Inventory Count Technical Limitations

Inventory counts have several technical limitations to which they must adhere based on the amount of system resources available to a computer running Xstore. All size limitations are necessitated by either a memory concern, or an imposed technical limitation of supporting software, such as Microsoft® SQL Server®.


The following numbers are based on a system running Xstore with a maximum of 512MB of memory allocated to it.

  • The maximum number of items that can be on an inventory count is 300,000. When the count sheets are generated, an algorithm is employed to determine what the final count size will be. If it will be greater than 300,000, generation of count sheets will not be allowed to continue. This limit is necessary to prevent systems from running out of memory while processing an inventory count.

  • The maximum number of items that can be on a cycle count or supply count is 2,000. This limitation exists due to the required functionality of these types of counts in conjunction with the limitations of Microsoft SQL Server.

  • The maximum number of inventory adjustments that will be processed by Xstore at the conclusion of an inventory count is 15,000. If a count produces more than 15,000 final variances, the user will be prompted that inventory levels cannot be adjusted. Xstore automatically notifies the corporate office via the inventoryCount.xml file to indicate that variances were not adjusted. The corporate office can then take appropriate action to account for the variances. This limit is necessary to prevent systems from running out of memory while processing an inventory count.

  • Inventory count data must be deleted routinely at the corporate level to ensure the optimal performance of the queries involved in inventory counts. Also, the inventoryCount.xml file must be deleted after it reaches a certain size (a maximum size is about 250MB). After this size, performance in writing to this file will be significantly decreased