Scheduling Flows Tab

This tab and the next contain configurations for scheduling flows or processes to run at specified times.

This Scheduling Flows tab contains the definitions of scheduled run times for the Nightly and recurring flows.

It simply contains one row for the Nightly flow stating the time when the Nightly processes will start every day.

The rest of the tab contains rows for each recurring flow, with columns for each of the hourly cycles making up the flow. For each cell at the intersection of Flow and hourly cycle, the time is entered for when the cycle is to start running. At present, there is a maximum of 24 hourly cycles that can be defined which, when spaced equally, would run one hour apart. Times are optional, so a blank cell indicates that the cycle will not be scheduled to run.


Although there is no validation that cross-references the presence of a time in a cell with the enabling of the cycle on the Flows Configuration tab, ideally these would match up. This means that, if you enter a time for running an hourly cycle, the same intersection on the Flows Configuration tab should be 'Y'. However, it is conceivable to enable the cycle on the Flows Configuration tab but not schedule it, leaving the option open to schedule it as needed. In fact, this is the recommended practice: Enable all hourly cycles and only schedule a few as needed, but have the option to run more to catch up when necessary.

The timezone region ID entered in cell B is used for all times entered for all subsequent cycles on a given row. It is possible to specify a different timezone for select time cells (for example, 5:00 America/Chicago).


If the timezone region ID is null in the database, UTC is exported as the default into cell B of this tab.

Table 5-10 Scheduling Flows

Field Description Modifiable? - Possible values


Flow name.


Timezone Region ID

Timezone corresponding to the time entered in the subsequent cell(s). Timezone region ID is required, rather than a UTC offset (such as "UTC-06:00"). This is to accommodate Daylight Saving Time.

Yes - Valid timezone region IDs such as US/Eastern can be found as TZ database name at


Only fill this cell if Flow is Nightly. Enter the time for starting the Nightly cycle.

Yes - Enter a valid military time format such as 6:00 (6am) or 22:00 (10pm).

Recurring cycle 1

Enter a time in this cell to schedule recurring cycle 1 to run at that time. Leave blank to forego scheduling recurring cycle 1. It is possible to not schedule the cycle by default but elect to run it manually if needed.

Yes - Enter a valid military time format such as 6:00 (6am) or 22:00 (10pm). Conflict with the Nightly batch flow should be avoided as POM will skip running a recurring cycle if its start time is elapsed while Nightly is running.

Recurring cycle 2

Enter a time in this cell to schedule recurring cycle 2 for running at that time. Leave blank to forego scheduling recurring cycle 2. It is possible to not schedule the cycle by default but elect to run it manually if needed.

Yes - Enter a valid military time format such as 6:00 (6am) or 22:00 (10pm). Conflict with the Nightly batch flow should be avoided as POM will skip running a recurring cycle if its start time is elapsed while Nightly is running.

Recurring cycle n

Enter a time in this cell to schedule recurring cycle 1n for running at that time. Leave blank to forego scheduling recurring cycle n. It is possible to not schedule the cycle by default but elect to run it manually if needed.

Yes - Enter a valid military time format such as 6:00 (6am) or 22:00 (10pm). Conflict with the Nightly batch flow should be avoided as POM will skip running a recurring cycle if its start time is elapsed while Nightly is running.