Associate Advance

The Associate Advance function allows a payment to an associate in advance of the associate's scheduled payday. Examples of associate advances include cases of emergency or to pay a new employee in a timely manner.

  1. After logging in to the Back Office, select Employee and press Enter.

    Figure 4-27 Main Menu - Employee Menu Option

    Main Menu - Employee Menu Option

  2. Select Employee Maintenance and press Enter.

    Figure 4-28 Employee Maintenance Menu

    Employee Maintenance Menu

  3. Select Associate Advance and press Enter.

    Figure 4-29 Associate Advance Menu Option

    Associate Advance Menu Option

  4. The system prompts you to enter the lookup criteria. Enter the criteria you want to use for finding an employee's record and select Process.

    Figure 4-30 Employee Lookup Form

    Employee Lookup Form

    • If you enter an Employee ID, Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service may immediately display a prompt for the cash advance amount.

    • If you enter search criteria that results in more than one record being found, or if your system is set up to always show a list, you must select the employee you want from the list.

  5. At the prompt, enter the cash advance amount and press Enter to continue.

    Figure 4-31 Cash Advance Amount Prompt

    Cash Advance Amount Prompt

    The system records the transaction and returns to the Main Menu.

    Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service prints a receipt with the associate's advance information and an employee signature line. Both a store copy and an employee copy are printed.

    Figure 4-32 Associate Advance Receipt Example

    Associate Advance Receipt Example

    The cash drawer opens to remove the cash advance.

  6. If the system prompts you to close the cash drawer, press Enter to respond to the prompt.