57 Till Maintenance

Till Maintenance options control the funds in the till. All forms of the Mobile device, that is Desktop, Thin Client, Tablet, and Handheld devices provide this functionality. Select from the following options:

  • Cash Pickup: Select this option to perform a cash pickup transaction. See Cash Pickup.

  • Cash Transfer: Select this option to transfer cash to a till. See Cash Transfer (From Store Safe To Till).

  • Mid-day Deposit: Select this option to perform a mid-day deposit transaction, which allows a manager to place funds into a store safe during a working session. See Mid-day Deposit.

  • Till Audit: Select this option to perform a till audit (a count performed on an active till to check against system value). See Till Audit.


Many Till Maintenance options are controlled by user security and may not be available to all associates.

Cash Pickup

Cash Pickup is a till feature that allows an associate to take cash from a till so that the amount does not exceed a specified threshold amount. Each tender type that is physically in the till can be picked up, for example, cash, foreign currencies, or coupons. The system may be configured to prompt for an associate to make a cash pickup when the amount in the till is greater than the threshold amount.


Your system's configuration may specify the maximum amount that should be kept in a till. If that amount is exceeded after completing the tendering process for a transaction, the system may display a prompt indicating that a cash pickup should be made. However, you do not have to wait for this prompt to make a cash pickup. After you have assigned a customer to a transaction or added items to a sale, you cannot perform a cash pickup.

  1. At the Main Menu screen, select and log in to display the Till menu, then select Till Maintenance to display the Till Maintenance menu.

  2. Select Cash Pickup from the Till Maintenance menu.

  3. If necessary, scan the cash drawer on which to perform the cash pickup.

  4. If your store is configured for foreign cash currency tenders to be given as change, select the type of tender from the list.

    Figure 57-1 Cash Pickup Currency List

    Cash Pickup Currency List

    Figure 57-2 Handheld Cash Pickup Currency List

    Mobile Handheld Cash Pickup Currency List
  5. At the Cash Pickup prompt, enter the cash amount that you are picking up and press OK.

    Figure 57-3 Cash Pickup Amount

    Cash Pickup Amount

    Figure 57-4 Handheld Cash Pickup Amount

    Mobile Handheld Cash Pickup Amount

    Repeat for each currency to pick up. Use Back to return to the list of currencies.


    Your system's configuration may specify the minimum amount that should be kept in a till. If you try to remove an amount that results in the till amount going below this level, the system displays a prompt indicating the amount that must remain in the till after a pickup. Press OK to return to the Cash Pickup amount prompt.

  6. When all required currency amounts have been entered, select Counting Complete.

    Figure 57-5 Cash Pickup Counting Complete

    Cash Pickup Counting Complete

    Figure 57-6 Handheld Cash Pickup Counting Complete

    Mobile Handheld Cash Pickup Counting Complete
  7. Remove the cash from the till and close the drawer.

    The system prints a receipt for this cash pickup transaction.

    Figure 57-7 Cash Pickup Transaction Receipt

    Cash Pickup Transaction Receipt

Cash Transfer (From Store Safe To Till)

Cash Transfer moves cash from the store safe to a till. To perform a Cash Transfer from the store safe to a till, do the following:

  1. At the Main Menu screen, select Till then select Till Maintenance to display the Till Maintenance menu. In the Till Maintenance menu, select the Cash Transfer option. See Figure 23-11.


    If the register has more than one cash drawer, you may be prompted to select the till to be used for this process.

  2. If necessary, scan the cash drawer on which to perform the cash transfer.

    Figure 57-8 Scan Cash Drawer Prompt

    Scan Cash Drawer Prompt
  3. If your store is configured for foreign cash currency tenders to be given as change, select the type of tender from the list.

    Figure 57-9 Handheld Cash Transfer Currency List

    Handheld Cash Transfer Currency List

    The cash drawer is popped open.

  4. Enter the amount of cash you would like to transfer and then press OK.

    Figure 57-10 Cash Transfer Amount Prompt

    Cash Transfer Amount Prompt

    Figure 57-11 Handheld Cash Transfer Amount

    Mobile Handheld Cash Transfer Amount

    Repeat for each currency to transfer. Use Back to return to the list of currencies.

  5. When all required currency amounts have been entered, select Counting Complete.

    Figure 57-12 Cash Transfer Counting Complete

    Cash Transfer

    Figure 57-13 Handheld Cash Transfer Counting Complete

    Mobile Handheld Cash Transfer Counting Complete
  6. A receipt prints for the cash transfer and Xstore POS returns to the Till Maintenance menu. The cash transfer is complete.

    Figure 57-14 Cash Transfer Receipt

    Cash Transfer Receipt

Mid-day Deposit

Mid-day Deposit allows you to place funds from a register into the store safe during a working session. This activity is not necessarily restricted to a specific time and may be used as often as necessary.

  1. At the Main Menu screen, select Till then select Till Maintenance to display the Till Maintenance menu. In the Till Maintenance menu, select the Till Audit option.


    If the register has more than one cash drawer, you may be prompted to select the till to be used for this process.

  2. If necessary, scan the cash drawer on which to perform the cash transfer.

    Figure 57-15 Scan Cash Drawer Prompt

    Scan Cash Drawer Prompt
  3. The Count Summary screen displays a list of tender groups that may be removed from the till and deposited in the store safe. Select the tender type you want to count and select the Count Selected option.

  4. Enter each value as required in the focus bar. The tender type you select, and your system's configuration determine the type of count you must perform.

    Figure 57-16 Mid-day Count

    Mid-day Count

    Figure 57-17 Handheld Mid-day Count

    Mobile Handheld Mid-day Count
  5. If additional funds are to be placed into the store safe, select the Next Group option to display the input screen for the next tender type.

    1. Enter the count and amount values for the next tender group that you selected.

      Figure 57-18 Mid-day Denomination Count

      Mid-day Denomination Count


      You may select Prior Group to return to the previous tender group in the list.

      Figure 57-19 Handheld Mid-day Count

      Mobile Handheld Mid-day Count
    2. Select Back to return to the list of all tender groups.

    Repeat for each tender group to deposit.

    Figure 57-20 Mid-day Count Summary

    Mid-day Count Summary

    Figure 57-21 Handheld Counting Complete

    Mobile Handheld Counting Complete
  6. When all tenders’ groups have been entered, select the Counting Complete option.

  7. The system prints a receipt for the Mid-day deposit.

  8. Close the cash drawer. The system returns to the Main Menu.

Till Audit

Till Audit provides the capability to select a tender type, record its total current value, and see if that value balances with the amount that the system shows for the same tender. The system calculates and displays any difference (over/short) between the two amounts.


Till audit does not adjust the till counts; it is used only to count the till while it is attached to a register.

A Till Audit may be performed any time after the Beginning Count and before the Ending Count. The till does not need to be removed after the audit is completed.

  1. At the Main Menu screen, select Till then select Till Maintenance to display the Till Maintenance menu. In the Till Maintenance menu, select the Till Audit option.


    If the register has more than one cash drawer, you may be prompted to select the till to be used for this process.

  2. If necessary, scan the cash drawer on which to perform the cash transfer.

    Figure 57-22 Scan Cash Drawer Prompt

    Scan Cash Drawer Prompt
  3. At the Count Summary screen, select the tender type you want to count and select the Count Selected option.

  4. Enter each value as required in the focus bar. The tender type you select, and your system's configuration determine the type of count you must perform.

    Figure 57-23 Till Audit Tender List

    Till Audit

    Figure 57-24 Handheld Till Audit Tender List

    Mobile Handheld Till Audit Tender List


    The difference between the Declared Amount (your count) and the System Amount is the amount remaining in the till.

  5. Select a tender and enter the amount. The tender type you select, and your system's configuration determine the type of count you must perform.

    Figure 57-25 Till Audit Denomination

    Till Audit Denomination

    Figure 57-26 Handheld Till Audit Count

    Mobile Handheld Till Audit Count
  6. After you complete the count for the selected group, select the Next Group option, and repeat this step for additional groups that you want to count.

    Figure 57-27 Till Audit Tender Count

    Till Audit Tender Count

    Figure 57-28 Handheld Till Audit Context Menu

    Mobile Handheld Till Audit Context Menu
  7. After you count all groups that you want to audit, select Back to return to the Count Summary screen. Check the Over/Short column to see if your till is now balanced with the system values for each tender type.

    Figure 57-29 Till Audit Count

    Till Audit Count
  8. Select Counting Complete option to conclude your audit of the till.

    Figure 57-30 Till Audit Counting Complete

    Till Audit Counting Complete

    Figure 57-31 Handheld Till Audit Counting Complete

    Mobile Handheld Till Audit Counting Complete
  9. The system prints a Till Audit receipt for your records.

  10. Close the cash drawer. The system returns to the Till Options menu.