Edit Environment

The environment settings can be changed by selecting the edit icon Edit Icon in the Environment section to open the Environment window.


One schedule can be supported by one or multiple Job Agents. Usually, the mapping is one Job Agent to an application.

Also, the Job Agent is a component of POM responsible for submitting the request to execute a batch job.

Figure 2-26 Edit Environment Window

Edit Environment Window
Edit Environment Window

At the top of the Environment window, the user can set the Platform Services URL.

The window then provides two tabs: the Job Agents tab and the Services tab.

On the Job Agents tab, the user can add or change the following Agent related information:
  • Application - application name

  • Name - Agent's name

  • Job Agent Version - Release version of the Agent

  • Job Agent URL

On the Service tab, the user can add or change services related information. These are services that POM integrates with, such as BDI Process Services, IDCS or OCI IAM, and all services corresponding to the different applications with service-type batch jobs.

Select OK to save the changes, or select Cancel to exit the window without saving changes.