparison; for example:.

Type Transaction Note Amount User


Best Price price override - Line 2



Order Detail table: The system stores the calculated price for the default customer price group in the following fields in the Order Detail table.

  • Basic customer price
  • Basic customer prediscount price
  • Basic customer original price: The final calculated price of the order line for the customer price group code defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value.
  • Customer price group original price: The final calculated price of the order line for the customer price group code assigned to the sold to customer on the order.
  • Basic customer price method

The system compares the Basic customer original price to the Customer price group original price to determine whether the default customer price group provides a better price than the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order.

Order-Level Coupon Promotions when using Customer Price Group Pricing

When using customer price group pricing, the system applies order-level coupon promotions, as defined in Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR), as the last discount applied to the lines on the order.

  • The system applies order-level coupon promotions after applying all other discounts and promotions to the lines on the order, and after performing Customer Price Group Best Price Comparison.
  • When applying order-level coupon promotions to the lines on the order, the system applies the coupons to the order as a pro-rated merchandise discount during repricing.
  • The system applies the coupon promotion to all lines eligible for the coupon promotion, including non-discountable items.

Customer price group order-level coupon discount calculations: The system uses the following calculations to determine the discount amount to apply to each order line.

The system calculates the Discount Percentage for each order line:

order line extended amount after applying all other discounts and promotions and best price / order merchandise total = discount percentage

The system calculates the Unit Selling Price for each order line:

order line post-discount unit price - [(total order-level coupon amount X discount % from above calculation) / line unit quantity] = unit selling price

For more information: See:

Examples: Customer Price Group Best Price Comparison

Example: Line Level Best Price Comparison

1. Determine the Customer Price Group to Use. A customer assigned to customer price group CPGO places an order. The Best Price Comparison field for customer price group CPGO is selected, indicating the system uses the best price offered between customer price group CPGO and the default customer price group, CPG, defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value.

2. Determine the Initial Price of the Item

  • The Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, indicating the system uses the Original retail price in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.
  • The Price type for customer price group CPG is set to Regular, indicating the system uses the List price in the SKU table as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITO to the order. Item ITO has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $25.00
  • Original retail price of $20.00
CPGO customer price group CPG customer price group

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 20.00 as the initial price of the item.

Since the Price type for customer price group CPG is set to Regular, the system uses $25.00 as the initial price of the item.

The customer adds item ITR to the order. Item ITR has the following prices defined:

  • List price of $10.00
  • Original retail price of $15.00
CPGO customer price group CPG customer price group

Since the Price type for customer price group CPGO is set to Original, the system uses 15.00 as the initial price of the item.

Since the Price type for customer price group CPG is set to Regular, the system uses $10.00 as the initial price of the item.

3. Determine the Customer Price Group Discount. The Discountable flag for items ITO and ITR is selected, indicating the items are eligible for customer price group discounting.

CPGO customer price group CPG customer price group

Customer price group CPGO provides a 30.00% discount.

Item ITO: initial price $20.00 - 30.00% = $14.00.

Item ITR: initial price $15.00 - 30.00% = $10.50.

Customer price group CPG provides a 25.00% discount.

Item ITO: initial price $25.00 - 25.00% = $18.75.

Item ITR: initial price $10.00 - 25.00% = $7.50.

4. Compare List Price to Order Line Price. The system compares the list price defined for the item to the order line price.

CPGO customer price group CPG customer price group

The list price for item ITO is $25.00 and the order line price is $14.00. Since the order line price is lower than the list price, the system retains $14.00 as the order line price.

The list price for item ITR is $10.00 and the order line price is $10.50. Since the order line price is greater than the list price, the system updates the order line price to $10.00.

The list price for item ITO is $25.00 and the order line price is $18.75. Since the order line price is lower than the list price, the system retains $18.75 as the order line price.

The list price for item ITR is $10.00 and the order line price is $7.50. Since the order line price is lower than the list price, the system retains $7.50 as the order line price.

5. Calculate Order Header Discounts. The order qualifies for a 25% source discount.

The system applies the 25% source discount to the order.

CPGO customer price group CPG customer price group

Item ITO: current order line price $14.00 - 25.00% = $10.50.

Item ITR: current order line price $10.00 - 25.00% = $7.50.

Item ITO: current order line price $18.75 - 25.00% = $14.06.

Item ITR: current order line price $7.50 - 25.00% = $5.62.

6. Apply Final Customer Price Group Price to Order. The system applies the final customer price group price for the customer price group CPGO assigned to the sold to customer to the lines on the order:


Before you reprice the order, the final calculated line level price for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order displays for each order line. The system does not apply the best price to the each order line until you reprice the order.

Because the calculated order line price for item ITO is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 20.00 Actual = 10.50 Discount = 9.50 :47.50%

Because the calculated order line price for item ITR is lower than the initial price of the item, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add the item to the order: Line 2:Offer = 15.00 Actual = 7.50 Discount = 7.50 :50.00%

The system updates the Order Detail table with the customer price group line level price.

Field Item ITO Item ITR
ODT Offer Price

Initial price: 20.00

Initial price: 15.00

ODT Original Price

List price: 25.00

List price: 10.00

ODT Pre-Discount Price

Price after discounts: 10.50

Price after discounts: 7.50

ODT Price

Order line price: 10.50

Order line price: 7.50

Price Method

F = Customer Price Group

F = Customer Price Group

Basic Customer Price

default customer price group price after discounts: 14.06

default customer price group price after discounts: 5.62

Basic Customer Prediscount Price



Basic Customer Original Price

final default customer price group price: 14.06

final default customer price group price: 5.62

Customer Price Group Original Price

final sold to customer price group discount: 10.50

final sold to customer price group discount: 7.50

When you select Reprice, the system:

  • applies any non-freight discounts, detail-level coupon promotions, and any other promotions to the lines on the order. The offer associated with the order has a free gift defined for a merchandise total of $18.00. Because the merchandise total for the order before performing best price comparison is $18.00 ($10.50 + $7.50), the system adds the free gift to the order.
  • compares the prices offered by the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order to the prices offered by the default customer price group and updates the lines on the order to the lowest price offered.
CPGO customer price group CPG customer price group

Item ITO: final calculated price is $10.50.

Item ITR: final calculated price is $7.50.

Item ITO: final calculated price is $14.06.

Item ITR: final calculated price is $5.62.


  • Item ITO: The final price for sold to customer price group CPGO $10.50 is lower than the final price for the default customer price group CPG $14.06. The system retains $10.50 as the final price.
  • Item ITR: The final price for sold to customer price group CPGO $7.50 is greater than the final price for the default customer price group CPG $5.62. The system updates this order line to $5.62.

8. Apply Order-Level Coupon Promotions to the Order. The order qualifies for an order-level coupon that provides $5.00 off the order.

The system applies the $5.00 order-level coupon discount to each order line on a pro-rata basis. The merchandise total after applying all other discounts and promotions and determining the best price is $16.12 (10.50 + 5.62).

The system uses the following calculations to determine the discount amount to apply to each order line.

The system calculates the Discount Percentage for each order line:

order line extended amount after applying all other discounts and promotions and best price / order merchandise total = discount percentage

Line 1: 10.50 / 16.12 = .65136

Line 2: 5.62 / 16.12 = .3486

The system calculates the Unit Selling Price for each order line:

order line post-discount unit price - [(total order-level coupon amount X discount % from above calculation) / line unit quantity] = unit selling price

Line 1: 10.50 - [(5.00 X .65136) / 1] = $7.24

Line 2: 5.62 - [(5.00 X .3486) / 1] = $3.88


Even though the merchandise total after performing best price comparison and applying any order-level coupons to the order is now $11.12 (while the offer free gift required a merchandise total of $18.00), the system retains the offer free gift that was added to the order.

Order Detail table updates: The system updates the Order Detail table after repricing the order.

Field Item ITO Item ITR
ODT Offer Price

Initial price: 20.00

Initial price: 15.00

ODT Original Price

List price: 25.00

List price: 10.00

ODT Pre-Discount Price

Price before reprice: 10.50

Price before reprice: 7.50

ODT Price

Order line price: 7.24

Order line price: 3.88

Price Method

F = Customer Price Group

J = Repriced CPG Best Price

Basic Customer Price

default customer price group price after discounts: 10.49

default customer price group price after discounts: 4.19

Basic Customer Prediscount Price



Basic Customer Original Price

default customer price group price before applying order-level coupon: 14.06

default customer price group price before applying order-level coupon: 5.62

Customer Price Group Original Price

sold to customer price group discount before applying order-level coupon: 10.50

sold to customer price group discount before applying order-level coupon: 7.50

Basic Customer Price Method

A = Repriced-prorated discount

F = Customer Price Group

Example: Price Code Best Price Comparison

Determine customer price group: You take an order for sold to customer 10 using source code 7. Sold to customer 10 is assigned to customer price group CPGO. The Best Price Comparison field for customer price group CPGO is selected.

Line# Item SKU Quantity Price











Determine eligible price codes: The date on the Order Header falls within the date range for the following price codes in the Price Code table:

Price Code Seq Start End Qty Type of Price Code Discount






Dollar off: $2 off 1






Percent off: 10% off 2

Determine price code customer assignment: The sold to customer on the order and the CPG customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value qualify for the following price codes in the Price Code Customer table:

Price Code Customer# Customer Price Group







Determine price code item assignment: The details in the Price Code Details table for the items on the order are:

Price Code Item SKU Source Code


















If an item contains SKUs and no SKUs are defined for the item in the Price Code Details table, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price code.

Reprice the order: When you select Reprice at the Order Detail screen, the system:

  • applies any non-freight discounts, detail-level coupon promotions, and any other promotions to the lines on the order. The sold to customer qualifies for a free gift with a merchandise total of $65.00. Because the merchandise total for the order before performing best price comparison is $66.00 ($38.00 + $38.00), the system adds the free gift to the order.
  • determines whether the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value provides a greater discount than the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order:
Line# Item Initial Price Price Code Default Customer Price Group Price Sold To Customer Price Group Price





Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $40.00 to 36.00

Dollar off: $2 off 2

Price changes from $40.00 to $38.00





Percent off: 10% off 2

Price changes from $40.00 to 27.00

Dollar off: $2 off 2

Price changes from $40.00 to $28.00

Results: The price for the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value is lower than the price for the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order. Because the price is lower, the system updates the order lines to use the price offered by the default customer price group.

Apply order-level coupons: The order qualifies for an order-level coupon that provides $5.00 off the order.

The system applies the $5.00 order-level coupon discount to each order line on a pro-rata basis. The merchandise total after applying all other discounts and promotions and determining the best price is $63.00 (36.00 + 27.00).

The system uses the following calculations to determine the discount amount to apply to each order line.

The system calculates the Discount Percentage for each order line:

order line extended amount after applying all other discounts and promotions and best price / order merchandise total = discount percentage

order line 1: 36.00 / 63.00 = .5714

order line 2: 27.00 / 63.00 = .4286

The system calculates the Unit Selling Price for each order line:

order line post-discount unit price - [(total order-level coupon amount X discount % from above calculation) / line unit quantity] = unit selling price

line 1: 36.00 - [(5.00 X .5714) / 1] = $33.14

line 2: 27.00 - [(5.00 X .4286) / 1] = $24.86


Even though the merchandise total after performing best price comparison and applying any order-level coupons to the order is now $58.00 (while the free gift for the sold to customer required a merchandise total of $60.00), the system retains the free gift that was added to the order.

Order Detail table updates: The system updates the Order Detail table after repricing the order.

Field Item SKA Item SKC
ODT Offer Price

Initial price: 40.00

Initial price: 30.00

ODT Original Price

List price: 40.00

List price: 30.00

ODT Pre-Discount Price

Price before reprice: 38.00

Price before reprice: 28.00

ODT Price

Order line price: 33.14

Order line price: 24.86

Price Method

J = Repriced CPG Best Price

J = Repriced CPG Best Price

Basic Customer Price



Basic Customer Pre-Discount Price



Basic Customer Original Price



Customer Price Group Original Price



Basic Customer Price Method

E = Price code

E = Price code

Customer Price Group Pricing in Order Maintenance

During order maintenance, the system performs Line Level Customer Price Group Pricing when you add, change, or delete the lines on an order.

The system does NOT perform Customer Price Group Price Code Pricing or Customer Price Group Best Price Comparison during order maintenance. The system displays an error message when you select Reprice: Selected function is not valid for current processing mode (Maintain).