A Appendix: About Deployments

This chapter explains how deployments are created and tracked by Oracle Retail Xstore Office and applied by Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service and Oracle Retail Xenvironment. To allow corporate users to easily maintain store systems, Oracle Retail Xstore Office provides the ability to deploy changes directly to retail locations or sets of retail locations. A deployment consists of a file, or set of files, and information dictating how and when it will be processed. Deployments may include Dataloader download files, configuration jar files, debit bin files, encryption cipher files, or update jar files. See Glossary for additional details about these types of files. In this appendix, the file, or files, that will be deployed are referred to as deployment files. In addition to these deployment files, a deployment includes information that allows for precise distribution to the desired target group. This information includes the locations within the hierarchy that will receive the deployment, the date upon which they will be notified of its availability, when they should begin to download it, and when they should apply it

Application Roles

This section describes application roles.

Oracle Retail Xstore Office

Oracle Retail Xstore Office provides an interface for creating deployments. The Configuration Manager and Data Management features are used to create configuration and data changes, and can also be used to upload files of supported types to be included in deployments. Functionality for automatically creating deployments for files that are placed in a location on the file system using header information to determine the target group and target application date is also provided.

Whenever a deployment is created, Oracle Retail Xstore Office is responsible for saving the deployment details in the form of a manifest and uploading any deployment files to the Apache file server. Once a deployment is created, its status can be monitored in real-time using Oracle Retail Xstore Office's Deployment Viewer feature.

Xcenter (a part of Oracle Retail Xstore Office)

Xcenter assumes two critical roles in the deployment process: responsibility for communicating deployments to stores, and responsibility for accepting status-related feedback pertaining to those deployments.

When a store queries for any available deployments, Xcenter assembles a package that includes deployment manifests for deployments that haven't yet been acknowledged as having been received, and connectivity details for the Apache server that is hosting the files related to those deployments.

It also receives and stores status feedback from the store systems when the manifest for a deployment has been received successfully, when a deployment has been downloaded, and when a deployment has been applied.

Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service

The downloaded deployments from Oracle Retail Xenvironment are applied to Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service.

Oracle Retail Xenvironment

Oracle Retail Xenvironment is responsible for querying Xcenter for new deployments and then downloading and applying deployments. It is responsible for forwarding the details of the deployment to the Oracle Retail Xenvironment lead, retaining the details pertaining to it, downloading any necessary deployment files, and properly applying those files. It also reports the status of each of those steps back to Xcenter so that the status of each deployment can be tracked in real-time from Oracle Retail Xstore Office.

Apache (httpd)

Apache is an HTTP server that hosts deployed files so they can be retrieved for application on store systems. When a deployment is initiated from Oracle Retail Xstore Office, files are uploaded to it and stored for later retrieval by Oracle Retail Xenvironment.


DataLoader is responsible for applying any Configuration Manager changes that impact the database, and any other DataLoader download files that have been deployed to stores. It translates data changes from delimited text to database table data.


When you make changes in Data Manager and deploy them, they automatically update the Xcenter database. There is no DataLoader file created and no DataLoader processing necessary. The Xcenter database is updated directly. If anything fails, it can be found in the Xcenter or Oracle Retail Xstore Office log file.

Overview: How Files Are Managed

Oracle Retail Xstore Office's file management capabilities can be used to transfer files to and from the store and corporate environments. Xcenter file management transfers only files required by the Oracle Retail Xstore Suite.

The file management capabilities in Xcenter leverage the Apache Web Server for file downloading and posting.

File Download to Stores

Figure A-1 File Download to Stores

File Download to Stores

  • Multiple incoming channels are used to target file deliveries to stores: file uploads and configuration changes made through the Oracle Retail Xstore Office UI and files dropped by external systems.

  • Oracle Retail Xenvironment retrieves deployments during closing and on a scheduled interval throughout the day. A back office menu option within Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service can also be used to check for updates.

  • Feedback on deployments is published to Xcenter and can be reviewed in Oracle Retail Xstore Office.

File Upload from Stores

Figure A-2 File Upload from Stores

File Upload From Stores

  • Oracle Retail Xenvironment collects logs from in-store systems (pospoll.zip) and uploads to Xcenter.

  • The files are left in a configurable directory location.

  • A customer-specific script can be written to retrieve files from Xcenter in order to move files to their next destination. That process is not provided as part of the Oracle Retail Xstore Suite.

Overview: About The Deployment Manifest

The deployment manifest is an XML-encoded representation of the deployment file and contains instructions Oracle Retail Xenvironment uses for handling the deployment files. The manifest contains no configuration information itself, and is simply a set of instructions to be used by Oracle Retail Xenvironment.

Sample Deployment Manifest
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<deploymentManifest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/ XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="DeploymentManifest.xsd">
<deployment-manifest-version>1</deployment-manifest- version>

deployment-id - The numeric deployment ID from Xcenter. May be included twice:

  • Once on the manifest (generated by Oracle Retail Xstore Office)

  • And once - [OPTIONAL] - on each update

deployment-manifest-version - The version of the deployment manifest.


  • relative-url - The relative path to download the update from. The path is relative to the URL specified in configuration.

  • type - Enumeration values include: CONFIG, APPUPD, DATA, COMPRESSED_DATA, CIP, and DEBITBIN.

  • download-priority - STORE_CLOSE = Download during the close, IMMEDIATE = Download immediately.

  • apply-priority - STORE_CLOSE = Wait until the store close to apply, IMMEDIATE = apply immediately

  • file-hash - The MD5 hash of the file being downloaded.

  • If Oracle Retail Xenvironment receives configs/manifests on a nonlead, they will be forwarded to the lead.

  • If Oracle Retail Xenvironment receives a manifest during the close.

  • Oracle Retail Xenvironment will not attempt to process IMMEDIATE deployments while a close is in progress. They will be processed after the close has completed.

  • The manifest data will be saved to disk.

  • The IMMEDIATE deployments will be processed sometime after the close has completed.

  • The STORE_CLOSE deployments will be processed during that close if the manifest is sent before that point in the close, otherwise they will wait until the next close.

  • A RSS feed named immediate is used for the immediate deployments.

Examples: Deployment Scenarios

This section describes different deployment scenarios.

Deploying an Uploaded File

  1. A file of a supported type is uploaded via the Oracle Retail Xstore Office File Upload feature.

    • Supported files include Dataloader download files, configuration jar files, debit bin files, encryption cipher files, and update jar files.

    • The file is stored on the Oracle Retail Xstore Office server so that it can be deployed.

  2. A file is deployed using the deployment functionality in the File Upload feature.

    • A deployment manifest is created and stored.

    • The file is uploaded to Apache.

  3. The deployment is downloaded and applied at each applicable store. See How a Deployment is Downloaded and Applied for more details.

Deploying a Data Manager Change

  1. A data change, or set of data changes, is made within Oracle Retail Xstore Office's Data Manager feature.

  2. The deployment function within the Data Manager feature is used to schedule a deployment of the session.

    • A deployment manifest is created and stored.

    • An update zip file containing a Dataloader download file with the changes made in the Data Manager session is created and uploaded to Apache.

  3. The deployment is downloaded and applied at each applicable store. See How a Deployment is Downloaded and Applied for more details.

Deploying a Configuration Manager Change

  1. A configuration change is made in Oracle Retail Xstore Office's Configuration Manager feature.

    • Changes can be made at a Master Profile (Global) level, at a more granular Profile Group/Profile Element level, or at a Store-Specific level.

  2. A deployment of the configurations is scheduled via the Configuration Manager.

    • The configuration change is versioned. See Version Tracking of Deployments.

      • A deployment manifest is created and stored.

      • An update zip file is created and uploaded to Apache.

        If XML configuration changes are included, they will be transmitted in the form of a jar file containing all XML configuration changes for all profiles.

        If data configuration changes are included, they will be transmitted in the form of a DataLoader download file including data changes for the target profile.

  3. The deployment is downloaded and applied at each applicable store. See How a Deployment is Downloaded and Applied for more details.

  4. The Master Profile (Global) and any assigned Profile Group/Profile Element details are represented on the store system as configuration path entries (for example, Profile Group: COUNTRY/Profile Element: CANADA would be represented as :COUNTRY/CANADA), and determine which of the configurations in the configuration jar apply to the location.

Deploying a File Automatically

  1. A Dataloader download file, including header details that describe the deployment target area and deployment date, is placed in an automatic deployment location on the Oracle Retail Xstore Office server.

  2. Oracle Retail Xstore Office automatically detects the presence of the file and creates a deployment for it, using the provided target details to target the appropriate systems on the appropriate date.

    • A deployment manifest is created and stored.

    • The download file is uploaded to Apache.

  3. The deployment is downloaded and applied at each applicable store. See How a Deployment is Downloaded and Applied for more details.

Version Tracking of Deployments

Oracle Retail Xstore Office creates and tracks version numbers for each set of configurations that are deployed at the Master Profile (Global) level, at a more granular Profile Group/Profile Element level, or at a Store-Specific level.

  1. When a configuration change is saved to a profile (this could be Master/Default, a specific profile element, or a store-specific profile), a version number is assigned to the change.

    1. Version numbers start at 1 and increment by 1. 1 is the first version for a profile element, 2 is the second version, and so on.

    2. Additional changes made to the same profile will continue to accumulate with the same version number until deployment for the profile is scheduled.

  2. When deployment for a profile is scheduled, the current profile version is "locked" to ensure that no new changes can be made to the version.

  3. After a profile version is locked, new changes made to the profile will use a new version number. If version 3 of a profile was locked, new changes will be assigned to version 4 up until the point where deployment for profile version 4 is scheduled.

How a Deployment is Downloaded and Applied

  1. Oracle Retail Xenvironment queries Xcenter for any open deployments at a fixed interval.

  2. When Oracle Retail Xenvironment receives deployment details, it processes them in an appropriate manner.

    • An update message is sent to Xcenter to indicate that each manifest has been successfully received.

    • Connectivity details are stored so they can be used to download deployed files.

  3. Oracle Retail Xenvironment stores each deployment either for immediate download or download during the closing process.

    • If a deployment is scheduled for immediate download, Oracle Retail Xenvironment will begin to download the file immediately.

    • If a deployment is scheduled for download during the close, Oracle Retail Xenvironment will wait until the nightly closing process is initiated to begin downloading the file.

  4. Oracle Retail Xenvironment applies each downloaded deployment at the appropriate time.

    • If a deployment is scheduled to be applied immediately (applies to MNT files, DAT files, and application updates only), Oracle Retail Xenvironment executes the jar. (DataLoader is not used to apply immediate application updates).


      Oracle Retail Xenvironment will stop Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service before applying an immediate application update, but it the responsibility of the code within the jar file to restart Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service, not Oracle Retail Xenvironment.

    • If a deployment is scheduled to be applied during the closing process, it will be handled properly during that process.

      • Dataloader download files are applied via the Dataloader on the lead Oracle Retail Xenvironment register.

        If the download data was provided by any feature other than the Configuration Manager, it is loaded into the DB.

        If the download data was provided by the Configuration Manager, it is loaded into the DB only if the system's configuration path includes the associated profile.

      • Update jar files are applied by distributing them to each system and executing them.

      • Encryption cipher files are applied by distributing them to each system.

      • Debit bin files are applied by distributing them to each system.

      • Configuration Manager jar files are applied by distributing them to each system.

Deployment: Basic Troubleshooting

This section describes basic deployment troubleshooting scenarios.

Deployments not uploaded successfully to apache

When a deployment cannot be uploaded successfully to Apache, the cause will typically be one or more of the following four issues. See the xcenter-admin.log and server.log files on the Oracle Retail Xstore Office server to determine which of the issues is the cause for the failure.

  1. The Apache URL configured in the xcenter.properties file is incorrect.

  2. The Apache credentials configured in the xcenter.properties file are incorrect.

  3. The SSL certificate for the Apache server is not located in the truststore file in the xcenter-config\res\ssl folder.

  4. The Apache server cannot be reached from the Oracle Retail Xstore Office system.

Deployments not being downloaded and applied by Xenvironment

When Oracle Retail Xenvironment is unable to download a deployment from the Apache server, the cause will typically be one or more of the following three issues. See the environment's process.log file to determine which of the issues is the cause for the failure.

  1. The URL provided in the manifest cannot be reached from the store.

  2. The SSL certificate needed to communicate with the Apache server is not present in the trusted.ca-bundle file.

  3. The Oracle Retail Xenvironment role of one or more of the registers in the store is incorrectly configured.

Deployments downloaded and applied by Xenvironment, no Status Information appears in Xstore Office

When Oracle Retail Xenvironment is unable to transmit status information to Xcenter, the cause is typically related to the DataSourceConfig file's Xcenter DataSource not including a GetUpdates context path. Confirm that this path is present and accurate, and add it if it is missing.