Edit External Configuration

The external configuration settings can be changed by selecting the edit icon Edit Icon in the External Configuration section to open the External Configuration window.

Figure 2-28 Edit External Configuration Window

Edit External Configuration Window

The following settings are available in this window:

  • External Status URL - Customer system's URL that is called when POM is to notify the customer's system. Note that this calling feature is also referred to as Callback.

  • External Status Update Mode - Job status for which POM is to call the customer's URL. This menu has the following options:

    • ALL - POM will make a call for each job's execution regardless of success or failure.

    • FAILED - POM will make a call only for failed jobs.

    • NONE - POM will never make a call.

  • Update Credentials - When clicked, User Name and Password fields are shown. Setting these values will update the credentials POM uses to call the customer's URL.

Select OK to save the changes, or select Cancel to exit the window without saving changes.