Run Status Chart

The run status chart shows a chart summary of the status of the different batches (including the number of batch jobs with that status) that are included in the selected cycle for the selected schedule. The possible statuses are:

  • Loaded - Jobs are in loaded state when the scheduler day is first created.

  • Pending - Job is waiting to run.

  • Completed - Job ran successfully on the system.

  • Error - A failure occurred due to an issue in the environment or the job's application.

  • Held - An administrator placed the job on hold.

  • Skipped - An administrator has skipped the running of the job so the remaining jobs in the cycle can proceed.

  • Running - Job is currently running on the system.

  • Long Running - The job's run time has exceeded a threshold. This threshold is calculated by multiplying the job's average run time and the Long Run Average Time Multiplier defined on the schedule Settings section of the System Configuration screen.

  • Disabled - Job was disabled by an administrator on the Batch Administration screen.

  • System Held - Job was placed on hold by the system due to a lack of resources to run it.

  • Skipped on Error - Job was preconfigured to be skipped on a failure.

  • Waiting - Job is waiting for completion of pre-dependencies (Hourly Cycle, Nightly Cycle, External Dependency and Inter-Schedule Predecessor Jobs).