Job External Associations Tab

This tab contains the definitions of External dependencies, inter-schedule dependencies and execution links, so all dependencies other than the intra-schedule dependencies described in the previous section.


New external associations can be added in this tab.

External dependencies are usually those defined for customer processes. These are associated with a POM endpoint that the customer calls to satisfy the dependency.

Inter-schedule dependencies are those associated with another schedule. For instance, a Retail Insight job can be made to wait for a Merchandising job to complete.

An Execution link is a special dependency that sets up an application's schedule to be invoked based on a completion of a job in another application’s schedule. For instance, the Retail Insight schedule can be set up to be invoked when job A completes in the Merchandising schedule.

Table 5-9 Job External Associations

Field Description Modifiable? - Possible values


Job name.

Yes - Needs to be a valid job name already defined on the nightly schedule.


Process name to which the job belongs.

Yes - Needs to be a valid process name already defined in the nightly schedule.


Cycle name.

Yes - This can only be Nightly.

Association Type

Type of dependency.

Yes - Valid values are Internal for Inter-Schedule, External and EXEC_LINK

External Schedule

Name of the schedule containing the inter-schedule dependency or execution link.

Yes - This must be an existing valid schedule defined in the same instance of POM. This is only required for inter-schedule dependencies and execution links.

External Job

Name of external job.

Yes - In the case of an external dependency, this is the name that will be included in the payload of an endpoint called by the external system, such as the customer's.

In the case of inter-schedule dependencies and execution links, this is a valid job name defined in the dependent schedule.

External Process

Process name to which the external job belongs.

Yes - This is required for inter-schedule dependencies and execution links. It's the process name associated with the external job.


Flag indicating whether this dependency is enabled or disabled.

Yes - Valid values are Y or N.