Edit Job Type

The job type configuration can be changed by selecting the edit icon Edit Icon in the Job Type section to open the Job Type Configuration window .

Figure 2-29 Job Type Configuration Window

Job Type Configuration Window

This window displays a table of configured job types. Each row contains the following fields:

 Job Type - A short, alphanumeric identifier of the job type. This typically reflects the system or application where associated jobs are to be executed (for example, RDS).

 URL - Base URL for endpoints at the destination system where batch is to be Invoked (for example, https://server/services/batch).

 Job Start - Endpoint for invoking the execution of a job.

 Job Restart - Endpoint for restarting the execution of a job after failure.

 Job Status - Endpoint for POM to fetch the status of a started job.

 Job Kill - Endpoint for terminating the execution of a running job.

 Job Logs - Endpoint for fetching the log(s) for a job.

 Validation - Endpoint for validating that the endpoints are reachable.

 Scope - Authentication scope for accessing the above endpoints.

The user can edit or delete an existing row, or create a new job type.

Select OK to save the changes, or select Cancel to exit the window without saving changes.

See the POM Implementation Guide for additional details on setting up custom schedules with custom job types.