Price Inquiry

If you want to look up the price of an item, use the function Price Inquiry. You can look up the price for an item when you are logged out as well as when you are logged on to the application. To look up the price of an item, follow the steps below.

  1. Press Find Item.

  2. Press Price Inquiry.

  3. You are prompted for the item. Scan, or enter the item and press Enter.

  4. The item description, item ID and the corresponding price are displayed.

    Figure 22-29 Price Inquiry - Logged In

    Price Inquiry - Logged In


    If the displayed price is a deal price, the system marks the price with the text Sale.

    Figure 22-30 Price Inquiry - Deal Price

    Price Inquiry - Deal Price

    • If you are logged out of the application, press Back to close the screen.

    • If you are logged on to the application, choose one of the following options.

      • Press Back to return to the Sales screen.

      • Press Add to Item to add the item to the c1urrent sales transaction. The item is shown on the view port.