Job Agent Configuration Window

The Job Agent Configuration window displays configuration information about the selected Agent.

An Agent is the component usually deployed alongside the application for which the batch runs. It receives requests from the POM application, usually deployed on a common server. These requests direct the agent to invoke the actual job execution on the target application.

Select the Done button to close the window.

Figure 2-27 Job Agent Configuration Window

Job Agent Configuration WindowJob Agent Configuration WindowJob Agent Configuration Window

This window displays information about the Agent's Configuration Settings, Throttle Groups and Job Types.

It also displays a Configuration URLs section which lists service URLs that POM needs to operate. These include service URLs for calling endpoints to execute batch in the case where the jobs are service-based (versus shell-script-based) and are of pre-defined job types such as RI, RASE and RPAS.

The Throttle Groups section displays throttle limits (the maximum number of job that can execute concurrently). These are defined either on the batch schedule spreadsheet or on the Throttling section of this System Configuration screen.

The Job Types Configuration section displays all custom job types defined either on the batch schedule spreadsheet or on the Job Type section of this System Configuration screen.

This window also features a Sync With POM button (formerly called Publish). When clicked, it will synchronize the information on this screen from POM to the Job Agent. These changes are also synchronized automatically to the Job Agent upon the daily creation of a new scheduler day.