3 Duties and Privileges

Privileges grant access to specific tasks, links, and actions within the application. The access controlled by a particular privilege is fixed and can only be changed by an enhancement to the application. You can control the functions and features to which a user has access by grouping the desired privileges into duties, and assigning the duties to job roles which can then be associated to one or more users

Duties Provided at Initial Setup

As part of this default security configuration, the system privileges have been logically grouped into duties and the duties have been assigned to an initial set of job roles. The provided duties can be modified or deleted and new duties created. Administrator users can change the mappings of roles, duties and privileges in Pricing's User Interface. Details about how to manage these application security policies are available in Chapter 2, Manage Security Policies in the Oracle Retail Merchandising Administration Guide.

Duties provided in the default security configuration follow a standard naming convention to indicate the type of privileges grouped within and the level of access provided. In Pricing, the provided duties are one of the following duty types:

  • Inquiry – An inquiry duty will provide the user the ability to search for and view the associated entity. The provided inquiry duties are used when it is desirable for a user to have visibility to an area, but no option to create or update any information. Inquiry duties are assigned to viewers of an area.

  • Management – A management duty provides the user the ability to maintain the associated entity. The provided management duties are used when it is desirable for a user to have the ability create, update, delete, and, typically, submit information. Management duties always contain the inquiry duty for the same entity. For example, the Price Change Management Duty contains the Price Change Inquiry Duty along with the additional Maintain Price Changes Privilege and Submit Price Changes Privilege, because in order for a user to maintain an entity they must also have the ability to search for and view the entity. Management duties are assigned to contributors of an area.

  • Approval – An approval duty is meant for users with the authority to review and approve or reject submissions. Approval duties always contain the management duty for the same entity. For example, the Price Change Approval Duty contains the Price Change Management Duty along with the additional Approve Price Changes Privilege, because in order for a user to approve an entity they must also have the ability to search for, view, and maintain the entity. Approval duties are assigned to reviewers of an area.

  • High Security – A high security duty is used for tasks that are typically only performed by a smaller set of users, such as the creation of emergency price changes. High Security duties always contain the approval duty for the same entity. For example, the Price Change High Security Duty contains the Price Change Approval Duty along with the additional Maintain Emergency Price Changes Privilege, because in order for a user to perform the high security actions on an entity they must also have the ability to search for, view, maintain and approve the entity. High security duties are assigned to administrators or mangers of an area.

There are a handful of privileges used within Pricing that do not have a hierarchical set of duties with increasing levels of access, as described by the duty types above. Rather these duties simply grant access to a single area, such as a dashboard, or they grant access to particular information across several functional areas. Therefore access is either granted or not, there are no access levels. These duties may be classified as management or inquiry duties, depending on if the user can maintain the related data or if it's view only. For example:

  • Dashboard Inquiry Duties – Grants access to view a given dashboard. Access to each report within the dashboard is controlled separate privileges based on the functional area of the report. For example, the Pricing Analyst Dashboard contains two reports, the Price Changes Pending Approval report and the Clearances Pending Approval report. A user must have the Approve Price Changes Privilege to access the Price Changes Pending Approval report and likewise must have the Approve Clearances Privilege to access the Clearances Pending Approval report. However, in order to see either of these reports the user must also have the Pricing Analyst Dashboard Inquiry Duty and its single View Pricing Analyst Dashboard Privilege in order to have access to the Pricing Analyst Dashboard.

  • Units of Measure Management Duty – Grants access to view and maintain units of measure information throughout the price change, clearance and promotion workflows. The UOMs within Price Events Management Duty should only be assigned to users that work with merchandise which is purchase and/or sold in units of measure other than eaches. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to all provided roles.

  • Differentiator Management Duty – Grants access to view differentiator information throughout the price change, clearance, and promotion workflows and the ability to manage parent/diff level price events in each of those areas. The Diffs within Price Events Management Duty should only be assigned to users that work with items that use differentiators in their definitions, such as fashion merchandise. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to all provided roles.

  • Batch Management Duty – Grants access to execute batch programs. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to the Application Administrator role.

  • Settings Menu Duty – Grants access to the Security folder on the Settings menu where security roles, duties and privileges are managed. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to the Application Administrator role.

  • Administrator Console Duty – Grants access to the Security folder on the Settings menu where security roles, duties and privileges are managed. The default security configuration has this duty assigned to the Application Administrator role.

  • Application Global Menu Duties – These duties grant access to links in the Application Navigator which allow users to launch into another application in the Merchandising suite. The default security configuration does not have these duties assigned to any roles.

When determining access for a given role in your organization, start by categorizing each role with a duty type for each functional area in the application. For example, a Pricing Manager may be a viewer of promotions and a contributor of price zone definitions. They may have no access to system options and may have high security control over price changes and clearances.

Application Administrator Duties

#GUID-D592FE65-209F-4D9E-BA79-DC1FBC3FD8B7/CIHFBCJB lists the default security configuration and duties for the Application Administrator job role.

Table 3-1 Application Administrator Duties

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Batch

Access Granted

Batch Management Duty

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

Access Granted

Administrator Console Duty

Administration - Settings Menu

Access Granted

Settings Menu Duty

Administration - System Options

High Security

System Admin Management Duty

Clearance Cadence Templates


Cadence Template Management Duty


High Security

Clearance High Security Duty

Dashboard - Pricing Analyst

Access Granted

Pricing Analyst Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Dashboard - Promotion Planner

Access Granted

Promotion Planner Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Data Display - Differentiators

Access Granted

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Display - Units of Measure

Access Granted

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Loading Status


Data Loading Status Management Duty

Foundation - Price Zones


Price Zone Management Duty

Foundation - Rounding Rules


Rounding Rule Management Duty

Price Changes

High Security

Price Change High Security Duty

Price Event - Price Inquiry


Price Inquiry Duty


High Security

Promotion High Security Duty

Data Steward Duties

#GUID-4B138148-9120-4B08-929B-164F8A159FBF/CIHCJDJE lists the default security configuration and duties for the Data Steward job role.

Table 3-2 Data Steward Duties

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Batch

Access Granted

Batch Management Duty

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

No Access

Administration - Settings Menu

No Access

Administration - System Options


Application Admin Management Duty

Clearance Cadence Templates


Cadence Template Management Duty


High Security

Clearance High Security Duty

Dashboard - Pricing Analyst

Access Granted

Pricing Analyst Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Dashboard - Promotion Planner

Access Granted

Promotion Planner Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Data Display - Differentiators

Access Granted

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Display - Units of Measure

Access Granted

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Loading Status


Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

Foundation - Price Zones


Price Zone Management Duty

Foundation - Rounding Rules


Rounding Rule Management Duty

Price Changes

High Security

Price Change High Security Duty

Price Event - Price Inquiry


Price Inquiry Duty


High Security

Promotion High Security Duty

Pricing Analyst Duties

#GUID-65CFDFBC-7381-452F-B306-6AA60DBA7A11/CIHICHIC lists the default security configuration and duties for the Pricing Analyst job role.

Table 3-3 Pricing Analyst Duties

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Batch

No Access

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

No Access

Administration - Settings Menu

No Access

Administration - System Options

No Access

Clearance Cadence Templates

No Access



Clearance Approval Duty

Dashboard - Pricing Analyst

Access Granted

Pricing Analyst Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Dashboard - Promotion Planner

No Access

Data Display - Differentiators

Access Granted

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Display - Units of Measure

Access Granted

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Loading Status


Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

Foundation - Price Zones


Price Zone Management Duty

Foundation - Rounding Rules


Rounding Rule Inquiry Duty

Price Changes


Price Change Approval Duty

Price Event - Price Inquiry


Price Inquiry Duty



Promotion Inquiry Duty

Pricing Manager Duties

#GUID-2209BA9A-A076-416E-9E75-CF8DE9077A6E/CIHHIJGF lists the default security configuration and duties for the Pricing Manager job role.

Table 3-4 Pricing Manager Duties

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Batch

No Access

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

No Access

Administration - Settings Menu

No Access

Administration - System Options

No Access

Clearance Cadence Templates

No Access


High Security

Clearance High Security Duty

Dashboard - Pricing Analyst

No Access

Dashboard - Promotion Planner

No Access

Data Display - Differentiators

Access Granted

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Display - Units of Measure

Access Granted

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Loading Status


Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

Foundation - Price Zones


Price Zone Management Duty

Foundation - Rounding Rules


Rounding Rule Inquiry Duty

Price Changes

High Security

Price Change High Security Duty

Price Event - Price Inquiry


Price Inquiry Duty



Promotion Inquiry Duty

Promotion Planner Duties

#GUID-B137F843-666A-41DE-B177-8388DB855046/CIHCHAGH lists the default security configuration and duties for the Promotion Planner job role.

Table 3-5 Promotion Planner Duties

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Batch

No Access

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

No Access

Administration - Settings Menu

No Access

Administration - System Options

No Access

Clearance Cadence Templates

No Access



Clearance Inquiry Duty

Dashboard - Pricing Analyst

No Access

Dashboard - Promotion Planner

Access Granted

Promotion Planner Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Data Display - Differentiators

Access Granted

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Display - Units of Measure

Access Granted

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Loading Status


Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

Foundation - Price Zones

No Access

Foundation - Rounding Rules

No Access

Price Changes


Price Change Inquiry Duty

Price Event - Price Inquiry


Price Inquiry Duty



Promotion Approval Duty

Promotion Manager Duties

#GUID-1173CEE7-6768-491A-A1E3-5E3CB7D2573A/CIHIAFBD lists the default security configuration and duties for the Promotion Manager job role.

Table 3-6 Promotion Manager Duties

Functional Area Access Level Duty Assigned

Administration - Batch

No Access

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

No Access

Administration - Settings Menu

No Access

Administration - System Options

No Access

Clearance Cadence Templates

No Access



Clearance Inquiry Duty

Dashboard - Pricing Analyst

No Access

Dashboard - Promotion Planner

Access Granted

Promotion Planner Dashboard Inquiry Duty

Data Display - Differentiators

Access Granted

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Display - Units of Measure

Access Granted

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Data Loading Status


Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

Foundation - Price Zones

No Access

Foundation - Rounding Rules

No Access

Price Changes


Price Change Inquiry Duty

Price Event - Price Inquiry


Price Inquiry Duty


High Security

Promotion High Security Duty


For each functional area in the application there is an associated set of privileges. The privileges build upon each other. For example, in order to be able to approve a price change, the user must also be able to search for, view, create, maintain and submit price changes. Therefore, the Price Change Approval Duty contains the Search Price Changes, View Price Changes, Maintain Price Changes, Submit Price Changes and Approve Price Changes privileges.


Here are all of the privileges available in Pricing, along with the duty type to which they are assigned in the default configuration:

Table 3-7 Pricing Privileges

Functional Area Privilege Privilege Description

Administration - Batch

Execute Batch Set 1 Priv

This privilege allows the user to execute the following Pricing batch service processes: priceEventChunkCCEmergencyEventsExecution, priceEventExecution, and processNewItemLocation.

Administration - Batch

Execute Batch Set 2 Priv

This privilege allows the user to execute the following Pricing batch service processes: promotionInduction, priceChangeInduction, clearanceInduction, itemReclassUpdate, and nightlyBatchCleanup.

Administration - Batch

Execute Batch Set 3 Priv

This privilege allows the user to execute the following Pricing batch service processes: processPendingChunk, publishClearances, publishPriceChanges, and purge.

Administration - Batch

Execute Batch Set 4 Priv

This privilege allows the user to execute the following Pricing batch service processes: purgeFutureRetail, purgeGttCapture, refreshPosData, and rollupFutureRetail.

Administration - System Options

View Application Administration Priv

This privilege provides view access to the System Options screen.

Administration - System Options

Maintain Application Administration Priv

This privilege provides create and edit access to the System Options screen.

Administration - System Options

Maintain System Administration Priv

This privilege allows the user to see and edit the options in the System Administration container on the System Options screen. This privilege is an additive privilege, it is assumed a user with this privilege will also have the Maintain Application Administration Priv, in order to access the System Options screen in edit mode.

Clearance Cadence Templates

View Cadence Templates Priv

A privilege for viewing clearance cadence templates.

Clearance Cadence Templates

Maintain Cadence Templates Priv

A privilege for creating and maintaining clearance cadence templates


Search Clearances Priv

A privilege for searching for clearances via the Clearance Group Search screen.


View Clearances Priv

A privilege for viewing clearances and associated conflicts, and clearance resets via the Clearance Group screen, the Conflicts screen, Quick Create or via the clearance spreadsheet download. Grants ability to download blank clearance spreadsheet templates. When granted along with the View Data Loading Status Priv the user will have access to the Data Loading Status screen.


Maintain Clearances Priv

A privilege for creating and maintaining clearances and clearance resets via the Clearance Group screen and Quick Create, this includes the ability to ignore conflicts associated with a given clearance and to apply clearance defaults when creating markdowns. Also grants the ability to maintain clearances via clearance upload (spreadsheet, web service and bulk upload) and grants access to the Clearances Pending Approval dashboard report for users with access to the dashboard.


Maintain Clearances via Web Service Priv

A privilege for the ability to call the Clearance induction web service.


Submit Clearances Priv

A privilege for submitting clearances and clearance Resets via the Clearance Group screen, Quick Create, or via clearance upload (spreadsheet, web service and bulk upload).


Approve Clearances Priv

A privilege for approving or rejecting clearances and clearance Resets via the Price Change Group screen, Quick Create or via clearance upload (spreadsheet, web service and bulk upload).


Maintain Emergency Clearances Priv

A privilege for creating emergency clearances via the Clearance Group screen, Quick Create or via clearance upload (spreadsheet, web service and bulk upload).

Dashboard - Pricing Analyst

View Pricing Analyst Dashboard Priv

This privilege gives the user access to the Pricing Analyst Dashboard.

Dashboard - Promotion Planner

View Promotion Planner Dashboard Priv

This privilege gives the user access to the Promotion Planner Dashboard.

Data Display - Differentiators

Use Differentiators Priv

This privilege is used to determine whether or not to display diff related fields throughout the price event workflows. If all merchandise managed by a given user does not utilize differentiators, the differentiator fields can be hidden throughout the price event workflows by not granting this privilege to those users.

Data Display - Units of Measure

Maintain Grocery Attributes Priv

This privilege is used to determine whether or not UOM fields are displayed to the user. There is a system level default for the UOM value on price changes and promotions. This default will still occur, but only users with this privilege will be able to see the defaulted value on a price change or promotion and/or update it as desired. In the Clearance Group screen this privilege will determine if the Selling UOM column is rendered or not. If all merchandise managed by a given user is sold in eaches, there would be no reason for a user to need to see the unit of measure fields because they will all contain the same value and therefore should not be granted this privilege.

Data Loading Status

View Data Loading Status Priv

This privilege provides view access to the Data Loading Status screen to view the status of data loading processes.

Data Loading Status

Maintain Data Loading Status Priv

This privilege provides edit access to the Data Loading Status screen to maintain the status of data loading processes.

Foundation - Price Zones

View Price Zones Priv

A privilege for viewing price zone groups, price zones, price zone locations and initial price zone definitions.

Foundation - Price Zones

Maintain Price Zones Priv

A privilege for creating and maintaining price zone groups, price zones, price zone locations and initial price zone definitions.

Foundation - Rounding Rules

View Rounding Rules Priv

A privilege for viewing rounding rules.

Foundation - Rounding Rules

Maintain Rounding Rules Priv

A privilege for creating and maintaining rounding rules.

Price Changes

Search Price Changes Priv

A privilege for searching for price changes via the Price Change Group Search screen.

Price Changes

View Price Changes Priv

A privilege for viewing price changes and associated conflicts via the Price Change Group and Conflicts screens, or via the price change spreadsheet download. Also grants the ability to download blank price change spreadsheet templates. When granted along with the View Data Loading Status Priv the user will have access to the Data Loading Status screen.

Price Changes

Maintain Price Changes Priv

A privilege for creating and maintaining price changes via the Price Change Group screen and via Quick Create, this includes the ability to ignore conflicts associated with a given price change. Also grants the ability to create and maintain price changes via price change upload (spreadsheet, web service and bulk upload) and grants access to the Price Changes Pending Approval dashboard report for users with access to the dashboard.

Price Changes

Submit Price Changes Priv

A privilege for submitting price changes via the Price Change Group screen, Quick Create or via price change upload (spreadsheet, web service and bulk upload).

Price Changes

Approve Price Changes Priv

A privilege for approving or rejecting price changes via the Price Change Group screen, Quick Create, or via price change upload (spreadsheet, web service and bulk upload).

Price Changes

Maintain Emergency Price Changes Priv

A privilege for creating emergency price changes, and creating a price change that will resend the current price to the point of sale using the Reset POS Price change type via the Price Change Group screen, Quick Create or via price change upload (spreadsheet, web service and bulk upload).

Price Event - Price Inquiry

View Price Inquiry Priv

A privilege for accessing the Price Inquiry screen.

Price Event - Price Inquiry

View Price Inquiry via Web Service Priv

A privilege for the ability to call the Price Inquiry web service.

Price Event - Price Inquiry

View Initial Price via Web Service Priv

A privilege for the ability to call the Initial Price Inquiry web service.


Search Promotions Priv

A privilege for searching for promotion offers via the Promotion Search screen.


View Promotions Priv

A privilege for viewing promotion offers via the Promotion screen.


Maintain Promotions Priv

A privilege for creating and maintaining promotion offers via the Promotion screen.


Submit Promotions Priv

A privilege for submitting promotion offers via the Promotion screen.


Approve Promotions Priv

A privilege for approving or rejecting promotion offers via the Promotion screen.


Cancel Promotions Priv

A privilege for canceling promotion offers, canceling items from offers and canceling locations from offers via the Promotion screen.


Maintain Emergency Promotions Priv

A privilege for creating emergency promotions via the Promotion screen.

Predefined Duties

#GUID-62F1636C-CB31-4F0F-8E3E-7CBB149B24B9/CIHHDCDE lists the privileges contained in each of the predefined duties provided in the default configuration.

Table 3-8 Predefined Duties Provided in the Default Configuration

Functional Area Duty Duty Description Duties and/or Privileges Contained Within

Administration - Batch

Batch Management Duty

A duty for executing Pricing batch related service processes.

Execute Batch Set 1 Priv

Execute Batch Set 2 Priv

Execute Batch Set 3 Priv

Execute Batch Set 4 Priv

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

Administrator Console Duty

A duty for accessing the administrator console which is the series of workflows accessed from the Settings menu in the application's sidebar menu. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access.

No privileges. The duty must be assigned in order to grant access.

Administration - Settings Menu

Settings Menu Duty

A duty for accessing the Settings menu in the sidebar navigation menu, with all non-security related folders and links. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access.

No privileges. The duty must be assigned in order to grant access.

Administration - System Options

Application Admin Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing application administrative information including system options.

View Application Administration Priv

Administration - System Options

Application Admin Management Duty

A duty for maintaining application administration information, including system options. This duty is an extension of the Application Admin Inquiry Duty.

Application Admin Inquiry Duty

Maintain Application Administration Priv

Administration - System Options

System Admin Management Duty

A duty for maintaining system administration information within the system options workflow. This duty is an extension of the Application Admin Management Duty.

Application Admin Management Duty

Maintain System Administration Priv

Clearance Cadence Templates

Cadence Template Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing clearance cadence templates.

View Cadence Templates Priv

Clearance Cadence Templates

Cadence Template Management Duty

A duty for creating and maintaining clearance cadence templates.

Cadence Template Inquiry Duty

Maintain Cadence Templates Priv


Clearance Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing clearances including unit of measure and differentiator item related information. This duty contains privileges from the UOMs within Price Events Management Duty and the Diffs within Price Events Management Duty.

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Search Clearances Priv

View Clearances Priv


Clearance Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting clearances. This duty is an extension of the Clearance Inquiry Duty.

Clearance Inquiry Duty

Maintain Clearances Priv

Submit Clearances Priv

Maintain Clearances via Web Service Priv


Clearance Approval Duty

A duty for approving clearances. This duty is an extension of the Clearance Management Duty.

Clearance Management Duty

Approve Clearances Priv


Clearance High Security Duty

A duty for creating emergency clearances. This duty is an extension of the Clearance Approval Duty.

Clearance Approval Duty

Maintain Emergency Clearances Priv

Dashboard - Pricing Analyst

Pricing Analyst Dashboard Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Pricing Analyst Dashboard.

View Pricing Analyst Dashboard Priv

Dashboard - Promotion Planner

Promotion Planner Dashboard Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Promotion Planner Dashboard.

View Promotion Planner Dashboard Priv

Data Display - Differentiators

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

A duty for viewing and maintaining item differentiators on price events.

Use Diffs Priv (RMS Priv)

Data Display - Units of Measure

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

A duty for viewing and maintaining units of measure on price events which is only needed for merchandise that is priced using a unit of measure other than Eaches.

Maintain Grocery Attributes Priv (RMS Priv)

Data Loading Status

Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing data loading status information after performing spreadsheet downloads.

View Data Loading Status Priv

Data Loading Status

Data Loading Status Management Duty

A duty for maintaining data loading status information after performing spreadsheet downloads or uploads. This duty is an extension of the Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty.

Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

Maintain Data Loading Status Priv

Foundation - Price Zones

Price Zone Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing price zone groups, price zones, price zone locations and initial price zone definitions.

View Price Zones Priv

Foundation - Price Zones

Price Zone Management Duty

A duty for creating and maintaining price zone groups, price zones, price zone locations and initial price zone definitions.

Price Zone Inquiry Duty

Maintain Price Zones Priv

Foundation - Rounding Rules

Rounding Rule Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing rounding rule definitions.

View Rounding Rules Priv

Foundation - Rounding Rules

Rounding Rule Management Duty

A duty for creating and maintaining rounding rule definitions.

Rounding Rule Inquiry Duty

Maintain Rounding Rules Priv

Price Changes

Price Change Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing price changes including unit of measure and differentiator item related information. This duty contains privileges from the UOMs within Price Events Management Duty and the Diffs within Price Events Management Duty.

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Search Price Changes Priv

View Price Changes Priv

Price Changes

Price Change Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting price changes. This duty is an extension of the Price Change Inquiry Duty.

Price Change Inquiry Duty

Maintain Price Changes Priv

Submit Price Changes Priv

Maintain Price Changes via Web Services Priv

Price Changes

Price Change Approval Duty

A duty for approving price changes. This duty is an extension of the Price Change Management Duty.

Price Change Management Duty

Approve Price Changes Priv

Price Changes

Price Change High Security Duty

A duty for creating emergency price changes. This duty is an extension of the Price Change Approval Duty.

Price Change Approval Duty

Maintain Emergency Price Changes Priv

Price Event - Price Inquiry

Price Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing price inquiry information via the Price Inquiry screen or via the Initial Price Web Service or the Price Inquiry Web Service.

View Price Inquiry Priv

View Price Inquiry via Web Service Priv

View Initial Price via Web Service Priv


Promotion Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing promotions including unit of measure and differentiator item related information. This duty contains privileges from the UOMs within Price Events Management Duty and the Diffs within Price Events Management Duty.

UOMs within Price Events Management Duty

Diffs within Price Events Management Duty

Search Promotions Priv

View Promotions Priv


Promotion Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting promotion offers. This duty is an extension of the Promotion Inquiry Duty.

Promotion Inquiry Duty

Maintain Promotions Priv

Submit Promotions Priv

Maintain Promotions via Web Service Priv


Promotion Approval Duty

A duty for approving promotion offers. This duty is an extension of the Promotion Management Duty.

Promotion Management Duty

Approve Promotions Priv


Promotion High Security Duty

A duty for canceling promotion offers, canceling items from offers, canceling locations from offers and creating emergency promotion offers. This duty is an extension of the Promotion Approval Duty.

Promotion Approval Duty

Cancel Promotions Priv

Maintain Emergency Promotions Priv