8 Product Administration

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Item Assessments

Select the Assessments option from the Admin drop-down list.

See the Assessments section in the Supplier Administration chapter for details of the following glossaries:

  • Assessment Questions
  • Assessment Templates
  • Assessment Status
  • Assessment Picklists
  • Selection Status

Item Evaluation Scoring

This section provides information on the Integration and Scoring glossaries. For information on the system parameters used for scoring, see System Parameters .

See the Supplier Evaluation Scoring section for details of the following glossaries:

  • Evaluation Types
  • Evaluation Scores
  • Entity Scores
  • Review Scores
  • Evaluation Scoring Rules
  • Evaluation Site Type Group
  • Review Scores

Global Glossaries

The Global Glossaries define the keywords and order of those keywords in pick-lists available for selection throughout Product.

Simple keyword glossaries are maintained through a list of the single values, plus their translations. The more complex glossaries, that combine multiple fields are maintained as individual records presented in a list view. If translations are provided for a glossary, pick-list options are presented to the user in the user's language. If no translation is present for that language, the options are shown in the portal's base language.

To access Global Glossaries, select Products from the Admin drop-down list. The Admin - Products tab opens.

Business Category Configuration

This configuration controls the number of levels that can be maintained within the actual glossary of Business Categories. The glossary is maintained under the Suppliers & Sites Admin option. For more information on that option, see Business Categories.

To configure the Business Categories used within Product, select the System Control option and then select Business Category Configuration in the left panel. The Business Category Configuration page opens.

Figure 8-1 Business Category Configuration Page

This image shows the Business Category Configuration page.

To change the configuration, select the Edit action. The page is changed to edit mode. The labels and the number of rows can be changed. To select a category level to be shown in the Product views, check the box for that level. The maximum number of levels is five.

The Use level in Product Record radio button controls the number of levels of business category used within the Product Record.

System Parameters

To maintain the parameters used to support Product, select the System Control option and then System Parameters.

The following table shows the specific system parameters, by subtab on the System Parameters page, used to support Product

Subtab Parameter Description
Products Notify Supplier on Product Creation If Yes, generate an email for the supplier when a product is created. Default is Yes.
Products Notify Retailer on Product Creation If Yes, generate an email for the retailer when a product is created. Default is Yes.
Products Show Codes in Product Record If set to Yes, the EAN/Barcode and Shipping Case code fields are present in the Product Record. If set to No, they are hidden. Default is No.
Products Allow Creation of multiple Products

Allows multiple products to be associated to a single Product Record. Default is off (single product per Product Record).

This is locked once the first Product Record is created.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Show Lead Business Category in Product Record

If set on, the system will show a Lead Business category field in the Product Record, and relabel the Business Category field to Other Business Category. This approach is also taken in the Site record.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Barcode Regular Expression Validation

Validation rule for Barcodes. The default is:


Validation is applied to ensure the entered value is a valid regular expression.

If a value is present, validation is applied to Barcodes in the Product Record.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Validate Bar Code Check Digit A checkbox which defaults to checked, that is, On.
Products Validate Shipping Case Code Check Digit A checkbox which defaults to checked, that is, On.
Products Supplier Can Edit Benchmark If No, only retailer users can edit the Benchmark fields on Product Records. If Yes, both retailer and supplier users can edit the Benchmark fields on Product Records. Default is No.

Show Alt. Product No. in

Product Record and Specification

If set to Yes, the Alt. Product No. field will be enabled within the Product Record, which is typically used to hold an alternative product identifier such as a GTIN code. Default is No.

If enabled and subsequently disabled, any values previously saved in the fields are retained; if then re-enabled, the values will then reappear.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Show Division in Product Record and Specification

If checked, the Division field will be enabled within the Product Record, which is typically used to provide an additional categorization of the product by selecting from a glossary of Division. Default is No.

If enabled and subsequently disabled, any values previously saved in the fields are retained; if then re-enabled, the values will then reappear.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Use Product Codes Table

If set, the Product Codes table appears in the Product Record for maintenance of cross-reference codes of the product in external systems. Default is off.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Automatically Archive Products when Site set to end-of-life status/Specs de-listed

Enables a process to automatically archive Product Records when their Site is set to the end of life status (as defined by the Site End-of-life Status parameter). Default is off.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Automatically set Audits to Not Progressed when Site set to end-of-life status

Enables a process to automatically set Audits to Not Progressed status when their Site is set to the end of life status (as defined by the Site End-of-life Status parameter). Default is off.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Automatically set Site(s) to end-of-life status when last Product/Specification de-listed

Enables a process to automatically set Sites to the end of life status (as defined by the Preferred Site End-of-life Status parameter) when their last Product Record is de-listed or archived. Default is off.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Site End-of-life Status

Defines the end of life status to be used by the processes which automatically set the status of associated records when the Site is set to this status.

Multiple values can be selected. The options are: De-listed, Unapproved; Inactive. Default is De-listed.

Changing the selection has no effect on any records that have already been processed by the automated processes.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Products Preferred Site End-of-Life Status

Defines the end of life status to be used by the process which automatically sets the status of the Site to this status when the associated records have been de-listed or archived.

A single value can be selected. The options are: De-listed, Unapproved; Inactive. Default is De-listed.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Global Show Business Language Fields

If set to Yes, the system does the following:

  • Adds Prod Title in Business Language to Product Record.
  • Adds Supplier and Site Name in Business Language to Registration Wizard.
  • Adds extra text to email templates.
  • Adds Name in Business Language to Supplier and Site records.
  • Shows two addresses in the address component.

Default is No.

Global Background Polling Interval (ms)

This is the time in milliseconds which the system will use to poll to the server to check for updates.

May be set to greater than 500, however the default of 500 is the recommended setting.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Global Portal Code

The portal's identifier. If the allocation of Supplier and Site account codes is configured to include a prefix, the portal code is used as the prefix.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Global Use Alternative Code for Product API

Use this to enable a facility that provides a means of cross-referencing supplier codes when creating or updating Product Records using the Product Inbound API. This feature is of use where the external system does not hold the ORBC supplier codes.

Options are Yes and No. Default is Yes (enabled).

If enabled, it allows alternative supplier codes to be added to the Invoicing Information table in the Supplier record; when transactions are submitted to the API, if the Supplier record cannot be located using the ORBC supplier code, a secondary lookup is performed to locate the Supplier record using the alternative codes.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Global Allow Duplicate Product Codes for Product API

Use this to control whether multiple Product Records can have the same product identifier when submitted using the Product Inbound API.

Options are Yes and No. Default is Yes (enabled).

If enabled, when Product Records are created using the API, the same Retailer Product Number may be present on multiple Product Records (as long as the supplier is different); otherwise the API will validate that the Retailer Product Number is unique across all suppliers.

Note: This parameter can only be seen and maintained by a user with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile.

Assessments Grace period Select if the assessment completion overdue grace period is in days or weeks.
Assessments Email Agent run on Controls which days of the week reminder emails are generated for overdue assessments. Specific days can be selected. Buttons are available to select or clear all days.
Assessments Allow ad hoc (non glossary) questions If checked, assessment templates have the option to have questions added that do not appear in the questions glossary.
Assessments Allow removal of universal questions

If checked, whether universal questions may be removed from an assessment template (if not, all universal questions will appear on every

assessment type).

Item Evaluation Scoring IE Scoring Enabled Controls whether Item Evaluation scoring is Enabled or Disabled. Default is Disabled.
Item Evaluation Scoring Scores Snapshot Interval Controls whether a snapshot of the scores is taken Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Default is Monthly.
Item Evaluation Scoring Day of Week Sets the day of the week when the scores snapshot is taken. Mandatory when Scores Snapshot Interval is Weekly.
Item Evaluation Scoring Full Score Re-Calculation Shows if a full score recalculation is pending for each Evaluation Type. Click the Submit button to schedule a recalculation.
Review Scoring Review Scoring Enabled Controls whether Review scoring is Enabled or Disabled. Default is Disabled.
Review Scoring Scores Snapshot Interval Controls whether a snapshot of the scores is taken Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Default is Monthly.
Review Scoring Day of Week Sets the day of the week when the scores snapshot is taken. Mandatory when Scores Snapshot Interval is Weekly.
Review Scoring Full Score Re-Calculation Pending Shows if a full score recalculation is pending. Click the Submit button to schedule a recalculation.

Retailer users with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile will see a Settings parameters tab. This tab displays core parameters, what their purpose is, which area of the system they are used in, and what value they are set to.


These parameters are read only; they cannot be edited.
Subtab Parameter Description
Products Product Record Other User Roles

Enables additional user roles to be used within a Product Record.

Default is Buyer, Product Development Manager.

Products Product Record Technologist List Config The List Configs used to show the names in the Technologist selector.
Supplier Supplier Linking Enabled If switched on, a Supplier Linking page will be shown in the Supplier record. Default is off.

Upload Product Record Data

Retailer users with the Upload Administrator authority profile have access to the Import option in the Products list view Actions menu.

To upload new Product Records:

  1. Select the Import option in the left hand pane. The Data Upload dialog box opens.

    Figure 8-2 Data Upload Dialog Box

    This figure shows the Data Upload dialog box.
  2. Click Browse to search for the upload file.

  3. Enter any comments to describe the reason for the upload.

  4. To upload the file, select either the Submit or Submit Go to Manage Batch Jobs action. At this point the system will create a background job to process the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet used to upload the data will be stored within the Attachments tab of the batch job.


An email will be sent to the job submitter if the data within the upload file fails validation.

Download Product Record Upload Spreadsheet

Retailer users with the Upload Administrator authority profile also have access to the option to download a blank spreadsheet.

To download the latest version of the upload spreadsheet:

  1. Select the Download Blank Spreadsheet action from the Product Records View actions menu. An operating system specific dialog box opens with the option to either open or save the file.

  2. Select the save option to download the ZIP file to your desktop.


The ZIP file contains a spreadsheet workbook with the first tab used to upload the data. The second tab contains guidance notes and the remaining tabs contain the valid glossary values.

The column heading text shown on the first tab is in the user's language. If translations are not present for the user's language, the system the portal's default language is substituted. An asterisk (*) is shown in a column heading if an entry is mandatory.