13 Post Release Tasks

When preparing to implement Supplier Evaluation Cloud Service, the following system configuration tasks must be taken into account.

System Parameters

Configure all system parameters according to the requirements for your installation of Supplier Evaluation.

The following system parameters are specifically concerned with the Supplier Evaluation Scoring and Merchandising Integration features:

  • Inbound (Supplier & Site) integration with Merchandising. If enabling the feature, also set:

    • An appropriate interval/time for the interface process to run (the initial default is to run every 90 minutes).

    • The Merchandising Invoicing System, first ensuring the value is present in the glossary.

    • The account coding rules for the allocation of Supplier and Site codes. For details of the available options, see Integration with Merchandising.

      If the Merchandising supplier and site codes are to also be used as the Supplier Evaluation codes, a prerequisite for the integration to succeed is that the Supplier Evaluation supplier and site code minimum length rules be configured in a way that allows for the Merchandising codes being in the range 1 to 9999999999.

    • The default value for the Technologist. This is the user to be notified of new Merchandising sites requiring activation. It is recommended this be a user with permissions that permit them to reassign the sites to the appropriate individual Technologists, using the Global Change facility.

    • The default values for Business Category, Business Unit, Supplier Type, and Site Type. These are the default values to be used when creating a Site.

    • The Supplier Administrator user role, used when creating the initial supplier user.

    • The rules for whether Merchandising accounts at Active status are created in Supplier Evaluation, and if those set to Inactive status in Merchandising are to be automatically delisted in Supplier Evaluation.

    • The purging interval (the default is 90 days).

    • Any credentials or URLs necessary to access the Merchandising API.

    • GLN coding rules.

      A prerequisite for the integration to succeed will be that the portal be configured so that GLN codes are non-mandatory for suppliers and sites, as the codes are not included in the Merchandising data. Validation will reject the creation of a new supplier or site if GLN codes are configured to be mandatory.

  • Supplier Evaluation Scoring (for automated scoring). If enabling the feature, also set an appropriate interval/time for the scoring processes to run (the initial default is for the Scoring routine to run daily - every 1440 minutes).


Populate all glossaries according to the requirements for your installation of Supplier Evaluation.

The following glossaries are specifically concerned with the Supplier Evaluation and Scoring features:

  • Supplier Evaluation Types. †

  • Supplier Evaluation Scores.

  • Photo Album images.

  • Supplier Evaluation Scoring Rules. †

  • Supplier Evaluation Site Type Groups.

  • Assessment Questions and Templates. †

  • Audit & Visit Templates. †

  • Assign the relevant Supplier Evaluation Types to Assignment Templates, Audits/Visit Templates, and Documents.

  • Review the configuration of the Countries glossary. The two character ISO country code is used to map the country when integrating addresses with Merchandising. Corresponding codes for Regions will be present for UK counties, US states, and China provinces; configure additional Regions, as required.

†Pre-defined glossaries, templates, and scoring rules, based on industry standards, are available to download from MOS and/or the Branding area of the portal.

System Text

Add any custom overrides to the core default system text or language translations.


Review the core default roles and create any custom roles.

Assign roles and authority profiles to users, to suit their required level of access to the portal.

Email Templates

Review the core default email templates and make any required changes.

Add any additional text to the REG2 site approval notification email, to advise the nominated default Technologist to reassign the site to the appropriate user.