1 Introduction

The Supplier module provides capabilities to manage suppliers including the identification, selection, and approval of suppliers.

To access a Supplier option, select the option from the Supplier drop-down list.

Figure 1-1 Supplier Drop-Down List

This figure shows the Supplier drop down.

The supplier user accesses the Supplier options through Company rather than Supplier.

Figure 1-2 Supplier Options from Company Drop-Down List

This figure shows the Supplier Options.

For information on the choices in the drop-down list, see the chapter shown in Table 1-1. For information on the Users option, see the Oracle Retail Supplier Evaluation Cloud Service Administration Guide.

Table 1-1 Description of Supplier Drop-Down Choices

Option Description Chapter


Maintenance of the supplier account details.

Supplier Management


Maintenance of the supplier's individual manufacturing and packing location details.

Site Management


Maintenance of the individual contacts at the supplier and site locations.

Contacts Management

Alerts and Alert Responses

Process for the retailer/portal owner to issue alerts and manage alert responses.

Alerts Management

Audits & Visits

Management of the regular auditing program for the supplier base.

Audits & Visits


Management of the regular performance assessment program for the supplier base.

Assessment Management

Available Options Based on Type of User

Retailer and supplier users may have access to the Supplier module. Based on the type of user, the options are typically presented in the following manner:

  • Retailer users

    Retailer users see both Company (for the retailer) and Supplier (their suppliers).

    Under Company:

    • Company Details: Name and address details of the retailer.

    • Users: List of all retailer users.

    • Admin: Administration options if the user has access to any options.

    Under Supplier:

    • Suppliers: List of all supplier records.

    • Sites: List of all site records.

    • Contacts: List of all supplier/site contacts for all suppliers and sites.

    • Users: List of all supplier/site users for all suppliers and sites.

    • Audits & Visits: Work with audits and visits if the user has access to that module.

    • Alerts: Work with alerts if the user has access to that module.

    • Assessments: Work with assessments if the user has access to that module.

  • Suppliers users

    Supplier users see Company (for their organization):

    • Company Details: Supplier record.

    • Sites: List of the supplier's sites with which the user is associated.

    • Contacts: List of the supplier's supplier and site contacts. A site user only sees the contacts for the sites with which they are associated.

    • Users: List of the supplier's supplier and site users. A site user only sees the users for the sites with which they are associated.

    • Audits & Visits: Work with audits and visits if the user has access to that module.

    • Alerts: Work with alerts if the user has access to that module.

    • Assessments: Work with assessments if the user has access to that module.

Authority Profiles

The following authority profiles are available for retailer users to provide access to maintain supplier and site records:

Supplier & Site Administrator

The Supplier & Site Administrator Authority Profile is available to allow retailer users to edit all the fields in a supplier or site record. This authority profile can be assigned to a user role or a specific retailer user.

Supplier User Editor

The Supplier User Editor Authority Profile is available to allow retailer users to edit all the fields in a supplier user record, except for roles and permissions. This authority profile can be assigned to a user role or a specific retailer user.

Supplier Contacts Administrator

The Supplier Contacts Administrator Authority Profile is available to allow retailer users to create, edit, and delete supplier contacts. This authority profile can be assigned to a user role or a specific retailer user.

Getting Started

Before using Supplier, be sure that you are familiar with the user interface. If you need more information, see the Oracle Retail Supplier Evaluation Cloud Service Workspace Guide. This guide covers the login, home page, and user interface.