Open the Till Options Menu

The Till Options menu can be opened from two locations in Xstore Point of Service:

Register Login Screen

To open the Till Options menu from the Register Login Screen:

  1. Click Till in the Register Login screen.

    Figure 28-1 Register Login

    Register Login

  2. Do one of the following, depending upon the configuration of your system:

    • Enter your user ID and press Enter.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. Continue with Step 3.

    • Scan your finger on the fingerprint reader.

      The Manage Tills menu opens. Continue with Step 4.

  3. Enter your password and press Enter.

    The Back Office Main Menu opens.

    Figure 28-2 Till Main Menu

    Till Main Menu

  4. Click Till Options.

    The Till Options menu opens.

    Figure 28-3 Till Options Menu Buttons

    Till Options Menu Buttons

Register Sale Screen

To open the Till Options menu from the Register Sale screen:

  1. Click Register Options in the Register Sale screen.

  2. Click Till Options.

    The Till Options menu opens.