26 Miscellaneous Functions

This chapter includes information about the functions that can be performed in the Back Office but are not closely associated with a specific functional task. Like other Back Office functions, these activities are logged by the system for accountability and reporting purposes.

The following functions are included in this section:

Changing Your Password


This function is also available from the POS register and the Employee Maintenance Menu in the Back Office. Refer to Employee Maintenance.

If you need to change another employee's password, not your password, use the process described in Changing an Employee's Password.

If your store is configured to use password challenge questions, you can re-set your password without knowing your current password by answering questions. See Forgot Password Challenge Questions for more information.

The Change Password option is available from the Back Office Login screen - before you log in to the system.

Figure 26-1 Back Office Login Screen

Back Office Login - Change Password

  1. Select the Change Password option from the Back Office Login screen. Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service prompts for your employee ID. If you are using the Fingerprint Scan, the prompt asks for your fingerprint.

    Figure 26-2 Change Password Prompt: Scan or Key Entry Accepted

    Change Password Prompt

  2. Type or scan your Employee ID at the Change Password prompt and press Enteror scan your finger if your system is set up to use a biometric device.

  3. If prompted for your password, enter your current password and press Enter.


    If you forgot your current password and your store is configured with challenge questions, see Forgot Password Challenge Questions.

    Figure 26-3 Change Password Login Screen

    Change Password Login Screen

  4. Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service prompts you to enter and confirm your new password. Type your new password in the first field and type the password again to confirm it in the field below.

    Figure 26-4 New Password Prompt

    New Password Prompt


    Passwords may be case sensitive, so be sure you note whether the keyboard Caps Lock key is on or off when you enter and confirm your new password.

  5. Select Process to store your new password:

    • If the system accepts the password, a confirmation message is shown indicating that your password was changed. Press Enter to acknowledge this prompt and return to the Login screen.


      The system may enforce certain rules regarding passwords. For example, a minimum number of characters may be required, and there may be a restriction on how frequently you can reuse an old password.

    • If the new password you entered is invalid (according to your system's password requirements), the system displays a message. You must press Enter to acknowledge the prompt.

      Figure 26-5 Password Validation Prompt

      Password Validation Prompt

      Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service returns to the New Password prompt, and you can enter a different password.

Forgot Password Challenge Questions

If your store is configured to use password challenge questions, you can re-set your password without knowing your current password by answering the questions. The answers to the questions are set up in the Back Office see the Establish Password Challenge Questions.

  1. Select the Change Password option from the Register Login screen or the Back Office Login screen. Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service prompts for your employee ID.

  2. Type or scan your employee ID at the Change Password prompt and press Enter. If fingerprint scans are supported, scan your finger at the prompt.

  3. Select the Forgot Password menu option.

    Figure 26-6 Forgot Password Menu Options

    Forgot Password Menu Options

  4. Enter your last name for verification.

    Figure 26-7 Change Password Verification

    Change Password Verification

  5. For each challenge question, type the answer and then select Next Question. For the last question, select Process.

    Figure 26-8 Password Challenge Questions

    Password Challenge Questions

  6. Once you've answered all the questions correctly, the New Password prompt displays. Type your new password in the first field and type the password again to confirm it in the field below.

    Figure 26-9 New Password Prompt

    New Password Prompt

  7. Select Process to store your new password. If the system accepts the password, a confirmation message is shown indicating your password has been changed.

  8. Press Enter to acknowledge this prompt and return to the Register Login screen.


    The system may enforce certain rules regarding passwords, such as the minimum number of characters required or whether you can reuse an old password.

    If your new password is not valid, press Enter to acknowledge the validation prompt and try again.

Using the Dashboard

The goal of the dashboard is to automatically show timely sales data information- collected from various areas within the organization-in one place. The data shown on the screen is an analysis as to how your business is operating; using graphics, summaries, and lists to display the information.

Information shown on the Dashboard includes:

  • Sales Performance - WTD, MTD, and YTD values as a running totals section, up to and including the current day's sales

  • Net Sales for the Top 5 Departments from today

  • The top 5 best-selling items from today

  • The top 5 sales associates from today

  • Store Goals performance data

In addition to the information displayed on the page, menu options are provided to allow you to view and print the Flash Sales report, the Daily Sales report, the Best Sellers report, and the Employee Tasks report.

To view the dashboard, select the Dashboard option from the Reporting menu and press Enter.

Figure 26-10 Reporting Menu

Reporting Menu

Dashboard Information

The Dashboard screen is divided into several informational areas as shown in the figure below:

Figure 26-11 Dashboard Screen

Dashboard Screen


Generally, when a store is closed each night, the system date (current calendar date) and the business date will be the same. In cases of 24/7 trading, when the store is not closed for the night and reopened the next morning, the system date and business date will not be the same date. The business date remains unchanged, and the system date reflects the current calendar date.

For example, the date shown on the top of the report (dashboard) is Friday November 5, 2021. This is the business date.

The date highlighted in the Goals Performance area shows the start and end dates as 8 November. This reflects the system date, that is, when the report was run.

Sales Performance

This section shows the Gross Sales, Returns, and Net Sales for Today, a year ago (Today - last year), Week-to-Date, Month-to-Date, and Year-to-Date. The data displayed in this section is a running totals section. This information shows the current day's sales in near real time, so these values change depending on when the Dashboard is displayed.


Additional 'sales data is available on the Flash Sales and other Sales reports.

Top 5 Departments

This section shows a graph representing the top 5 department sales. One axis of the graph shows the Net Sales dollars, and the other shows the Department ID.

Top 5 Performers

This section shows the top 5 sales associates from today, listed in descending order, based on Net Sales dollars. In addition to Net Sales dollars, the Units per Transaction (UPT), and Average Sale dollars are also displayed.


How the UPT and Average Sale data are calculated:

Units per transaction = total units sold/# of transactions

Average Sale = Net Sales/# of transactions

Hot 5 Items

This section shows the top 5 selling items from today. The items are ranked in descending order, based on Net Sales dollars. The item ID, description, and quantity sold are shown for each item in the list.


Non-merchandise items are not included in this list.

Store Goals Performance

This section shows the currently active goals for the store. Information shown here includes the goal description, effective and ending dates, the goal, and the percent completed toward the goal.

Sales and Productivity Dashboard

You can review the Oracle Retail XBRi Sales and Productivity dashboard from Xstore.

To view the XBRi Sales and Productivity Dashboard:

  1. Select Inventory Reports from the Back Office Reporting Menu.

  2. Select XBRi Sales & Productivity from the Inventory Reports menu.

    Xstore Classic calls the URL to XBRi.

    Figure 26-12 Reporting Menu

    Reporting Menu

  3. Login to XBRi Cloud Services using your User name and Password.

    Figure 26-13 XBRi Login Screen

    XBRi Login Screen

  4. The Sales Analysis screen is displayed.

    Figure 26-14 XBRI Sales Analysis Screen with Data

    XBRI Sales Analysis Screen with Data

  5. Select report parameters as required such as Region, District, Store and Period.

    Figure 26-15 XBRi Sales Analysis Screen

    XBRi Sales Analysis Screen

  6. Select Period Trend.

    Figure 26-16 XBRi Sales Analysis Period Trend

    XBRi Sales Analysis Period Trend

    Figure 26-17 XBRi Sales Analysis

    XBRi Sales Analysis

Select X to close the screen and return to Xstore Classic.

Opening a Browser

Your system may provide an option to access a web browser for navigating Internet sites. The option is available from the Back Office Main Menu. If this option is available to you, you may have a selection of browsers from which you can choose.

  1. Select the Browser option from the Back Office Main Menu Associate option.

    Figure 26-18 Associate Menu - Browser Option

    Associate Menu - Browser Option

  2. Select an option from the configured websites listed on the Browser menu. Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate among the options and press Enter.

    Figure 26-19 Browser Menu Options

    Browser Menu Options

    The system opens the supported browser within the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service application and displays the website that you selected. For example, Oracle website is shown in the figure that follows. The Browser option allows you to access information without having to exit from Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service.


    Certain plugins such as ActiveX and Flash are not supported, therefore specific websites may not load or display as expected.

    The Classic Xstore embedded browser only supports pages that are fully compatible with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web browser.

  3. If you navigate to additional websites from within the browser, use the Browser Back or the Browser Forward options to navigate among other websites that you visited during a browser session.

    Figure 26-20 Browser Buttons

    Browser Buttons

  4. After you are finished working in the web browser, select the Back option to return to the list of websites on the Browser Menu in Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service. You may then repeatedly use Back to return to previous screens as necessary.

Exchanging Serial Numbers

This option allows a serialized item to be exchanged and the new serial number to be linked with the old transaction. Blind or unverified returns are not supported.

Figure 26-21 Inventory Menu - Serial Number Exchange

Serial Number Exchange

  1. Select Serial Number Exchange from the Inventory menu.

    Figure 26-22 Customer Search

    Customer Search

  2. Enter the criteria to search for the customer.

    Figure 26-23 Transaction Search

    Transaction Search

  3. Scan the receipt or manually enter the receipt information to bring up the transaction. When the receipt has one or more serialized items in the transaction only those serialized items will display as a list.

    Figure 26-24 Select Item

    Select Item

  4. Select an item from the list to exchange the serial number listed with the new serial number.

    Figure 26-25 Serial Number Exchange Reason Code List

    Serial Number Exchange - Reason Codes

  5. Select a reason code from the list.

    Figure 26-26 Serial Number Exchange Comment Prompt

    Serial Number Exchange Comment Prompt

  6. Enter a comment as to why the exchange is required and press OK.

    Figure 26-27 New Serial Number Prompt

    New Serial Number Prompt

  7. Scan or enter the new serial number.

    Figure 26-28 Serial Number Exchange More Items Prompt

    Serial Number Exchange More Items Prompt

  8. When there is more than one item to exchange, select the option Enter More Items and repeat steps 4 to 7, otherwise select Continue.

    Figure 26-29 Complete Serial Number Exchange Prompt

    Complete Serial Number Exchange Prompt

  9. Select OK to complete the serial number exchange.

    A receipt ticket prints listing each item exchanged and the new serial number for each item. Only the items that have new serialized numbers will print on the ticket. The exchange receipt does not display the price but shows Exchange Receipt.


    If a customer decides to return a serialized item, that had been exchanged, the system will have the latest serial number on file for that item.