10 Modifying a Transaction

After items have been added to a sale transaction, adjustments can be made to the items through the sale screen.

About This Chapter

After selecting an item in the sale screen (see Basic Transaction Entry), the following options are available:


Changes made to individual lines and items may require supervisor or manager privileges, along with reason codes.

Figure 10-1 Xstore POS Context Menu - Sale Mode

Mobile Tablet Context Menu - Sale Mode

Modifying Customer Information

Perform the following steps to remove the customer from a transaction:

  1. From the Sale screen, select Customer Options in the Context Menu.

    Figure 10-2 Remove Customer

    Remove Customer
  2. Select Remove Customer. The transaction sale screen displays with the customer removed.


    To add a different customer to the transaction, select Customer Options and then Assign Customer.

Modifying Line Items in a Sale

  1. From the sale menu, select an item line to change or modify a line item.

    Figure 10-3 Xstore POS Item Adjustment Menu

    Mobile Tablet Item Adjustment Menu
  2. Select an option from the menu.

    The following options are available:

Changing the Item Quantity

To change the quantity of a selected item (see Adjusting an Item):

  1. Select Change Qty. See Figure 10-3.

    Figure 10-4 Enter Quantity Prompt

    Enter Quantity Prompt
  2. Enter the new quantity for the item.

  3. Select the OK button.

    Return to the transaction screen.

Changing the Item Price

To change the price of a selected item (see Adjusting an Item):

  1. Select Change Price. See Figure 10-3.

    Figure 10-5 Enter Price Prompt

    Enter Price Prompt
  2. Enter the new price for the item.

  3. Select OK.

    Figure 10-6 Reason Code List

    Reason Code List
  4. Select the proper reason for the price change.

    Return to the transaction screen.

Discount an Item

To add a discount to a selected item (see Adjusting an Item):

  1. Select Add Item Discount. See Figure 10-3.

    Figure 10-7 Discount List

    Discount List
  2. Select the proper discount.

    Figure 10-8 Discount Reason Code List

    Discount Reason Code List
  3. Select the proper reason for the discount.

    If prompted to enter an amount:

    Figure 10-9 Discount Amount Prompt

    Discount Amount Prompt

    Figure 10-10 Discount Percent Prompt

    Discount Percent Prompt
  4. Enter the discount amount or percentage.

  5. Select OK.

    Return to the transaction screen.

Changing Item Taxes

To change the tax on a selected item (see Adjusting an Item):

  1. Select Change Item Tax. See Figure 10-3.

    Figure 10-11 Change Item Tax Menu

    Change Item Tax Menu

    Continue with the proper procedure:

Changing the Item Tax Location

To change the location used to determine the tax on an item:

  1. Select Change Item Tax Location in the Change Item Tax menu. See Figure 10-11.

    Figure 10-12 Enter Postal Code

    Enter Postal Code
  2. Enter the postal/zip code for the new location.

  3. Select OK.

    The tax location for the item is changed and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Exempting an Item from Tax

To exempt an item from tax:

  1. Select Exempt Item Tax in the Change Item Tax Menu. See Figure 10-11.

    Figure 10-13 Customer Tax Exempt Entry Form

    Customer Tax Exempt Entry Form
  2. Enter the information about the customer's tax exemption certificate.

  3. Select Save Changes.

    Figure 10-14 Reason Code List

    Reason Code List
  4. Select the reason for the tax change.

    The tax exemption is applied to the item and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Changing the Item Tax Amount

To change the amount of the item tax:

  1. Select Change Tax $in the Change Item Tax Menu. See Figure 10-11.

    Figure 10-15 Enter Tax Amount

    Enter Tax Amount
  2. Enter new tax amount.

  3. Select OK.

    Figure 10-16 Reason Code List

    Reason Code List
  4. Select the reason for the tax change.

    The amount of the tax for the item is changed to the new value and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Changing the Item Tax Percentage

To change the percentage of the item tax:

  1. Select Change Tax% in the Change Item Tax Menu. See Figure 10-11.

    Figure 10-17 Enter Tax Rate

    Enter Tax Rate
  2. Enter new tax percentage.

  3. Select OK.

    Figure 10-18 Reason Code List

    Reason Code List
  4. Select the reason for the tax change.

    The percentage of the tax for the item is changed to the new value and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Voiding an Item

To void a selected item (see Adjusting an Item):

  1. Select Void Line. See Figure 10-3.

    Figure 10-19 Reason Code List

    Reason Code List
  2. Select the proper reason for voiding the line.

    Return to the transaction screen.

Changing the Commissioned Associate

To change the associate receiving a commission on a selected item (see Adjusting an Item), do one of the following:

Select the Associate from a List

To select the new commissioned associate from a list of associates:

  1. Select Change Associates. See Figure 10-3.

    Figure 10-20 Associates List

    Associates List
  2. Select the proper associate(s) in the list.

    Return to the transaction screen.

Enter the ID for an Associate

To select the new commissioned associate by entering an associate ID, do the following:

  1. Select Change Associates. See Figure 10-3.

  2. Select the Select By Associate ID button. See Figure 10-20.

    Figure 10-21 Xstore POS - Associates by ID

    Mobile Tablet - Associates by ID
  3. Enter Associate ID. The ID of the current user is the default value.

  4. Select OK.

    Return to the transaction screen.

    When you are finished adding associates:

  5. Leave the associate ID field blank.

  6. Select OK.

Adding/Editing a Line Item Comment

This section describes how to add or edit line item comments.

Adding a Comment


Multiple comments can be entered on one item.

To add a comment to a selected item (see Adjusting an Item):

  1. Select Add Comment. See Figure 10-3.

    Figure 10-22 Line Item Comments Entry Form

    Line Item Comments Entry Form
  2. Enter the comment.

  3. Select OK.

    Return to the transaction screen.

Removing a Comment

To remove a comment from a selected item (see Adjusting an Item):

  1. Select Remove Comment. See Figure 10-3.

    Figure 10-23 Comment List

    Comment List
  2. Select the comment to remove.

    The comment is removed and Xstore POS returns to the transaction screen.

Changing Transaction Taxes

This section deals with changing transaction taxes.

To change the tax applied to a transaction:

  1. Select Register Options in the Context Menu. See Figure 10-1.

    Figure 10-24 Register Options Context Menu

    Register Options Context Menu
  2. Select Change Trans Tax in the Register Options Menu.

    Figure 10-25 Change Trans Tax Menu

    Change Trans Tax Menu

Continue with the proper procedure:

Change Transaction Tax Location

To change the location used to determine the tax on a transaction:

  1. Select Change Trans Tax Location in the Change Trans Tax menu. See Figure 10-25.

    Figure 10-26 Enter Postal Code

    Enter Postal Code
  2. Enter the postal/zip code from the new location.

  3. Select OK.

    The transaction tax location is changed and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Exempt a Transaction from Tax

To exempt a transaction from tax:

  1. Select Exempt Trans Tax in the Change Transaction Tax menu. See Figure 10-25.

    Figure 10-27 Select Tax Exemption

    Select Tax Exemption
  2. Select the exemption or create a new customer's tax exemption certificate.

  3. Select the reason for the tax change.

    Figure 10-28 Select Reason Code

    Select Reason Code

    The tax exemption is applied to the transaction and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Change Transaction Tax Amount

To change the amount of the transaction tax:

  1. Select Change Tax $ in the Change Transaction Tax Menu. See Figure 10-25.

    Figure 10-29 Enter Tax Amount

    Enter Tax Amount
  2. Enter new tax amount.

  3. Select OK.

    Figure 10-30 Select Reason Code

    Select Reason Code
  4. Select the reason for the tax change.

Change Transaction Tax Percentage

To change the percentage of the transaction tax:

  1. Select Change Tax % in the Change Transaction Tax Menu. See Figure 10-25.

    Figure 10-31 Enter Tax Rate

    Enter Tax Rate
  2. Enter new tax percentage.

  3. Select OK.

    Figure 10-32 Select Reason Code

    Select Reason Code
  4. Select the reason for the tax change.

    The percentage of the tax for the transaction is changed to the new value and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Suspending/Resuming a Transaction

This section describes how to suspend and resume a transaction.

Suspending a Transaction

To suspend a transaction:

  1. Whilst in a sale, select Suspend Transaction in the Context Menu. See Figure 10-1.

    Xstore POS returns to the Main Menu.

Resuming a Transaction


A transaction must have no customer assigned and no items added for it to be used for resuming a suspended transaction.

To resume a suspended transaction:

  1. Select Resume Transaction in the Context Menu.

    Figure 10-33 Xstore POS Sale Context Menu

    Mobile Tablet Sale Context Menu

    Xstore POS opens a list of suspended transactions.

  2. Select the proper transaction to resume.

    The transaction resumes. Xstore POS returns to the sale screen.

Cancel a Transaction

To cancel a transaction:

  1. At any point in a transaction, press Back until you return to the initial sale screen.

  2. Cancel the sale:

    • Select Cancel Sale.

      If there are items in the sale, Xstore POS prompts whether to cancel the sale.