Throttling Tab

At this time, this tab should only be used to set throttle limits at the application level. Throttling is a technique used to limit the number of jobs that can run concurrently for a specific application. Throttling limits are set so a server's resources are not overwhelmed by too many concurrently running jobs.


Previously, throttle limits could be set at the application level and/or at the module level. Now they can only be set at the application level.

Also note that this tab was intended to provide the capability to enable/disable whole applications or modules. This is not functioning at this time. In order to achieve this objective, filter on application on the Nightly Jobs Configuration, Recurring Jobs Configuration or Adhoc Jobs Configuration, then change all enabled flags to 'Y' or 'N' as desired. For enabling/disabling whole modules, this has to be done on the Batch Administration screen at this time.


Table 5-3 Throttling Configuration

Field Description Modifiable? - Possible values


Application code.



Module name.


Job Admin

Job Admin is the component usually running on the same server as the application and which executes that application's batch jobs.


Throttle Limit

The max number of jobs that can run concurrently for the specified application.

Yes - A number that is greater than zero.


This flag currently does not enable or disable jobs belonging to an application/module. See the second note at the top of this section for more information.

Yes - Valid values are Y or N.