13 Work Orders

Work orders are labor services requested by a customer and performed by the retailer or an outside contractor. They may be further sub-classified as repairs or alterations.

The system provides work order tracking functionality that allows a retailer to take in merchandise from the customer and associate it with a POS tracking record. The record identifies the product, its value, condition, customer information, and the work to be done. The kinds of work that are performed on a product are called work order tasks.

  • Repair service is typically found in retail environments that sell and service watches, athletic equipment, and footwear. Repair services usually focus on the repairing, setting up, or fitting of products for the retail customer. An example of a repair is fixing a flat tire at a bicycle shop. A setup example is a Hot-Tub purchase in which installers are required to connect the filter and heating systems.

    Repairs may vary depending on the service being performed. For instance, a sporting goods outlet may track the service associated with the sizing and drilling of a bowling ball as a repair service. The similarities of this process and their actual repair activities allow retailers to utilize the same POS function to perform multiple activities.

  • Alteration services are primarily found in clothing retail locations. Retailers provide an important service by altering the garments that they sell to their customers. This service may be a billable activity to the customer, or it may be without cost. Some retailers extend this offer to non-customers or even to customers who have a product for alteration that was not purchased through a particular outlet; this is generally performed as a value-added service to loyal customers.

  • Tasks are the detail operations that are performed on a Work Order item and can be selected from a list. The system also maintains a fixed rate of cost for the task, a description, and a free-form comment field that may be used to describe the task to be performed. For example, a comment may contain the specific text to engrave or embroider on an item.

Create a Work Order

A work order must be associated with a regular sale transaction and a customer name. To create a work order:

  1. Click Extended Transaction in the Register Sale screen.

  2. Click Work Order.

    A window will open prompting for more information. The type of window will depend upon whether there is a customer currently associated with the transaction, and whether the customer currently has any work orders open.

  3. Click Set Up New.

  4. If necessary, associate a customer with the transaction. See Associate a Customer with a Transaction.

    Figure 13-1 Work Order Item Type

    Work Order Item Type

  5. Click the method to use to find the item on which the work order will be performed, then click OK:

    • Current Transaction - The item is in the current sale transaction. This option is only available if there is at least one item in the current sale transaction.

      Xstore Point of Service displays a list of items in the current transaction that are eligible for a work order. Continue with Current Transaction.

    • Item Not on File - The item requiring work is not in the system.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for a description of the item. Continue with Item Not on File.

    • Previous Transaction w/ Receipt - The item is identified on the receipt from a previous transaction.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts you to enter information from the original transaction receipt. Continue with Previous Transaction with Receipt.

    • Customer History - Find the item by searching the customer's previous purchase transaction history.

      Xstore Point of Service displays a list of items previously purchased by the customer that are eligible for a work order. Continue with Customer History.

    • No Receipt - The item has no receipt available or is not referenced on a receipt.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for an item ID. Continue with No Receipt.

Current Transaction

After selecting Current Transaction in Step 5, do the following:

  1. Select the items in the Message Window.

    • Click the items.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct items and press the Spacebar.

  2. Click OK.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts whether there are additional work order items.

    Figure 13-2 Work Order Prompt for Additional Work Order Items

    Work Order Prompt for Additional Work Order Items

  3. Select whether to add additional work order items:

    • Click Enter More Items to add more work order items. Repeat Steps 1 to 3.

    • Click Continue to continue with Work Order Categories.

Item Not on File

After selecting Item Not on File in Step 5, do the following:

Figure 13-3 Work Order Item Description Prompt

Work Order Item Description Prompt

  1. Enter a description of the item and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the value of the item.

    Figure 13-4 Work Order Item Value Prompt

    Work Order Item Value Prompt

  2. Enter the value of the item and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts whether there are additional work order items. See Figure 13-2.

  3. Select whether to add additional work order items:

    • Click Enter More Items to add more work order items. Repeat Steps 1 to 3.

    • Click Continue to continue with Work Order Categories.

Previous Transaction with Receipt

After selecting Previous Transaction w/ Receipt in Step 5, do the following:

Figure 13-5 Work Order Original Transaction Search Form

Work Order Original Transaction Search Form

  1. Enter information about the original transaction:

    • Gift Receipt - Indicates whether the receipt is a gift receipt.

    • Trans Barcode - Barcode for the transaction.

    • Orig Ticket ID - ID of the original ticket.

    • Orig Trans Date - Date of the transaction.

    • Orig Store ID - ID of the store where the transaction was performed.

    • Orig Register ID - ID of the register that performed the original transaction.

    • Credit Card # - Number of the credit card used in the original transaction.

    • Serial Number - Serial number of the item.

  2. Click Process.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of items from the original transaction that are eligible for a work order.

  3. Select the items to add to the work order.

    • Click the items.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct items and press the Spacebar.

  4. Click OK.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts whether there are additional work order items. See Figure 13-2.

  5. Select whether to add additional work order items:

    • Click Enter More Items to add more work order items. Repeat Steps 3 to 5.

    • Click Continue to continue with Work Order Categories.

Customer History

After selecting Customer History in Step 5, do the following:

Figure 13-6 Work Order Customer History-Previous Items Purchased

Work Order Customer History-Previous Items Purchased

  1. Select the items to add to the work order.

    • Click the items.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct items and press the Spacebar.

  2. Click OK.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts whether there are additional work order items. See Figure 13-2.

  3. Select whether to add additional work order items:

    • Click Enter More Items to add more work order items. Repeat Steps 1 to 3.

    • Click Continue to continue with Work Order Categories.

No Receipt

After selecting No Receipt in Step 5, do the following:

Figure 13-7 Work Order Item ID Prompt

Work Order Item ID Prompt

  1. Enter the item:

    • Scan the item.

    • Enter the ID of the item and press Enter.


    If you do not know the item ID but your system has a Work Order SKU, you can enter that instead of the actual item ID. You can also use Item Not On File functionality to capture the item information

  2. If necessary, enter the value of the item and press Enter.

  3. If necessary, enter a description of the item.

  4. Select whether to add additional work order items, see Figure 13-2:

    • Click Enter More Items to add more work order items. Repeat Steps 1 to 4.

    • Click Continue to continue with Work Order Categories.

Work Order Categories

Once you have identified the item(s) for the work order, you are prompted to select a work order category. Categories may include repairs, alterations, or any other categories that are determined by your store operations.

For example, repairs may include work order categories such as jewelry and watch repairs. Work order alterations may include categories such as men's clothing and children's clothing.

  1. Select the work order category.

    Figure 13-8 Work Order Categories

    Work Order Categories


    The work order categories available depend upon the configuration of your system.

  2. If necessary, select or enter additional information about the work order in the prompts. For example, you may need to enter warranty information or select a work order price code.

    Figure 13-9 Work Order Warranty Plan

    Work Order Warranty Plan

    Figure 13-10 Work Order Price Code List

    Work Order Price Code List

  3. If necessary, enter the information about where the work will be performed:

    Figure 13-11 Work Order Location Search Form

    Work Order Location Search Form

    • Enter the location information, then click Process:

      • Location # - ID for the location.

      • Location Name - Name of the location.

      Continue with Step 5.

    • Leave the fields blank and click Process to view a list of available service locations.

      Continue with Step 4.

      Figure 13-12 Work Order Vendor List

      Work Order Vendor List

  4. If necessary, select the location where the work will be performed, then click OK:

    • Click the location.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct location and press the Spacebar.

      Figure 13-13 Work Order Tasks List

      Work Order Tasks List

  5. Select the tasks to be performed on the item:

    • Click the task.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct task and press the Spacebar.


    A task may not have a cost associated with it. If it does not have a cost, it may be an estimate. Estimates must be converted to actual amounts before the customer can pick up the item. Price categories such as No Charge and Warranty have zero amounts in the Charge column on the Task List form.

  6. Click OK.

    The work order appears in the View Port.

    Figure 13-14 Work Order Summary Information

    Work Order Summary Information

  7. Click the appropriate option:

    • Click Exit Work Order to exit work order mode and perform additional transaction processing.

    • Click Complete Transaction to proceed to tendering.

Open a Work Order

To open a work order:

  1. Click Extended Transaction in the Register Sale screen.

  2. Click Work Order.

    Figure 13-15 Work Order Search Form

    Work Order Search Form

No Customer Associated with the Transaction

To open a work order when there is no customer currently assigned to a transaction:

  1. Enter the work order information:

    • Scan the work order receipt.

      The work order opens. Continue the transaction.

    • Enter the search criteria for the work order:

      • Account ID - ID of the work order.

      • Last Name - Last name of the customer associated with the work order.

      • First Name - First name of the customer associated with the work order.

      • Customer # - ID of the customer associated with the work order.

      • Phone # - Phone number of the customer associated with the work order.

  2. Click Process.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of work orders matching the entered criteria.

  3. Select the work order:

    • Click the work order.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct work order and press the Spacebar.

  4. Click Select & Continue.

  5. If necessary, associate a customer with the transaction. See Associate a Customer with the Transaction.

    Continue the transaction.

Customer Associated with the Transaction

To open a work order when a customer is assigned to a transaction:

  • If Xstore Point of Service indicates that there is no work order associated with the customer, go to Step 1.

  • If one or more work orders is associated with the customer, Xstore Point of Service displays a list of those work orders. Go to Step 3.

  1. Click Search.

    Xstore Point of Service opens a work order search form. See Figure 13-15.

  2. Enter the work order information:

    • Scan the work order receipt.

      The work order opens. Continue the transaction.

    • Enter the search criteria for the work order:

      • Account ID - ID of the work order.

      • Last Name - Last name of the customer associated with the work order.

      • First Name - First name of the customer associated with the work order.

      • Customer ID - ID of the customer associated with the work order.

      • Phone # - Phone number of the customer associated with the work order.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of work orders matching the entered criteria.

  3. Select the work order:

    • Click the work order.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct work order and press the Spacebar.

  4. Click Select & Continue.

    The work order opens. Continue the transaction.

Modify a Work Order

To modify a work order:

  1. If necessary, Open a Work Order.

    Figure 13-16 Work Order Modify Options

    Work Order Modify Options

  2. Click the appropriate option:

    The Menu Buttons provide task maintenance options.

Item Maintenance

The item maintenance functions allow you to change the work order item information by adding new items, deleting items from the work order, or editing an item's value and description. The items may come from several different sources including the current transaction, a previous transaction (with or without a receipt), customer history, or it may be an item not found in the database.

Figure 13-17 Work Order Item Maintenance Options

Work Order Item Maintenance Options

The following actions can be performed on work order items:

Add an Item

To add an item to a work order:

  1. Click Add Item. See Figure 13-17.

  2. Select the method used to find the item on which the work order will be performed. See Figure 13-1.

    • Current Transaction - The item is in the current sale transaction. This option is only available if there is at least one item in the current sale transaction.

      Xstore Point of Service displays a list of items in the current transaction that are eligible for a work order. Continue with Current Transaction.

    • Item Not on File - The item requiring work is not in the system.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for a description of the item. Continue with Item Not on File.

    • Previous Transaction w/ Receipt - The item is identified on the receipt from a previous transaction.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts you to enter information from the original transaction receipt. Continue with Previous Transaction with Receipt.

    • Customer History - Find the item by searching the customer's previous purchase transaction history.

      Xstore Point of Service displays a list of items previously purchased by the customer that are eligible for a work order. Continue with Customer History.

    • No Receipt - The item has no receipt available or is not referenced on a receipt.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for an item ID. Continue with No Receipt.

    After performing the appropriate procedure, continue the transaction.

Delete an Item

To delete an item from a work order:

  1. Click Delete Item.


    This option is only available when there are two or more items on the work order.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of items in the transaction.

  2. Select the item to delete:

    • Click the item.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct item and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    The item is removed from the work order.

Edit an Item Value

To change the value of an item:

  1. Click Edit Item Value. See Figure 13-17.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of items in the transaction.

  2. Select the item:

    • Click the item.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct item and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the new price.

    Figure 13-18 Work Order Item Value

    Work Order Item Value

  4. Enter the new price.

  5. Press Enter.

    The price of the item is changed.

Edit an Item Description

To change the description of an item:

  1. Click Edit Item Description. See Figure 13-17.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of items in the transaction.

  2. Select the item:

    • Click the item.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct item and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the new description.

    Figure 13-19 Work Order Item Description

    Work Order Item Description

  4. Enter the new description.

  5. Click OK.

    The description of the item is changed.

Edit a Line Item

Edit Line Item functions allow you to change the quantity, price, and tax on a line item in the work order.

A work order may contain one or more line items, and they can be edited during or after its creation. If the work order is still being created, select the Edit Line Item option while in the Work Orders mode.

Figure 13-20 Work Order Edit Line Item Options

Work Order Edit Line Item Options

The options for editing a line item are the same as those for other transactions. See Modify a Line Item in Modify a Transaction for more information.

Task Maintenance

Task maintenance functions allow you to modify the work order tasks by adding new tasks, deleting work order tasks, and adding additional information pertaining to a specific task.

Figure 13-21 Work Order Task Maintenance Options

Work Order Task Maintenance Options

The following actions can be performed on tasks in a work order:

Add a Task

To add a task:

  1. Click Add Task.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of tasks that are available for the work order service location.

    Figure 13-22 Work Order Task List

    Work Order Task List

  2. Select the task to add:

    • Click the task.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct task and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    The task is added to the transaction.

Delete a Task

To add a task:

  1. Click Delete Task.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of tasks that are currently on the work order.

  2. Select the task to delete:

    • Click the task.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct task and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    The task is deleted from the transaction.

Add an Instruction

Instructions can be added to a work order to provide additional information about the work. To add an instruction:

  1. Click Add Instruction.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of tasks that are currently on the work order.

  2. Select the task for which to add an instruction:

    • Click the task.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct task and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a text entry prompt.

    Figure 13-23 Work Order Task Instruction Prompt

    Work Order Task Instruction Prompt

  4. Press Enter when you are done entering the instruction.

    The instruction is added to the task.

Convert an Estimate

Converting a estimate changes an estimated cost amount to an actual cost amount. An estimated cost is a best guess for the final cost of performing the task, and it is assigned when the work order is created. After the task is completed, the actual cost is known, and the estimate can be converted so that the final price can be calculated. To convert an estimate:

  1. Click Convert Estimate.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of the tasks in the work order that have estimated costs.

    Figure 13-24 Work Order Estimate Task List

    Work Order Estimate Task List

  2. Select the task for which to convert an estimate:

    • Click the task.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct task and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of the tasks with actual costs that are applicable to the work order category (for example, a repair or alteration).

    Figure 13-25 Work Order Actual Price Type

    Work Order Actual Price Type

  4. Select the appropriate task type to use to set the amount:

    • Click the task type.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct task type and press the Spacebar.

  5. Click OK.

    The selected work order cost is applied to the task that previously had an estimated cost.

Discount a Task

The procedure for applying a discount to a task is the same as the procedure for applying a discount to any other item. See Item Discount for more information.

Figure 13-26 Work Order Task Discount Option

Work Order Task Discount Option

Parts Maintenance

The Parts Maintenance functions allow you to add or delete supplementary parts from a work order. A part may be anything that is required to complete a task. One or more parts may be associated with a work order, and they can be added or deleted during or after its creation.

Figure 13-27 Work Order Parts Maintenance Options

Work Order Parts Maintenance Options

The following actions can be performed on parts in a work order:

Add a Part

To add a part to a work order:

  1. Click Add Parts.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for a part ID.

  2. Enter the part number. See Entering Items.

  3. The part is added to the work order.

Delete a Part

To delete a part from a work order:

  1. Click Delete Part.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of parts in the work order.

  2. Select the part to delete:

    • Click the part.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct part and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    The part is removed from the work order.

Work Order Maintenance

Work Order maintenance functions allow you to add, change, and maintain work orders.

Figure 13-28 Work Order Maintenance Options

Work Order Maintenance Options

The following maintenance actions can be performed on a work order:

Cancel the Work Order

To cancel the current work order:

  1. Click Cancel Work Order.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts whether to cancel the work order.

  2. Click Yes.

    The work order is removed from the transaction and the refund amount applied to the transaction balance.

Change the Price Type

Changing a price type can change the price from Actual to Estimated, Estimated to Actual, or to change from Chargeable to Warranty. You may also select No Charge. For example, a customer may not have the warranty information in-hand when the work order is set up. If the customer returns later with proof of a valid warranty, you can use this option to change the work order price from Chargeable to Full Warranty or Limited Warranty.

To change the price type for the work order:

  1. Click Change Price Type.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the new price code.

    Figure 13-29 Work Order Price Code List

    Work Order Price Code List

  2. Select the price type:

    • Click the price type.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct price type and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    The price type is applied to the work order and the price is changed for the new price type.

Edit an Approved Amount

The approved amount is the amount that has been pre-approved by a customer for the repair.

To change the approved amount:

  1. Click Edit Approved Amount.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the new amount, with the current approved amount entered as the default.

  2. Enter the new approval amount and press Enter.


    The new amount entered here must be greater than the amount for any tasks on the work order.

    The new pre-approved amount for the work is entered for the work order.

Edit the Priority

To change the priority of a a work order:

  1. Click Edit Priority.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of priority levels for a work order.

  2. Select the new priority:

    • Click the priority.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct priority and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    The priority for the work order is updated.

Edit the Notice Date

The Notice Date is the date that a notice was sent to the customer.

To change the date that a notice was sent to the customer:

  1. Click Edit Notice Date.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the last customer notice date.

  2. Enter the date the customer was most recently notified about this work order and press Enter.

    The notice date is updated for the work order.

Edit the Finish Date

The Finish Date is the date the finished item has been promised to the customer.

To change the promised date for the finished work order to be ready for the customer:

  1. Click Edit Finish Date.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the new date the work order repair/alteration will be completed

  2. Enter the date this work order will be finished and press Enter.


    This date must be in the future.

    The finish date for the work order is updated.

Edit the Service Location

To change the location where the work will be performed:

  1. Click Edit Service Location.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the location information.

  2. Enter the information about where the work will be performed:

    • Enter the location information, then click Process:

      • Location # - ID for the location.

      • Location Name - Name of the location.

      The service location is updated to the entered location. Continue the transaction.

    • Leave the fields blank and click Process to view a list of available service locations.

      Continue with Step 3.

  3. If necessary, select the location where the work will be performed:

    • Click the location.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct location and press the Spacebar.

  4. Click OK.

    The service location is updated to the entered location.

Edit the Contact Method

To modify the method of communication used to contact a customer:

  1. Click Edit Contact Method.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of contact methods for the customer.

  2. Select the new contact method:

    • Click the contact method.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct contact method and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    The contact method for the work order is updated.

Edit the Account Status

To change the status of a work order account:

  1. Click Edit Account Status.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of work order status options for the account.

  2. Select the new account status:

    • Click the account status.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct account status and press the Spacebar.

  3. Click OK.

    The account status for the work order is updated.

Work Order History and Comments

Work Order History and Comments functions allow you to view the history of the work order and add comments to it.

To view the history of a work order and add comments to it:

  1. If necessary, Open a Work Order.

  2. Click History/Comments.

    Figure 13-30 Work Order History/Comments Options

    Work Order History/Comments Options

  3. Perform the appropriate procedure:

View History

To view the history of the activities performed on a work order:

  1. Click View History.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of actions performed on the work order.


    If necessary, use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the activities.

  2. Click OK to close the list of activities.

View Comments

To view the comments entered for a work order:

  1. Click View Comments.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of comments entered for the work order.


    If necessary, use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the comments.

  2. Click OK to close the list of comments.

Add Comment

To add a comment to a work order:

  1. Click Add Comment.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the comment.

    Figure 13-31 Work Order Account Comment Prompt

    Work Order Account Comment Prompt

  2. Enter the comment.

  3. Click OK when finished.

    The comment is added to the work order.

Pick Up a Completed Work Order

When a customer is associated with a sale transaction, the system may automatically notify you when the customer has a work order that requires attention. Click OK to acknowledge the message and close the window.

To pick up a work order:

  1. If necessary, Open a Work Order.

  2. Click Work Order Maintenance.

    Figure 13-32 Work Order Pickup Work Order Option

    Work Order Pickup Work Order Option

  3. Click Pickup Work Order.

    The completed work order is added to the sale screen and any amount due is applied to the transaction. Continue the transaction.