Close Cash Drawer

To close the cash drawer:

  1. Select Till from the Main Menu.

  2. Select Open/Close Options from the Till menu.

  3. Select Cash Drawer Close from the Open/Close Options menu. The system displays a list of networked cash drawers to select from.

    Figure 13-22 Cash Drawer Close List

    Cash Drawer Close List

  4. Select the cash drawer to close. The system prompts to confirm that you want to close the cash drawer.

    Figure 13-23 Cash Drawer Close Prompt

    Cash Drawer Close Prompt

  5. Select Yes and the process for counting the till will begin.

    Figure 13-24 End Count

    End Count

  6. Count each of the count groups that are in the drawer. Select Next Group or Prior Group to count each group.

    Figure 13-25 Denomination Count

    Denomination Count

  7. When done counting, select Back, then select Counting Complete.

    Figure 13-26 End Count Counting Complete

    End Count Counting Complete

  8. If there are any discrepancies in the count, the system will prompt you to confirm the count.

    Figure 13-27 Till Discrepancy

    Till Discrepancy

    Select Yes to accept the count.

  9. Enter a reason code for the discrepancy and select OK.

    Figure 13-28 Discrepancy Reason

    Discrepancy Reason

  10. Enter a comment for the discrepancy and select OK.

    Figure 13-29 Discrepancy Comment

    Discrepancy Comment

A receipt will print for the end count.

This concludes the process for closing the cash drawer.