Manually Refresh Promotions

Typically a promotion is updated with new information during a register restart. Use this process to update new promotions that are cached without having to restart that register, such as in the middle of the day.


Applies to registers only and you would need to perform this action on each register to update its cache for promotions.

To refresh the promotion cache for a register:

  1. In the Back Office menu, select Open/Close Options.

  2. Select Refresh Promotions.

  3. Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service displays a confirmation prompt: Are you sure you want to refresh promotions? This may take several minutes.

  4. Press Y to continue. A progress bar is displayed until the update is complete.


    Pressing N at the Refresh Promotions confirmation prompt cancels the refresh process and returns you to the Open/Close Options menu.

  5. When the update is complete, a prompt is displayed: "Promotions have been refreshed as of (time and day)." Select OK to exit.