Accessing the Back Office

  1. Select the Back Office option.

  2. After logging in to the Back Office, select the Inventory option from the Main Menu and press Enter.

    Figure 2-1 Back Office Main Menu - Inventory Option

    Back Office - Inventory Option


    You can quickly select any menu option by pressing its associated number on the keyboard. For example, at the Main Menu, press the number 3 on the keyboard to display the Inventory options.


    Touch-screen users tap the item to select. See the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Classic Manager's Guide for Back Office touch-screen options.

  3. At the Inventory menu, select the Receiving option and press Enter.

    Figure 2-2 Inventory Menu

    Inventory Menu

  4. If any Receiving Documents require your attention (as determined by your store's policies), Xstore Classic lists the documents that require follow-up.

    Figure 2-3 Attention Documents

    Attention Documents

    You have the following options:

    • Select a document from the list. Xstore Classic displays the Receiving screen for the selected Receiving Document.


    • Search for a different Receiving Document. Xstore Classic prompts for the search criteria. Enter the search criteria and Xstore Classic displays the Receiving screen for the Receiving Document.


      If no documents require your attention, Xstore Classic immediately prompts for Receiving Document search criteria.

    Refer to the following sections for information about processing Receiving Documents.