Results Panel - Summarized View

Notifications are summarized as shown in this example, when both the Group By and the Then By drop-downs in the Grouping Panel are selected.

The summary view displays various groups and within them subgroups based on the selections on the Grouping panel. For each subgroup, a count of the notifications within that subgroup, grouped by severity is displayed.

The example here depicts a grouping by department, then by class.

Figure 1-12 Results Panel - Summarized View

Results Panel - Summarized View
  1. Indicates that both options on the Grouping Panel have been selected.

  2. First level of grouping is by Schedule Name. Here the first type shown is 'RSP'.

  3. The subgroup within Type 'RSP'. In this example, this is the Business Date.

  4. The number of notifications within that combination of Group and Subgroup.

  5. A grouping by severity of all notifications within that combination of Group and Subgroup.

  6. The timestamp of the most recent notification of that combination of Group and Subgroup.