Locations and Buckets

This section uses the terms Location ID and Bucket ID frequently. As used in this document, a Location ID generally refers to a physical location where items are found, and it includes specific inventory buckets that are associated with it.

A bucket is a descriptive term that usually relates to the status of an item in a particular location. For example, the On Hand bucket is a very inclusive category relating to currently available items. Layaway is a different bucket that relates only to items that are included in a layaway account but may (or may not) be in the same Location ID as on- hand items.

Depending on your system setup, items with one Location ID may not need to belong to a specific Bucket ID, and items with a specific Bucket ID do not need to belong to a specific Location ID. For example, the Warehouse location could contain items that are assigned to the Repair, Special Order, and Layaway buckets. Meanwhile, the Special Order bucket could contain items in the Warehouse and On Order locations.

Some inventory locations are configured at the corporate level, though additional inventory locations can be added and configured at the store level. Inventory buckets are configured solely at the corporate level.