Cash Drawer Audit Report

This report provides the current status of all registers, drawers, and tills. It indicates whether a register is open or closed, the associate at the register, the current cash balance and any amount that may exceed the maximum cash amount allowed in the cash drawer/till.

Navigate: Till Reports > Cash Drawers Audit Report.

There are no selection criteria for this report because all registers are included.

Table 5-3 Cash Drawer Audit Report

Parameter Description

Register data

ID: The register identifier.

Status: Status of the register.


The cash drawer identifier.


The till identifier.

Register Status

The current status of the register.

Associate data

ID: The associate's identifier assigned to the register/drawer/till.

Name: The associate's name assigned to the register/drawer/till.


Name of the currency

Cash Balance

The current cash balance in the register/drawer/till.

Amount Over Threshold

The amount that exceeds the allowed threshold.

Criteria Selections for Cash Drawer Audit Report

No criteria selections are available for this report.

Figure 5-3 Sample: Cash Drawer Audit Report

Cash Drawer Audit Report