Active Keyboard Keys

Use the following guidelines to navigate through the Xstore Classic system using a keyboard:

Table 1-3 Active Keyboard Keys

Key Description


Use the up and down arrow keys to browse through list boxes.


Press Enter to select OK at any prompt that includes OK (Enter) as an option. Also, press Enter in active list boxes to select the highlighted option.


Press Esc to exit any prompt that has Back or Cancel as an option. You can also press Esc to exit the current menu and return to the previous menu. In either case, if changes were made that were not saved, you must verify that you want to exit without saving your changes.

Function keys

On each Xstore Classic window, the F1through F12 function keys correspond to the menu options.

Press the function key that corresponds to the option to choose it. See Function Keys.


Use these keys to jump to the top (Home) or bottom (End) of the current page of a report that you are viewing.

Plus (+)/Minus(-)

Use these two keys to increase (+) or decrease (-) the on-screen magnification level of a report that you are viewing.


Press Shift-Tab to move to the previous list box on an Xstore Classic window. When the first list box is reached, press Shift-Tab to activate the last list box on the window.


Press Tab to move from the first list box to the next list box on the window. When the last list box is reached, press Tab to activate the first list box on the window.


Press the spacebar to select items in multiple-select lists.


Press Ctrl-Tab to access the Information, Task, Message, and Sales Goals tabs and move one tab forward on the Register Login screen and the Back Office Login screen.


Press Ctrl-Shift-Tab to access the Information, Task, Message, and Sales Goals tabs and move one tab backward on the Register Login screen and the Back Office screen.